Laugh to keep from crying

UNIVERSITY PARK, TX - OCTOBER 26: Dallas-area resident James Faulk displays his Ebola-themed Halloween decorations on October 26, 2014 in University Park, Texas. Faulk decorated the front of his house and lawn to resemble the scene of the Dallas apartment where the first U.S. case of Ebola virus was confirmed several weeks ago. Faulk has set up a Twitter account and a website in an effort to raise funds for the Doctors Without Borders charity organization. (Getty Images)

Re: “Ebola decor is tasteless,” by Doris Taylor, Sunday Letters, and “Ebola is nothing to laugh at,” by Donna Baker, Sunday Letters.

I have to respond to these letters that took strong exception to the University Park resident with the Ebola-themed Halloween decorations.

News flash — nobody actually thinks Ebola is funny, including the UP resident. Treating serious and unpleasant topics with humor is a normal human coping mechanism. It’s a pressure-relief valve that makes going through life a little easier. Try it — you’ll live longer.

Mike Haughton, East Tawakoni

Miffed by hospital protest at Presbyterian Hospital

Re: “Protesters speak up for Duncan — Event outside hospital cites ‘pain and suffering Eric went through,’” Friday news story.

I was more than miffed watching family and friends of Thomas Eric Duncan protesting outside of Presbyterian Hospital last week.

They insinuated that Presbyterian did not give the care to Mr. Duncan that is given to other patients. How dare them.

Do they not realize or understand the tremendous risk the doctors and nurses were exposed to caring for Mr. Duncan, two of whom contracted the virus and became very sick themselves?

Do they not comprehend the unbelievable amount of resources the hospital expended caring for Mr. Duncan, which it will never be compensated for?

Do they understand the expense that the city of Dallas went to in caring for the family of Mr. Duncan?

What about the shelter, food and physician care they were given during the quarantine period? And that’s not even counting the emotional support given to them by County Judge Clay Jenkins, who personally tended to many of their needs.

How unthankful and inconsiderate of them to not even send a thank-you note to the hospital, doctors and nurses who did everything humanly possible to save Mr. Duncan.

Did anyone besides myself consider Mr. Duncan might have known he was infected and decided without thought of risk to travel here where he could receive better care?

Just a thought.

Ronnie Smith, Garland

Outrage over nurse’s quarantine in New Jersey

Quarantine not justified

Re: “There’s no way caring for sick can be termed ‘selfish,’” by Jacquielynn Floyd, Tuesday Metro column, and “Intervention warranted,” by Lynne Harmon, Tuesday Letters.

I appreciate Jacquielynn Floyd’s voice of reason in her recent column.

In contrast, Lynne Harmon wrote that nurse Kaci Hickox should quit “whining” about the shabby and excessive treatment she received in exchange for her brave service in West Africa.

I believe Hickox’s quarantine in a tent with only rudimentary sanitary facilities was unsupported by scientific experts and serves only as symbolic pacification of public fears.

Seems that every time our country faces a crisis, some folks take leave of their senses and call out for the most draconian of measures at the expense of basic decency.

While Hickox’s quarantine perhaps doesn’t approach the outrageousness of some past events, there still seems to be a pattern that continues again and again in our history.

In the end, what first appeared prudent ultimately is viewed by history as regrettable folly.

Brian Cofer, Irving


Treat health care workers right

Re: “Returning to folded arms — When health care workers come home, treat them with dignity, not fear,” Sunday news story.

I read with interest Kaci Hickox’s column and the comments posted online.

First, I’m thankful to Ms. Hickox and all the doctors, nurses and others who have worked tirelessly in treating those affected by the Ebola virus in West Africa.

I believe the treatment afforded her (and to other medical workers about to return to America) is indicative of our government response to this crisis. It appears to be reactionary and not thought out.

If quarantine is deemed appropriate for returning medical staff, why hasn’t Congress or the state legislatures convened and passed a bill that guarantees an appropriate protocol for such workers?

The protocol should include safe harbor, guaranteed free medical treatment, and a safe and comfortable environment for their quarantine period.

