¡Ask a Mexican! Happy Birthday: Thoughts on 10 Years of Raising DESMADRE

DEAR MEXICAN: I'm interested in a job that says it is a plus to have an understanding of Latin, Spanish and Mexican music. I found out some names of musical styles including tejano, norteño, mariachi, banda, cumbia, merengue, flamenco and so on. I'm wondering if there is a way to form a "good ear" for the different styles of music and, if asked, could explain them on a structural basis and know something about the artists. I know they have introduction books and CD programs for classical and jazz, but I was wondering if there were a similar one for Latin music. Or some similar learning method. Can ya help a gabacho out?

Gabacho Who Seeketh Knowledge

P.S. Will this kind of knowledge give me an "in" with the Latin ladies, or does that just come with salsa dancing?

DEAR GABACHO: True story—an amigo of mine once texted me that he was going to a Romeo Santos concert and wanted to know who he was. I immediately texted back that he was going to chichis heaven, that there would probably be 14,999 shrieking women—all of them 10s—to see the bachata superstar, and he'd be the only straight male. He replied that he wished he knew that information beforehand because he had taken a date to the concert: "A 10," he wrote, "but I'm surrounded by 12s!"

For the last time, men: Women in general love to dance, but it's a requirement to bed a mexicana. Men: You need to learn the slow groove of a cumbia, the flips of salsa, the hip-shaking beauty of merengue, a proper waltz or polka to be able to dance to norteño and banda sinaloense—all of it will lead to choni-melting abilities. I'm not going to direct you, Seeketh Knowledge, to any books or CDs to learn Latin music's many grooves, but rather urge you to become a quinceañera crasher—cute second cousins there for días!

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¡FELÍZ BIRTHDAY, ¡ASK A MEXICAN!! This week marks the 10-year anniversary of this infernal columna—10 pinche years already! The Mexican is not much for retrospectives—that's a gabacho thing—but I do want to take a moment to offer thanks to a couple of cabrones: former OC Weekly editor Will Swaim for giving me the idea for the column; VICE Media chingón Daniel Hernández for writing the Los Angeles Times profile that changed my life; Scribner for printing ¡Ask a Mexican! in best-selling book form; mi chula esposa for all her support and pickling my peppers (and that is not a metaphor); Tom Leykis for hosting a call-in-version of ¡Ask a Mexican! all these years (subscribe to his podcast at www.blowmeuptom.com); all the haters, whose vile words remind me why I started writing this in the primera place; my friends and familia for the obvious reasons; the Albuquerque Alibi for being the first newspaper besides my home periódico to have the huevos to run the column; and, lastly but not leastly, ustedes gentle readers, whose eternal curiosity about Mexicans makes this weekly rant an eternally rollicking bit of DESMADRE. To the next decade or 50!

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MEET THE MEXICAN! The Mexican will sign copies of his books at Barnes and Noble, 791 S. Main St., Orange. Fri., 6:30 p.m. Lecture, FREE; books, BARATO: GO, GO, GO!

My Voice Nation Help

Gustavo dropped la pelota on the music question.  Regional mexican music is complex but not impenetrable (unlike GA's column which at ten years IS fuckable according to custom).

Best to get thee to Youtube in order to prepare for the pain.  Most of son jarocho, all of banda, and cumbia are horrible.  As is reggaeton.

For the kind shit you have to go atras to Lydia Mendoza, or better still Lalo Guererro.

The new kid is called "movimiento alterada sinaloense" basically narco gangsta set to oompah music (german polish influencia). Bastard ranchera.

Like anything else mexican, if you want calidad, un americano hagalo mejor.

Here's Calexico: 


Wendy Ron
Wendy Ron

Congrats! Thanks, your column and books are always topics of conversation at our family gatherings!


Muchas felicidades del dia, Sr. Arellano!!

Y gabacho, I've yet to meet the guapa who isn't happy to teach a two-left-feet gringo how to do a vuelto or two.  Go to some salsa clubs on a Friday night and practice the following magic words: "que querias tomar?"  Your reward will be some informal lessons with only the slightest sprinkling of withering condescension.

Ginger Acosta Bobadilla
Ginger Acosta Bobadilla

I first heard of you when you wrote about Gabachos and how only gringos call gringos gringos. I thought that was hilarious.



Laura L. Aguilera
Laura L. Aguilera

Jessica Garcia Yadi Merary mis niñas, you should be reading him, si no es que ya lo hacen! 😉

Laura L. Aguilera
Laura L. Aguilera

I was so happy when I found you on the Albuquerque Alibi! Saludos desde la tierra del encanto!!

Lauralee Masuda
Lauralee Masuda

happy day! I have enjoyed reading.." ask a mexican"...your wit.charm and intelligence make me smile! keep up the good work!

Alexis Gavras
Alexis Gavras

Congratulations once again, Gustavo! Long may you keep up the desmadre. Keep that wit coming, and school the nativist douchebaggery.

Cindy Hill
Cindy Hill

Happy birthday! Thank YOU for keeping the Know-Nothings in your sights - and keeping this gabacha laughing!

Alexis Gavras
Alexis Gavras

¡Feliz aniversario cabrón! La columna siempre está mejorando. Mis mejores deseos para muchos años más de desmadre. ¿Tal vez una ocasión para una fiesta? ¿Quizás con el ejército Leykis?

Kevin Miguel Carranza
Kevin Miguel Carranza

Happy birthday cabron. I love your posts. I have been reading Ask a Mexican for all 10 years. Salud!!!

Elizabeth Contreras
Elizabeth Contreras

Feliz cumpleaños, AaM!!! Felicidades on 10 years of wit, blunt honesty, and hell-raising!

OC Weekly
OC Weekly

Gustavo is many things—innocent, he's not!

Alexandro José Gradilla
Alexandro José Gradilla

I remember when Gustavo was just A Mexican....now he is The Mexican...how time flies...how innocent he was back then....HA!

Juan Matus
Juan Matus

Happy B-Day, First time I read it was in the Seattle Weekly back in 2006. Been a Fan since. Keep it up Gus.La Raza lo agradese

Raul Juarez
Raul Juarez

Chupa mi verga, cabron! Hahaha!!!! \U0001f382

Luis Estevez
Luis Estevez

Feliz cumpleaños from your #1 Cuban fan! Now go have a shot of Corralejo for me!

Adriana León
Adriana León

Feliz birthday Ask a Mexican celebrate con Tequila!

Evelyn Rodriguez
Evelyn Rodriguez

10 years??? Seems like I've been reading your column for much longer.

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