Kerry in Amman to discuss Jerusalem unrest
Talks involving Israel, US and Jordan address tensions in occupied Palestinian territories amid fears of new uprising.
Group claims man speaking in recording is its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, following reports he was wounded or killed.
Qatar, Russia cleared of corruption but FIFA's decision contains 'incomplete and erroneous representation'.
Russia rejects claims it has been supporting rebels in Ukraine and says Kiev is responsible for breaking the ceasefire.
Military reform seen as bid to boost morale of "troops on the frontline" battling armed groups across the country.
Security officers and protesters prepare to meet on Brisbane's streets at this weekend's G20 summit.
Almost 200 farmers from five villages have been arrested since 2012 for protests over land confiscated by the military.
Critics of a street begging ban in a Norwegian town say it targets ethnic Roma, but defenders say it will lower crime.
Reports suggest up to 80,000 prisoners in solitary confinement, but US insists punishment is not systematic.
Natasja Sheriff
Palestinians mark 10th anniversary of Arafat's death amid high tensions in the West Bank and Jerusalem.
As fears grow of new violence in the world's newest nation, refugees in Ethiopia relive the terror of the conflict.
Abortion has been illegal under all circumstances since 1998 - even in cases of rape - with jail terms of 30 years.
As G20 summit approaches, Australia's coal-friendly government refuses to put climate change on the agenda.
Africa Investigates13 Nov 2014 10:16 GMT
Suspicion, anger and fear � an insight into the harsh reality of life at the epicentre of the Ebola crisis.
Fault Lines12 Nov 2014 12:59 GMT
Fault Lines investigates how Wall Street firms are returning to communities hardest-hit by the foreclosure crisis.
Palestinian and international artists come together for an art festival to celebrate 'collective creative resistance'.
After 2010 stampede killed nearly 350 people, festival celebrating the end of the rainy season made a raucous return.
Almost all of the wall is gone now, but some fear its lessons are at risk of disappearing too as new conflicts emerge.
Gaza's children talk about the loss of the places in which they once felt safe, their small universes - their bedrooms.
Rights activists investigating alleged atrocities committed by military and helping victims' families who seek justice.
Nasa members worried about retaliation after seven FARC fighters handed prison terms from indigenous court.
Results determine which university they will attend and can impact on job and even marriage prospects.
London's National Portrait Gallery selects winner of its prestigious annual photography competition.
Clamour grows for one of the world's most extreme sport to be included in the Olympics.
Al Jazeera joins burial team, many of whom are volunteers, performing difficult job in one of worst-hit countries.
Questions remain about whether the US will ever make the carbon cuts needed after Republican triumph in elections.
Government forces make gains towards Douma and have cut off supply roads, denying civilians of basic necessities.
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Compared to other diseases, Ebola is not especially contagious - but has a far higher fatality rate and no proven cure.
Al Jazeera profiles what lies ahead for a country in transition, struggling to decide the democracy it should become.
Mobile phone companies are all vying for market share in India, with 1.2 billion people.
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