The treatment of Ms. Hickox is shameful.

Not to soapbox, but our medical workers and volunteers need to be assured that their service is respected and that we, as a nation, will do everything to ensure their well-being.

I also believe we should immediately guarantee the same for our veterans, who have been treated just as shabbily.

Rick Obadiah, Genoa City, Wis.

Nurse quarantined in tent


In this Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014 photo provided by attorney Steven Hyman, quarantined nurse Kaci Hickox meets with the prominent New York civil rights attorney Norman Siegel, seated, at the isolation tent at University Hospital in Newark, N.J., where Hickox was confined after flying into Newark Liberty International Airport following her work in West Africa caring for Ebola patients. Hickox, the first person forced into a mandatory quarantine in the state, was released Monday but has complained about her treatment. Following her release Siegal said "We are pleased that the state of New Jersey has decided to release Kaci. They had no justification to confine her," and added that she has not ruled out legal action. (AP Photo)

Shame on Gov. Christie

Re: “Nurse is kept in isolation New Jersey quarantines former UTA student despite negative test for virus,” Sunday news story.

Granted, Dallas made some mistakes with Ebola. But there’s one thing we did not do. We did not stick our nurses in a tent without a flushable toilet.

Shame on Gov. Chris Christie and good for the nurse for showing her Texas spirit and speaking out!

Betty Boyd-Meis, Dallas


Protect community first

Ms. Hickox demonstrates a scenario where courageous choices have unexpected consequences.

Unfortunately, I believe the behavior of another, Dr. Craig Spencer, validates the need for a rigid quarantine. He violated self-imposed quarantine in a densely populated area and may have put many at risk for Ebola.

Rereading her account, I find it confusing that a doctor would diagnose by touch rather than by an instrument used to measure temperature. If Ms. Hickox’s face was flushed, might it not indicate she had a fever?

My mother shared her own stories about quarantine. During a scarlatina outbreak, health officials placed a sign on her door and neighbors left supplies for the duration of the quarantine.

Self-quarantine was expected during a mumps epidemic. Our entire family was confined to home. These diseases were mild compared to Ebola.

With any outbreak, I believe the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Community safety trumps the individual with something as deadly as Ebola.

Ms. Hickox’s bravery, sacrifice and dedication illustrate how one person can make a difference, but it doesn’t keep her from falling under the rules deemed necessary to protect the community.

Cynthia Stock, Garland


Intervention warranted

Pardon me for not sympathizing with Kaci Hickox on her interrogation and stern treatment by airport employees upon arrival back into the U.S. after having contact with Ebola patients in Sierra Leone.

I believe Hickox should take off her rose-colored glasses and step into the reality of the disease and its potential impact on our health care workers, as well as all American citizens.

She chose to go to Sierra Leone to help Ebola-stricken people. I commend her for that.

That said, I don’t think she has the right to complain about our government officials treating her as a potentially Ebola-infected person who may be bringing it into our country.

I believe she should have stopped whining and realized that Americans appreciate our officials screening people who are entering our country from Ebola-infected regions.

It’s not all about you, Ms. Hickox.

Lynne Harmon, Fort Worth


Look at bigger picture

As an alumna of the UTA nursing program, I retain a level of embarrassment due to the scattered thoughts of a fellow alumna, Kaci Hickox, R.N.

Ms. Hickox wrote of her perception that she was treated like a “criminal” on her return from a season of residency within the West African Ebola hot zone.

She decried a mandatory quarantine to assure the safety of her fellow Americans.

We cannot talk Ebola to death. It is a disease that must be quarantined and contained.

Only with the aforementioned will Ebola be conquered within the foreseeable future.

The states with quarantine policies will undoubtedly do better with their process in the near future. But I prefer a nascent process to no real intervention and public guardianship for the safety of American citizens.

Ms. Hickox may whine about human dignity and respect.

But those stricken with Ebola lose all human dignity as they vomit blood and excrete bloody stools whilst they lie awaiting death.

Ebola is a vicious and merciless disease.

Give it a break, Ms. Hickox. The story is bigger than your perceived slight.

