Branding the New State of South Florida: Vote for Our New State Song, Bird, Motto, and More

Categories: WTF Florida

Last month, the City of South Miami passed a resolution calling for the area from Orlando and Tampa Bay to the Florida Keys to secede from the rest of the state to form America's 51st state: the state of South Florida. We, of course, love the idea (even if we had previously floated the idea of just Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and the Keys breaking off).

However, there are a lot of details to consider when forming a new state -- like, well, state symbols. Clearly they are the most important part of all of this.

See also: South Miami Wants to Split Florida Into Two States, and the Entire Miami Media Missed It

Obviously, South Florida will take (or at least get joint custody of) things like the Florida panther, the manatee, and the alligator (the state animal, mammal, and reptile, respectively) in the separation settlement.

We'd be happy to leave other things to North Florida. The state song has a racist history, the state bird is particularly boring for a place with so many beautiful feathered fauna, and our state motto is just lazy. That would leave us with an opportunity to rebrand South Florida for the 21st Century.

You can vote on our suggestions below or write in your own candidates in the comments. We'll highlight some of the best ideas when we announce the winners this Monday.

Update: We switched out the poll service we were using, but don't worry, we still have the old votes accounted for.

The New State Bird
The fact that the mockingbird is the state bird of Florida has irked me since I was a child. It's a basic, unremarkable-looking creature, and four other states already have it as their official state avian. It's like the Toyota Camry of birds. Plus, Florida has a lot of crazy-looking birds that aren't found in many other places in the country. Why aren't one of those birds our state bird? We finally have a chance to correct this travesty of aviary honor.

Here are the options:

Photo: Valdiney Pimenta | WikiCommons
1. Flamingo
There's no other bird as aesthetically linked to South Florida as the flamingo, even if that aesthetic is a bit kitschy. We should also note that there are almost no more wild flamingos left in Florida. Sorry, flamingos! Would this make it up to you, or would you find it offensive?

Photo: JJ Harrison | WikiCommons
2. Egret
Florida has lots of striking, long-necked birds. The egret is one of the prettiest and also allows us to sidestep a flame war between University of Miami fans and haters (in my opinion, Sebastian's spot as Florida's top ibis should not be threatened).

Photo: Calibas | WikiCommons CC3.0
3. Brown Pelican
Here's another bird that's iconic in the Florida aesthetic. The only problem is that the brown pelican is lready the state bird of Louisiana.

Photo by NASA | WikiCommons
4. Roseate Spoonbill
Beautiful yet odd. Quite fitting, actually.

Photo by Andrea Westmoreland's Flickr | CC2.0
5. Sandpiper
They're cute!


My Voice Nation Help
Renzo Watson
Renzo Watson

Our state hymn should be ala dj khaled. All i do is win win win no matter what...

Travis Sadbury
Travis Sadbury

Yeah the boundary is off. It should be just north of Palm Beach County. Orange County is much more north like than south like.

Samir Ahmed
Samir Ahmed

No fuck that! I live on the Hillsborough/pasco county line! Tampa wants to be part of the north

Carie Holly
Carie Holly

Tampa Bay is not South Florida in any way!!!!

Carie Holly
Carie Holly

This can't happen- It is not going to work!!

Will Mojica
Will Mojica

Not going to happen... move along now.

Jay Roberts
Jay Roberts

Make Miami the capital of South Florida


Lets skip the state flag altogether and just have a pole as testament to our lands many high-quality booty rooms.


This article is hilarious but the polls are terribly buggy and prevent you from reading the rest of the article 

David Sepulveda
David Sepulveda

Would it be divided between North America and South America?!

Lew Spectre
Lew Spectre

isn't it obvious? "Smuggler's Blues" how its not the offical song of miami already is mindblowing

Adam Rz
Adam Rz

Flashback to the Yayhoooooooooooooooooo

TJ Darby
TJ Darby

Why are you still posting this shit about the state splitting , it's never going to happen so let's move on to some real issues that need to be addressed .

HarryTheHandyman topcommenter

EPIC FAIL.  Your poll is breaking the article page after voting (just takes you to the damn poll on page load).  The poll itself is also semi-broken.

Try again poll-writer

Al Newman
Al Newman

How's about a Celia Cruz's classic??

Anthonyvop1 topcommenter

Egret is a family of wading birds.  There are numerous varieties and species. 

It is fitting because that is what the Fascist, Left wants with state of South Florida.  A mindless, homogeneous populous with no individualism.

tim.elfrink moderator editor

@SuccessNVodka Apologies -- we've changed up the polling and it should work better now. 

tim.elfrink moderator editor

@HarryTheHandyman Thanks for the heads up -- we've changed it over to a different polling app and it should be working now. 

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