Florida Man Gets Six Months In Jail For Trying To Ignite "Race War" Near Disney World

Categories: Crime

Marcus Faella (left) plotted a race war from a compound only 11 miles from Disney World.
On a rural compound just 11 miles from Disney World, Marcus Faella and his followers spent years stockpiling weapons and food, erecting barbed wire, and conducting elaborate paramilitary drills. Their goal, according to federal agents: igniting a "race war" in Central Florida.

Two years ago, the feds busted the Aryan compound before they could carry out any of their plans. Yesterday, Faella was sentenced for his role as the group's leader.

So what does plotting a race war carry in Florida these days? Just six months in jail, apparently.

See also: Marcus Faella and His Florida White Supremacist Group Arrested For Plotting a Race War

Despite the flashy claims by FBI agents -- including alleged plans by Faella and his followers to obtain ricin, the deadly chemical agent, for a terrorist attack -- the case against him has been floundering in court, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

Originally, 14 followers in his neo-Nazi group, American Front, were charged in the case, but ten of those cases were dropped by prosecutors without explanation. What was billed as the biggest domestic terrorism case in Florida history was bedeviled by difficulties proving that Faella was not only a guy with abhorrent views -- which, of course, is not a crime -- but also one who intended to carry out violence based on those views.

The defense lined up a litany of character witnesses who swore Faella would never condone violence, including his godfather, an ex-Marine who told the court: "If I thought for a second he was a terrorist, I'd crush him to death."

That goes directly against the picture FBI agents painted of the 39-year-old extremist. The feds paid an informant $40,000 to infiltrate the group and said they had gathered evidence of plots to attack Orlando City Hall.

In the end, a jury found Faella guity of two felony charges of teaching and conducting paramilitary training, meaning he won't be able to live on a compound with weapons whenever he's released. But that release will come quickly.

Circuit Judge Jon Morgan sentenced him yesterday to six months and gave him credit for 61 days served, meaning he could return home in about four months. His American Front followers yelled, "We love you, Mark!" after hearing the sentence, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

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My Voice Nation Help

Ha ha ha lookit that angry, mud race mutt. His eyes are so close together he's prolly interbred with with a catfish.

Lleo Blaqoq
Lleo Blaqoq

In dc it gets you reelected as president

Victor Rosell
Victor Rosell

So scott, stick to fox news and call it a day!

Scott Daniels
Scott Daniels

Several weeks ago you were defending the rioters in ferguson. That's why nobody respects this rag any longer!!

Cts Limo
Cts Limo

The biggest "domestic terrorist" is the federal government!

Cts Limo
Cts Limo

The FBI probably set them up like usually, no one can "ignite" a race war in this country unless the FBI has something to do with it, the government agencies use entrapment in order to make arest, just like female police officer gets dressed like a hooker goes out on the street and arrests everyone whi propositions to her, or when cops go undercover try to sell narcotics and weapons, sane thing here "ignite a war" "domestic terrorist"

Vince Witty
Vince Witty

Lmao people are treating the castle like a sacred statue....oh wait people really do that? Man we got our priorities all mixed up in America.

Justin Kindler
Justin Kindler

He was convicted of giving paramilitary training, but the other dozen people there had their charges dropped.

John Kilzi
John Kilzi

Nadya Diaz I don't know him. I swear! Lol

Raymond Martinez
Raymond Martinez

This is an idiotic post. Sensationalist so-called journalism at its worst! This has nothing whatsoever to do with Disney. Idiots. Take the damn castle off that picture.

Jay Roberts
Jay Roberts

He needs to get his head chopped off that will be a good thing to see

Sayad Khan
Sayad Khan

If he were Middle Eastern, they'd make those charges stick, and then some.

Alex Cue
Alex Cue

Thankfully no homeless were fed


Journalist, Near Cuba, Strongly Disagrees With Racism

That's about all I could take away from your article. I particularly loved the sentence where you tell us that he was convicted of "a felony". 

Chip Kerr
Chip Kerr

I don't see any connection to Disney in this story. Are you just trying to be sensationalist? Or are you trying to incite something?

Muri Alvarez
Muri Alvarez

SMH... Six months??? Wow I guess he'll b out do it all over again.... \U0001f612

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