South Beach Dogs Are Suffering a Spate of Mysterious Seizures

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Photo by Elvert Barnes | Flickr CC 2.0
Are South Beach pooches in danger?
Last Sunday morning Les Lehotay, a Miami Beach hairdresser, had breakfast at Las Olas Cafe, at Sixth Street and Euclid Avenue, with his friend Lorenzo Ramos, a realtor, and Ramos' dog Rocco, a healthy two and a half-year-old French bulldog.

At one point Ramos took Rocco for a walk around the neighborhood, and somewhere on 5th Street Rocco meandered into some bushes and promptly ate something. Ramos pulled him back, but just a few minutes later, by the time Ramos and Rocco got back to Las Olas, Rocco's body was beset by violent seizures, and he appeared to have trouble breathing.

"It looked like he was getting fried from the inside," said Lehotay, the dog's caretaker.

Ramos and Lehotay rushed Rocco to the Alton Road Animal Hospital, at 18th Street and Alton, where a vet administered valium and seizure medication, but within an hour or so Rocco was dead. His heart had stopped.

Rocco isn't the only South Beach victim. Lela Morales, a manager at the hospital, confirmed to Riptide that the hospital treated four dogs, between last Saturday and Tuesday morning, who had experienced the sudden seizures. Three of the pets, Morales said, were reported sick after walking in the same area -- around Washington and Euclid Avenues at Fifth and Sixth Streets -- and two of the four died.

"None of these pets had a history of seizures," Morales said. "So it was obviously something acute."

Morales, a longtime worker at the hospital, said she had never seen such a cluster of sudden seizures. "All of the dogs were young," she said, and therefore more likely to be scavenging. "Which kind of leads you to believe that it was something they ate."

Lehotay suspected Rocco had inadvertently eaten some kind of poison, possibly something that had been laid out for rats or other pests.

"He looked like he was in excruciating pain," he said. "I just don't want to see it happen to one more dog."

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Nathaly Marie Rosario Núñez
Nathaly Marie Rosario Núñez

Thanks for the information. We have to spread the info. Hoping this won't happen again. Poor dogs and their owners.

Teresa Grocki
Teresa Grocki

I used to live at 609 Eiuclid...this is scary news; I used to EAT at Las Olas!


Alton road animal hospital its the worst hospital ever!! my dog was very sick they didnt give him the right care, they make him some exams said they will call me with the results ive been waiting 2 weeks ive been calling to get my puppys results til today no call back.. We paid soooooMUCH MONEY FOR NOTHING!! Soo sad how this happen

Naomi Preston
Naomi Preston

Someone is prob poisoning feral cats or any cats etc w baited food. Sad. Very. All the way around.

Kaaren A Styles
Kaaren A Styles

Brandy Sarrafiore oh no thank God we don't live there anymore! I feel so bad for them. (But is it not ironic it was a Hair dresser and Realtor walking together!!!!)

Larry Russo
Larry Russo

The same exact symptoms as described in the article happened to my dog after she bit into a toad/poisonous frog. We were luckily enough to get her to the vet in time to save her.

Mark Delaney
Mark Delaney

Thank you Dani Espindola, my pup has not been well for days now.

Miozotis Pumarol
Miozotis Pumarol

Jessica Rosado omg! I actually saw the dog on Sunday when I passed by before the incident, so sad :(

Brian Devine
Brian Devine

Day Christensen u all live that area right?

Dani Espindola
Dani Espindola

Be careful, Ella Ella, Alexandra Berry, Amanda Olds, Joe Bratt, Mark Delaney, Lina Montoya!

Andres Arias
Andres Arias

Floods pretty good around there or maybe there is stray voltage??

Leslie Hudler
Leslie Hudler

Sooooo is someone gonna go check it out?!?!? If not I will


South Beach is full of rat poison.  Keep your dog on a short leash and it won't happen.  Many people tried to kill feral cats which has has now backfired.  Nothing left to kill the rats.  

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