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I am a Managing Partner at Brookside Strategies, LLC, an energy and utility management consulting firm based in Darien, Connecticut. I've spilled blood, sweat and tears grappling with the full spectrum of barriers and misconceptions about distributed generation and energy-efficiency technologies. Previously, I practiced law in New York City at Paul Weiss Rifkind Garrison & Wharton, LLP and Jenner & Block, LLP. I also attended journalism school at Columbia University and earned a JD at Stanford Law School. I've written about energy and environmental issues for Forbes, The Nation, Mother Jones and several other publications. I am the Chair of the Northeast Clean Heat and Power Initiative. Drop me a line - or two - at wmp@cleanbeta.com.

Contact William Pentland

The author is a Forbes contributor. The opinions expressed are those of the writer.

Energy 199,442 views

Lockheed Martin Claims Fusion Breakthrough That Could Change World Forever

Lockheed Martin, the aerospace and defense conglomerate based in Bethesda, Md., is claiming to have made a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion, which could lead to development of reactors small enough to fit on the back of a truck within a decade.

In the simplest terms, nuclear fission breaks a single atom into two whereas nuclear fusion combines two atoms into one.

Fusion, the holy grail of nuclear power, creates three to four times as much energy as fission. More importantly, fusion’s key advantage over fission is that it does not produce cancer-causing radioactive waste.

Tom McGuire, who heads the project, told Reuters that his team had been working on fusion energy at Lockheed’s Skunk Works program for the past four years, but decided to go public with the news now to recruit additional partners in industry and government to support their work.

Last year, while speaking at Google’s Solve for X program, Charles Chase Chase, a research scientist at Skunk Works, described Lockheed’s effort to build a trailer-sized fusion power plant that turns cheap and plentiful hydrogen (deuterium and tritium) into helium plus enough energy to power a small city.

“It’s safe, it’s clean, and Lockheed is promising an operational unit by 2017 with assembly line production to follow, enabling everything from unlimited fresh water to engines that take spacecraft to Mars Mars in one month instead of six,” Evan Ackerman wrote in a post about Chase’s Google Google talk on Dvice.

The key breakthrough involves using a “magnetic bottle” to contain the vast amount of heat, which rises into the hundreds of millions of degrees, created by the nuclear reaction. Containing and controlling the staggering levels of heat and pressure involved has hampered countless previous efforts to use fusion for generating electricity. The challenges associated with controlling the heat and pressure created by nuclear fusion has been especially difficult at smaller scales, which makes Lockheed’s claimed breakthrough all the more impressive.

“By containing this reaction, we can release [the heat] in a controlled fashion to create energy we can use,” Lockheed said in a statement. “The heat energy created using this compact fusion reactor will drive turbine generators by replacing the combustion chambers with simple heat exchangers. In turn, the turbines will then generate electricity or the propulsive power for a number of applications.”

Lockheed said in a statement that it would build a pilot fusion reactor in the next year.

If it works, the world will be a different place.

But in the meantime the emphasis should remain on the word “if.”

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  • Ed Reid Ed Reid 1 week ago

    In research, the emphasis is always on the word “if”.

  • Hey, this is well passed the research stage; it is at full-blown development and ready for commercialization. That is why it is a breakthrough; indeed, the human species is taking with this a gigantic leap forward…thanks to free-entrepreneurism (well, partially, given that the vast majority of behemoth companies in America are in a cozy relationship with government, resembling selective-corporatism, the main trademark of fascism, which in turn is nothing else but selective-corporatism half-baked socialism.

  • I genuinely hope this technology functions, and can be implemented rapidly. Not only is it important for the end to fission nuclear waste, but can give redundancy and locality to the energy grid nationally.

    The off world colonization program just got a major boost, and we can perhaps say goodbye to black lung, a disease having killed countless coal miners for centuries.

    The ecological improvements with the obsolescence of the coal industry would be astounding to our soil and water table. Perhaps we could get rid of the monopolistic tending power companies who have kept a dangerous, pitiless energy infrastructure our grandfathers built band-aided and taped together to the tune of billions in profit while elderly who simply could not pay their bills froze to death in winter.

    Wow, let’s hope technology can do what social justice cannot. The sooner the better.

    The Lone Comic TM
    Defender of Creativity and Entertainment SM

  • psumba80 psumba80 1 week ago

    Help me out here … There are NO commercial fusion reactors today. There are NO instances where a fusion process has generated more sustainable energy than what has been fed into it. Suddenly, Lockheed is claiming that they will be making truck sized reactor that can generate power for “a small city”.

    What am I missing here? Have they been given alien technology to commercialize … or is someone using too many recreational drugs?