Tammy Swofford, Irving

Ebola decor is tasteless

Re: “Looks like Ebola … but it’s not — UP home’s Halloween decor grabs attention, throws some for a loop,” Friday news story.

I am appalled that there are people living in our country who could be so insensitive to the suffering of others that they would use a deadly virus as a Halloween theme.

I believe James Faulk has crossed the line of what is acceptable as a source of humor and good fun.

This kind of callous behavior represents total disregard for human suffering.

It is not “just too soon,” as some have said, for such perverted humor. I don’t believe it should ever be acceptable as a source of amusement to make light of the tragic losses that people are enduring.

There are children who have lost parents. There others who have survived the disease but have lost their entire families.

I don’t believe they would find this funny. Neither should we.

I hope the people of West Africa never hear of this cruel and tasteless act.

It is enough that the family and friends of Thomas Eric Duncan had to witness this lack of compassion during their period of grief.

Doris Taylor, Highland Village

Confident in Presbyterian

Earlier this week, I checked into Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas for a scheduled surgery.

I chose to go with no concern that I would become infected with Ebola.

I don’t want to discount the loss and worry of possible Ebola carriers, but my care at Presbyterian was the best one could have ever received.

This was also the case when I had my first surgery there in 2013, and I still felt this way upon entering the hospital this past Tuesday.

The professionalism of each care person and the peace displayed in my room helped me feel completely confident.

I stayed four days as part of my recovery and in that time, I asked some of the staff about how they were feeling.

I could feel their woundedness from the impact that the media frenzy has had on the hospital’s reputation and the perceptions of the Dallas community.

However, I have no doubt these brave and dedicated professionals will rise up past this time because of who they are in the care industry.

Martha O’Rear, Allen

Troh family needs our support

A member of the family that was in quarantine due to exposure to Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan waves as he walks outside at the Diocese of Dallas Catholic Conference and Formation Center where Duncan's fiancee, Louise Troh, and her family have been staying in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas, Monday, Oct. 20, 2014. A letter dated Oct. 19 and signed by Dallas County’s chief epidemiologist authorized Troh and members of her family to return to work and their children to go back to school “without any restrictions.” (AP Photo)

Re: “A big stride toward normal — Dozens considered at risk freed from monitoring; Mayor warns of hurdles; victim’s fiancée, kin cleared,” Tuesday news story.

Louise Troh, the fiancée of the first Ebola victim in the U.S., has finished her 21-day mandatory quarantine.

What you don’t know is that she is one of the finest, most compassionate caregivers at the senior living center where she works.

She cared for my mother, who was in the Alzheimer’s unit until her death in January. She cared for her with the utmost dignity and compassion.

Louise is a hard worker, and I don’t believe she knowingly invited Ebola into her home.

The fact is, she and her family didn’t contract the disease. However, everything her family owned, except for some photographs and passports, has been incinerated.

She is an exceptional woman who has lost her fiance and almost everything she had in this material world.

I’m happy that she can return to work.

If this had happened to you or me, we would want to be treated fairly and compassionately.

I hope that our community shows compassion to Louise and her family as they return to everyday life in Dallas.

Mary Overton, Preston Hollow

Presbyterian staff dedicated

I recently brought my husband home from Presbyterian Hospital for hospice care.

It is with great sadness that we had to leave a hospital and a staff of nurses and doctors who have worked tirelessly with dedicated hearts to keep us safe, comfortable and healthy.

We entered Presbyterian through the emergency room more than six weeks ago, prior to the arrival of the first Ebola patient. We never felt threatened or fearful for sharing the same hospital, despite a view from our window of the teeming media in the parking lot.

The staff of the Main West sixth floor offered tremendous support, professionalism and individual displays of caring.

It is time for the city to move back to normalcy and put this hospital back to work, doing what it does best — caring for the sick.

Jacie Minick, Dallas

Raising stroke awareness

I’m a stroke survivor and a volunteer for the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.

World Stroke Day is Oct. 29 in Dallas. I want to thank City Council member Dwaine Caraway, Mayor Mike Rawlings and the rest of the council for joining us in the fight to raise awareness around stroke.

