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In The News / Nov 13

Longtime Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship indicted.

Don Blankenship, the longtime chief executive of Massey Energy, was indicted today on charges that he violated federal mine safety laws at the company’s Upper Big Branch Mine prior to an April 2010 explosion that killed 29 miners.

A federal grand jury in Charleston charged Blankenship with conspiring to cause routine and willful violations of mandatory federal mine safety and health standards at Upper Big Branch during a period from Jan. 1, 2008, to April 9, 2010, U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin said.


Fracking blast kills one Halliburton worker, injures 2 in Weld County, Colorado.

One worker was killed and two were seriously injured Thursday when a frozen, high pressure water line ruptured at a Weld County, Colorado, oil well site.

The workers were trying to thaw the line when the accident occurred, officials said.

The Anadarko Petroleum Corp. well was being hydraulically fractured, or fracked, by the Halliburton Co. and the workers were Halliburton employees.



More news from EHN From EHN's Newsroom

Opinion: We can build a better climate solution today.

We desperately need non-political answers to our rising emissions. We can make great strides simply by putting more ambition into the default options guiding many of our decisions.


Global meat demand plows up Brazil's 'underground forest.'

There is a different kind of forest in Brazil, hidden in plain sight and far more threatened than the Amazon. Known as the Cerrado, it is an enormous landscape where deep roots store vast quantities of carbon. But industrial farming is fast swallowing this unique environment.


Cocaine seen to beat the big heat.

Cocaine is the bane of law enforcement across the Americas. But both the drug and the coca farmers – known in Spanish as cocaleros – who cultivate the drug's source face the same threats as any other crop or product in our warming climate. Except that cocaine appears ready for the challenges.


Air pollution linked to children's attention problems.

New York City children exposed in the womb to high levels of pollutants in vehicle exhaust had a five times higher risk of attention problems at age 9, according to research by Columbia University scientists published Wednesday.



  • The US and China reach a landmark climate deal.

    China and the United States can make or break the global response to climate change, but until now it has not been clear whether the nations would ever shake hands on a big joint commitment. On Wednesday they sealed one of the most significant international climate deals ever struck. more…

  • Bad precedent for nuclear restarts.

    As the seemingly last key hurdle for the restart of the Sendai nuclear power plant is lifted, a dangerous precedent has been set and many fundamental questions remain unanswered. more…


  • A massive new marine protected area network in Gabon.

    The first day of the IUCN 2014 World Parks Congress marked a significant win for the oceans. The President Ali Bongo Ondimba of Gabon announced the decision to create a new marine protected area network of ten marine parks covering more than 18,000 square miles. more…

  • Protect those who protect our food.

    Food workers play a critical role in our nation's economic and public health systems. And yet, while we often tailor employment rules for work that has a special impact on the public, the law has yet to recognize food workers as a distinct class — an approach that harms consumers, the economy and the workers themselves. more…

Media Notes

Notable media news and reviews
  • Fish jokes? This one isn't funny. Nov 13

    After the Supreme Court heard oral arguments last week on a case in which a fisherman is charged with violating evidence for destroying undersize fish caught illegally, many news sites took this as an occasion for fish jokes. But one story -from David Shiffman at the marine-science blog Southern Fried Science - looked at the issues at stake when fishermen keep undersize fish. Paul Raeburn Knight Science Journalism Tracker. more…

  • Network news silent on climate change in election coverage. Nov 10

    This year's midterm election campaigns were filled with promises to dismantle climate change policies, at a time when climate action is more important than ever. But even against the backdrop of record-breaking temperatures, recent landmark climate reports, and candidates denying climate change, the broadcast networks ignored the implications of climate change in their evening news coverage of the midterms. Denise Robbins, Media Matters for America. more…

In The News: (CONTINUED) / Nov 13

More news from today

Many more stories today, including:

  • These chem-lab creations are the future of food
  • The disturbing ways that fast food chains disproportionately target black kids
  • Climate: Secret talks and a personal letter: How US-China climate deal was done; Obama clears the air on climate-change deal with China
  • Stories from: UK, Nigeria, Kenya, Myanmar, India, Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand, Canada
  • US stories from: VT, NY, NJ, MD, WV, NC, FL, LA, OK, CA, AK
  • Smoking: Australia put cigarettes in standardized packs with graphic labels - and they’re working
  • Editorials: The challenges of the US-China climate deal; Green leap forward