Swanky SoBe Restaurant Bâoli Accused of Forgery and Fraud in Landlord's Lawsuit

Categories: News

Courtesy of Bâoli
It's getting late at the South Beach restaurant Bâoli when ripped, shirtless waiters start pouring liquor directly into women's mouths. Bass lines thunder from the DJ booth built right in the middle of the Collins Avenue dining room. Soon dancers in sequined thongs leap onto the bar and gyrate to the beat.

Then comes the coup de grace: As crowds cheer and writhe amid candlelit tables, bartenders pour flammable liquid into the spill guards running along the bar, whip out lighters, and set the whole thing ablaze.

It's just another Wednesday night inside one of the most quintessentially South Beach restaurants, a place where Pelé and Britto recently popped Dom Pérignon together, Jamie Foxx brought his crew to drop a few Gs on bottle service, and the kitchen made headlines by offering the most expensive burger in Miami.

But behind the luxury sheen and pulsating EDM is another quintessentially Miami Beach story: allegations of forged documents, fraud, and reckless deceit in SoBe's broken permitting system. In a town where a half-dozen officials have recently been arrested for taking payouts from clubs and restaurants and millions in fees have suspiciously gone uncollected, the allegations suggest the Beach's big-money tourism scene is still a lawless Wild West.

At the center of the Bâoli mess are four documents with fake signatures used by the restaurant's owners to obtain permits for thousands of dollars' worth of construction and to extend hours at its outdoor bar. The building's owner has filed a civil suit and a complaint with the city over the bogus John Hancocks, all in the head-scratching hope of evicting his highly profitable tenant.

"It's the most frustrating thing I've ever been through," the landlord, Miguel Chibras Romero, says. "The dishonesty here is amazing."

Bâoli's owners, who have a lease and pay $29,632 monthly rent on the property, though, say the signatures were a simple misunderstanding. They contend Romero is seizing on them as a convenient excuse to paper over his own failures as a landlord.

"[The lawsuit] can only be deemed a deliberate attempt to destroy the restaurant," the owners recently argued in court. "Closing a successful restaurant at peak season is a devastating blow, not just in terms of lost profit, but in loss of face."

Their dispute has now become a major headache for Miami Beach officials. City attorneys met again with an incensed Romero last week but have so far elected to avoid taking sides.

It's not how Romero envisioned his relationship with Bâoli playing out -- especially considering the restaurant is the most successful tenant in his building in years.


My Voice Nation Help
Mayli Maus
Mayli Maus

Diana Aranha with all the problems they have, no wonder they don't focus on their roach problems & code violations! Good riddance!

Lynet M Aspuru
Lynet M Aspuru

I really hope it doesn't close \U0001f630 one of the best spots in Miami


I used to read Miami New TImes until I started watching Charlie Rose. Rather watch the Daniel Bolger story, and how Nest is creating the future with Google and read it on NPR. Come on Miaminewtimes there are more important stories than what Baoili is doing, if you guys want to get into real journalism instead of articles that scream "extra extra read all about it" you guys should look into getting a Paywall like WSJ.  As Kurt Vonnegut once said “Pay no attention to Caesar. Caesar doesn't have the slightest idea what's really going on.” I understand you guys are threatened with the Huffington Post Business Model of just taking your articles running them and getting the ad money and you cant opt out of it because they became so big that they are a big source of traffic because of their investors but there is the broward new times and others all around the country you guys should pool your money together and build a national new times. You guys can do some great investigative journalism and I've seen it. Before the internet you guys had some great articles on your free newspaper. You guys need to find a way to get some of that ad money like you used to back in the day.  My friend wrote a book on disrupting the new media cycle and how to capitalize on it he will put it up on kindle so small entrepreneurial bloggers can make money with 0 money down it will be free. You guys should look out for it.

frankd4 topcommenter

problems arise over time when the initial glamour wears off, and past payroll and sales taxes and food and beverage suppliers and restaurant equipment leases are also in arrears  and long past-due - and since the landlord rules - so the place typically closes only to re-open somewhere else

it seems the landlords are ready to market and promote their residential units allowing "hot-spots" on the retail portion, and once the residential units are rented / sold,  the retail operations space becomes more valuable to a PAYING tenant,  and the glitzy initial free-ride tenant is then no longer necessary as an economic advertising burden - so those arrears now have to be reconciled


1906 Collins Ave. LLC hired a acoustical engineer lobbyist and paid a flat fee of $3,500.  Lobbyist was retained by manager Mathiue Massa.  Miami Beach government does not get involved in civil matters, which is how they wipe out any responsibility.  Miami Beach allowed outdoor venues to test for noise before they were occupied.  Miami Beach also does not enforce building codes in condominiums.  You can void a violation if you change ownership.  The botched construction will still exist, but the violation will be voided.  Too many scams in Miami Beach to keep up.  

Sandra Dee
Sandra Dee

Andrew Gerson so what else is new ? Forgery and fraud in Miami seems to be customary. Still a happening place though !!! Cathy Paris new venue?

William Read
William Read

One of my favorite places to eat and my favorite place on Wednesdays! Let it be- the landlord would be wise to let them stay since they are such a profitable venue.

Alberto Sanchez
Alberto Sanchez

Everybody wants to be swanky but don't want to pay the price

Dan Marino
Dan Marino

Don't insult the Wild West by comparing SoBe to that.

Oscar Lages
Oscar Lages

So being foreign born is a reason to forge signatures on legal documents and forge notary stamps or have a shady notary do it for you. Why is this a civil matter these are felonies.

Ptah Dunbar
Ptah Dunbar

Brianne Michael told you that place is bad news >_>

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