Stroke is the fourth-leading cause of death in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, yet many people do not know symptoms of a stroke.

As a survivor, I know how important it is for my fellow Dallas-area residents to recognize stroke warning signs.

The American Stroke Association uses the acronym F.A.S.T. to help identity the signs of stroke: F stands for face drooping, A stands for arm weakness, S stands for speech difficulty and T means time to call 9-1-1.

I urge everyone to learn more about F.A.S.T. and join the World Stroke Day Pledge at

Bill Mellander, Keller

Rapid response by city of Dallas

This year some of the homes on our street, which is on the race route, suffered tree damage during the most recent storm. There were many stacks of branches piled up.

Worried that these might be a hazard for those who are walking and pushing strollers, I called Lee Kleinman’s office Thursday afternoon to see if we could schedule an emergency pickup before Saturday morning.

I was shocked at how quickly my request was responded to. Within three hours, I got three calls — one from the young man who took the initial call, one from a gentleman who called to verify the streets involved and one from Mr. Kleinman’s secretary, Genevieve — all making sure that I’d received a response.

The next morning, the trucks were here at 8 a.m. You all obviously take great pride in your jobs. Thank you!

Karen Peterson, Preston Hollow

Politicizing Ebola crisis

Re: “For Ebola, Obama abandons usual wait-and-see approach — President cleared schedule, named czar in response,” Monday news story.

The surgeon general of the U.S. is the operational head of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and thus the leading spokesman on matters of public health in the federal government of the United States.

So would someone explain to me why Rear Adm. Boris D. Lushniak, acting surgeon general, is not the White House point man for Ebola?

Is it because Obama has no confidence in him or feels the acting surgeon general and staff aren’t qualified to coordinate between the various federal public health departments and agencies, NIH, CDC, etc., and speak for the White House?

Apparently, Obama believes we need an “Ebola czar” to speak for him. For some reason appointing Ron Klain as the czar reeks of political favoritism and pandering to the Democratic base and is not in the public’s health interests.

John Eggen, Wilmer


Complacency could kill us

Re: “Obama assures public that virus won’t become epidemic,” Saturday news story.

There is a saying, “Forewarned is forearmed,” and it doesn’t necessarily mean with guns.

Apathy and complacency have done more harm over the centuries than being forewarned and forearmed.

Sure, it’s easier to be complacent. It takes less time. No research. No action. Just sit back and let others handle the inevitable emergency after a point of complacent no return.

It’s like firemen who know that getting to a fire early using all “arms” is more effective than getting to it late using all arms. Prioritize in the beginning.

Thomas Duncan lied about his contact history with Ebola to get into the U.S. Only he knew that he was exposed. I believe others will lie, too.

So I believe we should insist on a ban of flights originating from Ebola-stricken areas and use quarantine liberally.

And, yes, I also think we should question authority, question the president, question the CDC because they cannot know the precise moment when someone may become infectious and spread the virus.

This is a call to arms: Call your congressmen!

Liz Hunter, Uptown Dallas

There’s always a risk of infection

Texas Health Presbyterian nurses walk arm in arm on their way to a press conference defending the hospital outside Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas on Monday, October 20, 2014. The first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States, Thomas Eric Duncan was treated at this hospital. (Vernon Bryant/The Dallas Morning News)

Don’t point fingers at Presby

I’m a registered nurse, native of Dallas and now living in northeast Tennessee.

I recently visited my home city, and I have been asked about the “terror” supposedly being experienced by Dallasites regarding the recent Ebola events.

I saw no terror-stricken people at all in Dallas. I talked to friends concerned for those stricken or being watched for symptoms.

They are upset about how this episode impacts the fine reputation of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. Hospitals must evaluate and treat those who arrive at their doors.

The presenting symptoms of the man from Liberia are symptoms of other common viruses. Like other U.S. health care facilities, Presbyterian observes “universal precautions.”

