Triple Pundit - People, Planet, Profit

Triple Pundit - People, Planet, Profit

2,026 members
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About the Triple Pundit - People, Planet, Profit Group

Triple Pundit is the new conversation about integrating people, planet, and profits into today's businesses.

We are critical optimists who write about the creation and... more »
Triple Pundit is the new conversation about integrating people, planet, and profits into today's businesses.

We are critical optimists who write about the creation and development of sustainable organizations, brands, and business cultures- innovative solutions to make business better. 3p covers the startups in garages, the corporate titans and the cube dwelling change agents - those who realize that true profitability is more than financial and material gain.

We strive to bring solutions to the forefront, but we don't have all the answers. You can help us shape the future of 3P -- and conscious business -- by joining in the conversation and sharing your ideas. Together, we can make business better.

Triple Pundit is one of the world's most well-read websites on the subject of responsible business with a fast growing audience of over 100,000 unique readers a month. Our audience is composed of sustainability decision makers, consultants, entrepreneurs, corporate change agents, MBA students and others who seek to create a better world through the power of business. is a Certified BCorp. « less

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About this Group

  • Created: March 11, 2009
  • Type: Professional Group
  • Members: 2,026