  • William Pentland William Pentland, Contributor 1 week ago

    @psumba80, I also felt a bit incredulous when I learned about Lockheed’s purported fusion breakthrough. On the other hand, it seems like the Pentagon’s largest contractor would have to be spectacularly stupid to launch a major media campaign championing scientific claims that could not survive heavy scrutiny.

  • psumba80 psumba80 1 week ago

    I don’t want to sound like I walk around with a tin foil hat on, but the one item in my comment that you didn’t pursue was that this technology could have been “discovered” from a source much more advanced than we are.

    Look at many of the “technological leaps” that we have made. In a few years, we went from capitalizing on impurities in silicon that emulated a vacuum tube to billions of circuits lithographed on a block of impure silicon. From basic plastic synthesis to Kevlar … from incandescent light to LED’s … from bundles of copper to a single strand of glass.

    Compare these leaps to the engineering in our basic industries. Products that reflect the evolution of human ingenuity… like automobiles, heating & cooling, and building construction hasn’t really changed much in 60 years.

    Each of the leaps that I mentioned are from items that you could reverse engineer from a spacecraft. Is this fusion reactor technology another one of these “externally inspired leaps”?

    Perhaps I should watch out for people with black suits knocking on my door, but I’m surprised that more people don’t ask the question that I just did.

  • jameskirk jameskirk 1 week ago

    Question Bill, do they have anything working to show? We hear an awful lot of chatter from these boys in hot fusion. The last fifty years it is mostly, “Real soon now, but we need another $20 billion.”

  • Da Johnson Da Johnson 6 days ago

    In 2 years, Mr. McGuire will either have a Nobel Prize or be totally unemployable.

  • have you guys noticed that this announcement coincides with Boeing’s X-37B just returning from a 2-year mission in space? My guess is that is what they were testing up there. The viability of the reactor in powering military aircraft/submarines and etc. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-10-14/x-37b-super-secret-spaceship-comes-back-to-earth-after-two-years

  • O C O C 5 days ago

    theories of gravitational field disruption would also require vast amounts of relatively portable energy to make the craft we think of possible, so? All I know is we have been researching fusion for sometime. The sooner we have a better energy source the sooner our race will evolve socially. Past time for the extinction of relics of war and commodities like oil and coal. Imagine! A world were peoples needs are met. We can still have a class system, someone can still have a yacht and believe others are envious of them. And others can be happy knowing their and their families needs are met and secured. Then we can move on from there.

  • Jay Dick Jay Dick 1 week ago

    I’ll believe it when I see that it works. This sounds too good to be true; is it?

  • Don LaDue Don LaDue 1 week ago

    I agree but this company has a reputation of doing cutting edge work. They are not frauds, that is for sure. Are they mistaken? Maybe.

  • Fred Zoepfl Fred Zoepfl 1 week ago

    “Fusion, the holy grail of nuclear power, creates three to four times as much energy as fission.” Come on, get serious. How would fusion create “3-4 times as much energy as fission”? I’m guessing you weren’t a physics major.

    If you believe that nonsense, then you will absolutely love these guys: nanospireinc.com/Fusion.html. They can cause thermonuclear fusion, fission and transmutation (the same reactions that ocur in stars!!!), all through the amazing power of cavitation, “zero point energy” and the “LeClair Effect.” These geniuses can make “any element in the periodic table” from plain water and a metal plate. The only problem is you have to be crazy as a bedbug or a complete moron to believe this. Nevertheless, perhaps you can help them get that “boatload of money” they’ve been waiting to get for years.

  • Ema Nymton Ema Nymton 1 week ago

    It’s great news; the weapons we currently have are not devastating enough. We need to become better, more efficient murderers…

  • Hey, don’t you know that the Hydrogen Bomb, developed and deployed in the early 1950s by the U.S.A, the USSR, China, Britain and France is a nuclear-fusion weapon?

    The reactor Lockheed-Martin developed and soon will produce commercially is a breakthrough in the sense that this a case of harnessed nuclear-fusion, not as in the hydrogen bomb, which is raw, unleashed nuclear-fusion.

  • The system bears a resemblance to the gasdynamic mirror proposed roughly 10 to 12 years ago for space propulsion. The pinch at each end is a feature. Perhaps they’ve added a new wrinkle…

  • goatrope goatrope 1 week ago

    Does Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works really do its own promotional videos for youtube? Or is this an elaborate, well-executed prank?

  • jameskirk jameskirk 1 week ago

    Very curious timing to apparently counter the oil price collapse coincidental to the Swedish Power Research Consortium – ELFORSK & Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences latest validation of a chemo-nuclear reactor manufactured by USA startup Industrial Heat LLC of Raleigh, NC. The difference is the Swedish/Industrial Heat product ran for 32 days producing non-radiative heat at nuclear energy densities: http://www.elforsk.se/LENR-matrapport-publicerad

    While one hopes Lockheed can meet or beat this remarkably high bar of technology – it is likely even the famous Lockheed Skunkworks is diminished by superior powers.

