Author Archives: Zachary Shahan

Shocking Ocean & Ocean Animal Facts

August 26th, 2011 | by Zachary Shahan

This awesome infographic below, created by a Reusable Shopping Bags, is sure to present you with a handful of shocking ocean facts. In fact, I've never seen an infographic with so many amazing facts I wasn't previously aware of. From the facts about marine animals to those about the ocean as a whole to those about oil and pollution in the ocean, there's a lot of both fascinating and disturbing stuff here. It doesn't discuss the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean Garbage Patches, but I guess that's old news now

Plastic in Our Oceans, & How to Keep it Out {Infographic}

July 28th, 2011 | by Zachary Shahan

Plastic oceans. Sea creatures full of plastic. This is a reality today. Tons and tons of plastic now live in the oceans of the world. There’s a Great Pacific Garbage Patch and a Great Atlantic Garbage Patch and many other garbage patches now. And, sadly, they grow every day, because we continue to produce amounts of plastic that are hard to even comprehend

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