If this patient had presented at any hospital other than the four Ebola-trained facilities, the scenario would have been the same. Other hospitals may say they would have done better, but they are really relieved they weren’t put to that test. Ebola is new to U.S. shores.

There seems to be a lot of finger-pointing and rumor, which needs to stop. Let’s take care of those stricken, protect caregivers and fix the national health care community that failed to provide information/education to caregivers.

My mom was an OB nurse, I was a newborn and junior volunteer at Baylor. I know Presbyterian’s excellent reputation and care.

My thoughts and prayers are with victims and caregivers who face fears resulting from exposure and the knowledge that Presbyterian may not recover from this incident.

Jeanne Terrell Alexander, Kingsport, Tenn.

Laundry workers’ exposure

I’m worried! For 23 years I worked at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital in the position of director of laundry and linen services.

It was me and my staff who handled all the contaminated linens coming from isolation cases. Rarely did we receive a batch that had been bagged and sealed correctly.

Even more problematic was the unceasing flow of sharp objects coming into the laundry.

I wrote untold dozens of incident reports detailing these breaches, but it seemed nobody cared if the mere laundry workers’ lives and safety were being jeopardized.

I believe the only way to stop Ebola is to secure our borders, including the southern one. Hospitals may easily and unknowingly spread the infection.

Larry Johnson, Mesquite

Nephew’s anger misplaced

I read this column exclusive to The News with dismay and disbelief. I am saddened by the loss of his uncle, Thomas Duncan, but find it ironic that he demonizes Presbyterian Hospital with incompetence and insensitivity when it mounted an incredible effort to save him and spent most likely more than a million dollars on care that will never be paid.

I am a retired physician who cared for some of the first patients with HIV in the ’80s in Dallas. It was a plague.

There was much fear and misunderstanding. Very little was known.

Those of us who chose to treat them did so at our own risk, although it turned out that was low.

I can attest to the fact that things in emergency rooms all across this country fall through the cracks every hour of every day.

Fortunately, most of them do not result in deaths. This was ONE exception.

To his nephew, I would ask what level of care would he have received if he had remained in Liberia?

Robert Henderson, Dallas/ Turtle Creek

Ebola is a big deal

Re: “Taking Ebola seriously — CDC’s clinical response to virus worrisome, Heather Wilhelm writes,” Friday Viewpoints.

Having followed the Ebola matter perhaps closer than most, I was a bit puzzled and taken aback to read in Ms. Wilhelm’s recent Dallas Morning News op-ed her attribution to the CDC, the White House and other officials the statement “Don’t panic; it’s no big deal.”

In all my reading and, since this article, Google searches, blog searches, congressional hearings on C-SPAN, and governmental agency searches, I failed to encounter the statement “Don’t panic; it’s no big deal,” or even “It’s no big deal.”

It’s always helpful if one knows someone’s agenda in order to determine their motivation. If what the author asserts is true, it borders on criminal activity. If it is not true, she has built and demolished the biggest, most self-serving straw horse I’ve ever encountered in my 80 years.

I would be grateful if Ms. Wilhelm would send just one citation not to me, but to The News, which citation supports her contention that anyone engaged in trying to manage this tragic situation has said or implied, “It’s no big deal.”

In the milieu we live in today, truth telling is more important than ever before — and that’s a big deal!

Rodney Pirtle, Farmers Branch

Another Ebola case stirs emotions and fear

nurse transported

An American Medical Response ambulance leaves Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital with an escort at 3:46pm on Wednesday, October 15, 2014. The driver was wearing protective clothing and they were transporting one of the Ebola patients. (David Woo/The Dallas Morning News)

Heroes, not villains

Re: “Ebola and my uncle — Hospital treated Duncan ignorantly, indecently, says Josephus Weeks,” Wednesday Viewpoints.

The family of Thomas Eric Duncan, the first Ebola death in the United States, is claiming that the quality of medical care Mr. Duncan received in treating his infection was suboptimal because he was black. African black members of the Texas community are saying that because of his accent, he was treated differently.

And to add fuel to the fire, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who had gone to Dallas in his crusade to fight social injustice, suspects that the hospital’s initial failure to treat Duncan as a potential Ebola victim was the result of his race and financial situation.