  • Alright, finally, now electric-cars could make perfect sense, which means, bye-bye Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle-East petroleum-exporters, as well as as Russia, which has Western Europe by the neck with natural gas and petroleum exports.

    A new world is now here, particularly when the reactor in question passed the research and prototype stages; it is ready for commercial deployment, but mass production will be start in two years.

    What we non-leftists must do, however, is impede the Left from delaying or from even thwarting the deployment of those Lockheed-Martin reactors.

    We must start writing and phoning and emailing –and visiting the offices of– our non-leftist servants in the U.S. Congress about it.

    Here in California, I am shackled in that sense; the two U.S. Senators and the U.S. House Representatives are all leftists. They for sure are against this great perspective: America’s Energy Entire Independence.

  • goodasgold goodasgold 6 days ago

    Fusion power is a game changer. It will put Russia and the Middle East countries out of business. They have nothing else. The USD is also tied to oil via the petro dollar. Suddenly, we will need a new global reserve currency or peg. Iran will have no excuse for nuclear development. It could start wars or end them. In any event, ET has been using fusion power for years. They stop by to fill up their space ships with sea water. Colonization of Mars becomes feasible along with distant space travel.

  • Jay Jay Jay Jay 6 days ago

    Gee Wiz, next they will eliminate all the Cost Overruns for the F35 Program and I will truly believe in Miracles.

  • Mike Leonard Mike Leonard 6 days ago

    The e-cat by Andrea Rossi has already been verified by third party testing to be nuclear powered. It produced 1400 degrees C for over 1 month using nickel, lithium and hydrogen. Over the 1 month, the isotopes of the nickel and lithium actually changed. No outside radiation could be detected. This device actually exists and is safe. The testing was exhaustive. If you search e-cat Andrea Rossi you can find the original verification paper. The device can fit on a laptop. This device will change the world and Andrea Rossi will be the most famous scientist of this century. Please spread the word.

  • Fred Zoepfl Fred Zoepfl 5 days ago

    You must be on drugs. Could you please tell me what kind so that I could get some? Rossi’s scam purports to transmute nickel into copper, which is an ENDOTHERMIC reaction. Now if he could convert copper into nickel he would really have something (at current LME prices). According to Rossi, his “device” emits no ionizing radiation, a physical impossibility for the kind of nuclear reaction he is proposing. If you are really gullible and ignorant enough to buy Rossi’s nonsense, then you will love these guys: nanospireinc.com/Fusion.html. Maybe you could invest in them, because they are even crazier than Rossi.

  • Doubtful that the oil and coal companies will allow this to go much further.

  • OMG, I can’t wait to seen how this will play out in American politics. I can see the lobbyists for coal, natural gas and oil just pulling their hair out about which politicians they can buy to stall the implementation of this tech. W. VA, ND, SD, TX this will be a backbraker for any politician who supports the “job-killing” tech. Excited to watch the fur start flying.

  • drwtr drwtr 6 days ago

    Fortunately, there are new fusion concepts coming up around the corner. http://youtu.be/u8n7j5k-_G8

  • James Brock James Brock 6 days ago

    This is a very exciting report. However, I have three comments / questions:

    1) If this works, how much will it cost?
    2) The “environmentalist” wing of the Moonbat Society will find something wrong with this–probably that Helium is making the earth float away.
    3) If something seems “too good to be true;” it probably is!

    I won’t be holding my breath…but I hold out hope that this works and we can shut down our dependence on foreign oil!

  • Fred Zoepfl Fred Zoepfl 5 days ago

    My only question is, why didn’t you save this preposterous story for April Fools’ Day?

  • Fred Zoepfl Fred Zoepfl 5 days ago

    “Fusion, the holy grail of nuclear power, creates three to four times as much energy as fission.” And what is your basis for this ridiculous statement? How could fusion create “3-4 times as much energy” as fission? Remember E=mc2?? Maybe you could ask someone who actually knows something about this subject for some expert advice before you make unsubstantiated claims.

  • butternuts butternuts 4 days ago

    I read the story, I watch the video, and I can’t help but remember the Edsel. I suspect most of those who are following these comments have no idea who Edsel was, or his namesake. see: http://content.time.com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1658545_1657867_1657781,00.html

  • its really disheartening to see what should be a respectable company spreading foolishness around. Don’t they know that their audience online is physicists and engineers?

  • Can you imagine how truly revolutionary this tech would be? No more drought in California-because affordable desalinization. No more war in the middle-east-because no need to protect oil reserves. Europe can say goodbye to Russia and Putin-because no more need for natural gas through Ukraine. What a paradigm shift in International Politics. Now, if we can only keep the Chinese from stealing the tech!