How absurd.

Does Mr. Jackson actually think that as intelligent, compassionate and caring as they are, that any medical staff would risk having a lethal infection spread to their neighbors, family, and friends?

To think that the hospital in Texas spent millions to save this man and not one individual from the black community or Mr. Duncan’s family or Mr. Jesse Jackson had the decency to say thank you is an atrocity.

Personally, I would like to thank the medical personnel of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas for risking their lives and being there for Mr. Duncan.

Stan Sujka, MD, FACS, Orlando, Florida


Learning instead of blaming

As I read the response from Mr. Duncan’s family to his death I get a feeling of sadness and frustration.

The truth is that he would have very likely died had he stayed in Liberia, so for them to say he could have been saved is simply unknown.

I understand they are grieving. They are also saying it’s not true that he came in contact with an infected pregnant woman in Monrovia, but there are witnesses that say he did.

Mr. Duncan had the opportunity to die with dignity; care was never denied in a foreign country in which Ebola had never been treated.

If he had been in Liberia he would very possibly have died by himself in the small room he rented. Instead he had the chance to see his family one more time.

Very different than current Liberians.

Did he die in vain? Absolutely not.

Because of him we are learning from experience how to respond to Ebola as a public health issue. There’s nothing better than experience to learn.

Now if and when Ebola shows itself around the country, we will be better prepared to deal with it, resulting in lives being saved.

My condolences to his family.

Lorena Tolle, Dallas


Step up Ebola screening

Re: “Airport fever checks give Obama breathing room on Ebola,” Sunday news story.

I believe the measures implemented this week to screen arriving airline passengers whose trips originated in West Africa are insufficient to protect the U.S. from further cases of infection.

Proper containment requires screening the passengers departing the outbreak areas in West Africa. I think potential disease carriers must be grounded at once.

After an infected person mixes with others on a second or third leg of an air itinerary, containment is lost. This, to me, is common sense.

Since U.S. airlines do not fly directly to West Africa, other countries, the U.N. and the World Health Organization should implement the needed screening procedures.

The U.S. government must use its power and influence to assure the other sovereign entities and world organizations do the right things, immediately.

The slow implementation of measures to screen air travelers mimics the poor early response to SARS, which also was spread internationally by air travel.

We heaped blame on China for pretending no problem existed before belatedly acting. We know Ebola is a problem.

If our government is not applying around-the-clock pressure on the countries and international organizations whose actions are required to contain the disease, I believe our leaders will share the responsibility for future unnecessary deaths.

Tim Daniel, Irving


Funding crucial to health

Re: “CDC changes care guidelines — Revisions acknowledge that previous procedures lacking,” Tuesday news story.

The News reported that the second case of Ebola virus was the consequence of a breach in protocol — protocols set forth by the CDC.

This is troubling but timely as advocates in Washington work to demonstrate the importance of public health services and systems to our indolent Congress.

Many people, including our legislators, do not realize the degree of safety and security our public health infrastructure provides us, nor do they realize how crucial scientific research and funding are to combating disease.

As a nation we should call attention to any possible funding cuts. Increasing the funding is crucial to preserving our health care systems.

As a nation, we cannot wait for Ebola or any other disease to demonstrate that our money has been incorrectly and irresponsibly allocated.

Danielle Robbio, Washington, D.C.


Protect hospital workers

Re: “2nd case rattles Dallas — Presbyterian nurse tests positive; others who treated first patient to be monitored; Health officials cite breach of protective procedures,” Monday news story.

You can’t protect patients if you first don’t protect the very people who are on the front lines of this potential health care crisis: the nurses and doctors who work in the ER.

The CDC must make sure that hands-on training policies and procedures are in place and implemented with strict and rigid monitoring of every hospital’s department of infectious disease.

The brave nurses and doctors who are literally risking their lives to care for anyone infected with the Ebola virus deserve and must receive inclusive and ongoing training as more is known about this killer of a disease.

I don’t believe anything less should be accepted by the general public, anyone who is currently a patient in a hospital and the health care workers in these hospitals, especially the emergency department.

We owe this to the courageous nurses at Presbyterian Hospital-Dallas and all other health care workers who take such great personal risk to aid the sick and suffering.

God bless them.

Ed Sircy, Coppell


Accusations undeserved

Re: “Let’s try truth with 2nd case of Ebola,” by Jacquielynn Floyd, Monday Metro column.

Thanks to Jacquielynn Floyd for her column.

It was a timely, thoughtful and succinct analysis of an impression that Presbyterian somehow dropped the ball in this Ebola situation.

Presbyterian is well-known as a highly rated hospital that doesn’t deserve such a description. I encourage others to read her column and dispel such notions.

Toni Clem, Paris

Show appreciation for health care workers

Holly Waller, LRN, removes protective gear Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014, at Lenoir Memorial Hospital in Kinston, N.C. All hospital staff take protective measures to keep staff and patients safe, as more attention is focused on diseases like Ebola. (AP Photo/Daily Free Press, Janet S. Carter )

Let’s praise, not blame

CDC Director Tom Frieden appeared on CNN to confirm the first known case of Ebola infection contracted in the United States and said, “At some point there was a breach in protocol, and that breach resulted in this infection.” Shortly thereafter, Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH echoed Frieden’s sentiments by stating that Doctors Without Borders “almost never get an [Ebola] infection because of the very strict protocols. Sometimes people are human. They have inadvertent breaches, and that’s very likely what happened.”

I find it curious and disconcerting that neither Dr. Rick Sacra nor Dr. Kent Brantley, American physicians who generously cared for Ebola patients in Liberia, was blamed for contracting Ebola. Both of these physicians presumably breached protocol. And yet both infected physicians were greeted as heroes for risking their lives to help those in need.

How is the nurse at Presbyterian Dallas any less of a hero? She knowingly risked her life to help save a man with a highly communicable, deadly disease. What kind of message are we sending to health care workers?

“Inadvertent breaches” of protocol are a reality in medicine. During my five years of surgical residency at Parkland Hospital, I was stuck by contaminated needles on dozens of occasions. Obviously they were inadvertent. Some of these patients undoubtedly were HIV positive or had Hepatitis B or C. I feel very fortunate to have never contracted these diseases. But if I ever do, I hope that I can expect sympathy, rather than blame.

There will be more health care workers exposed, more “breaches in protocol,” and more infections among physicians and nurses. Let’s stop blaming them and instead treat them with the gratitude and dignity that they deserve.

Dr. Ronald M. Friedman, director,
West Plano Plastic Surgery Center,

former chief of plastic surgery,
Parkland Memorial Hospital


Bureaucratic bungling

Smugness and arrogance (or translate that as confident ignorance) led to our current situation, with the CDC at the helm of giving inadequate advice and leadership, protocols or no protocols.

This is how bureaucracy earns its deserved reputation for mediocre function and hapless performance.

A lot of public money is spent on the CDC, but let a crisis arise and things go wrong.

From a political standpoint and knowledge base, I believe Sen. Rand Paul appeared more in command of his facts than the CDC chief or President Barack Obama. I’m saying that as a loyal Democrat.

James Beare, Austin

Honor health workers

Let’s honor those heroes and heroines whom I believe are seldom honored for their work. Doctors are of course very important in the care of Ebola patients, but those at most risk for contagion are the nurses who handle the diarrhea, vomit and urine, start IVs, handle perspiration-soaked linens, etc., 24 hours a day.

Others at risk are the phlebotomists, respiratory therapists and those who handle all contaminated trash. Let’s honor these selfless professionals.

Nancy M. Park, R.N. M.S.N., Richardson

Journalists, be responsible

Re: “Let’s try truth with 2nd case of Ebola,” by Jacquielynn Floyd, Monday Metro column.

I rarely agree with Ms. Floyd’s columns. However, she hit the nail on the head in her column on Monday. We do deserve the truth about Ebola.

However, I believe we also deserve truth about ISIS, CDC, border control and Ferguson, Mo., just to start the list. We rarely get truth from the mainline news: NBC, ABC, CBS and some newspapers and magazines feed us what they want us to believe.

I believe there is more to the Ebola story and to all the other stories that make up our headlines.

So, newscasters, reporters and editors, “let’s try truth” and do responsible journalism for the sake of our country and for the sake of other innocent victims such as nurse Nina Pham.

Dianna Gabbard, McKinney

There’s still life left after 75

Life, death: a radical approach

Re: “Longevity comes up short — 75 years is plenty: Ezekiel Emanuel challenges those who think a long life at any cost is the American way,” Sunday Points.

I found it somewhat ironic that on the day Emanuel’s controversial essay appeared in your paper there were 43 obituaries. Of those 43, 20 of the deceased people were in their 80s and 90s, well past his age of demarcation of 75.

This would seem to say that it is not that uncommon to have many good years after 75. That said, the most pressing concern of folks as they grow older, and I count myself in that group, involves loss of independence, becoming a burden to family, and little or no quality of life.

A radical approach, one that will never be adopted, would be to give everyone a little black pill when they reach a predetermined age, say 50, to be put away for some undetermined future time. It would have an unlimited shelf life. When, hopefully many, many years down the line, a person reaches the point that the concerns enumerated above have become reality, the pill could be retrieved. We should all have the right to pass from this life with dignity and at a time of our own choosing.

Fred Neary, Far North Dallas


Live long and enjoy

If your life is sitting on your sofa, drinking beer and watching TV, fine, maybe you want to go ahead and die.

But I’m 80 and I still mow my own yard, fix the roof, read, walk 2 miles a day and enjoy sex.

I have slowed down recently due to my fourth Agent Orange attack from my Vietnam Expeditionary Force days, which has left only 50 percent of my lungs usable.

I say, live till you die and enjoy it!

Ronald Griffey, Farmers Branch

Dallas nurse contracts Ebola


This 2010 photo provided by, the yearbook of Texas Christian University, shows Nina Pham, 26, who became the first person to contract the disease within the United States. Records show that Pham and other health care workers wore protective gear, including gowns, gloves, masks and face shields and sometimes full-body suits when caring for Thomas Eric Duncan. (AP Photo/Courtesy of

Citywide debacle

Re: “2nd case rattles Dallas — Presbyterian nurse tests positive; others who treated first patient to be monitored; Concern, not panic, for case close to home,” Monday news story.

Presbyterian has been my hospital since I moved here in 1971. I actually have an appointment there on Oct. 23, but I am debating whether to go or not.

Already no ambulances can arrive there. Has anyone thought about the fact that after the newly infected nurse removed her protective coverings, who did she come in contact with?

Did she wander down to the cafeteria or go visit other nurse friends?

And if I hear the word “protocol” one more time I am going to scream! That, to me, is a word used to describe how you behave if you are having dinner with the Queen of England.

Right now the only bright star in this citywide debacle is that the nurse’s dog is being cared for and hasn’t been put to sleep.

Mary Weir, White Rock/East Dallas


An obvious solution

As a nurse who has worked with patients in isolation before, I can see one big problem in controlling the spread in your community. People who are already infected and are showing symptoms are walking into an unprepared emergency room.

It is obvious to me that the infected person should remain at home, call the EMTs, and explain that he or she has been exposed to Ebola and is now having symptoms.

Then, the EMTs can arrive in protective gear and can then notify the hospital emergency department to be prepared.

This would cut down on the time the infected person might be in the ER waiting room exposing people by touching surfaces, handling pens while signing documents, permission slips and using the bathroom.

Janet Vigil, Albuquerque, N.M.


Take care of home first

Re: “‘Our people are dying’ — U.S. aid arrives; pleas heard at World Bank meeting; toll could hit $32.6 billion,” Friday news story.

We are concerned about containing Ebola in a hospital on high alert in Dallas, so why in the world are we sending our troops to Liberia?

I don’t believe this is noble, just stupid. I would not want anyone in my family going there. Shame on our politicians!

Sharon Protzmann, Dallas