FIU Charged Thousands in Hidden Tuition Fees, Student Claims

Categories: Education

Photo by Bobak via Wikimedia Commons
Florida International University is a juggernaut. The school is fast approaching 60,000 students, has two major campuses plus half a dozen satellite locations, and received voter approval last week to expand into 64 acres of Tamiami Park.

But not all members of the FIU family are happy. In fact, some are downright pissed. Daniel Weihnacht, a 52-year-old graduate student, has fought FIU for more than two years over what he says are hidden -- and perhaps illegal -- tuition fees propping up the ever-expanding institution.

"FIU is overcharging some grad students by tens of thousands of dollars," Weihnacht says. "It is student loan fraud."

Weihnacht's ordeal began in March 2012 when he was accepted into the Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) program. On July 5, he received a letter with a curious sentence: "Our program is considered a 'value added program' which carries an additional tuition fee per credit of $230."

Weihnacht already had a master's degree in special education from FIU but had never heard of "tuition-plus" fees before. He did the math. Instead of costing roughly $27,000, his degree would now run him more than $40,000.

At orientation, Weihnacht and other students asked their professors what the fees were for. They were told that without them, the program would be canceled, as it almost had been in May 2008.

As the semester wore on and Weihnacht kept asking questions, he became convinced the fees weren't just hidden; they were bogus. Normally, tuition increases must be approved by the Florida Board of Governors. But FIU administrators told him the university could unilaterally raise the SLP program's cost because it was a continuing education program.

That didn't make sense. SLP was an exclusive program that required applicants to have a master's degree, not a basket-weaving course for retirees. Weihnacht complained to the school's board of trustees and to the state. When FIU released revised tuition rates in July 2013, SLP's "tuition-plus" fees had disappeared (but the overall cost was still the same).

The next month, Weihnacht received a letter from Vikki Shirley, the top attorney for the state Board of Governors. Shirley admitted the SLP program was not a continuing education program after all but said the extra fees were nonetheless legit, citing an obscure, 20-year-old regulation that "provided authority to charge additional fees." She admitted this rule required "Board" approval -- which FIU never received -- yet still claimed "the university did adhere to the process."

Huh? A year later, Weihnacht says, he has yet to be shown proof that the fees were ever properly approved.

"I don't think the tuition increase was ever assessed at all," he says. "But because I was demanding answers, they had to come up with something."

An FIU spokeswoman declined to discuss the specifics of Weihnacht's case, citing "federal privacy law," but did send a statement disputing the idea that the school hides any fees.

"The cost of the SLP program has always been available and clear on the program's website," the statement reads, "and has been properly authorized by the university. "

Weihnacht has filed complaints with the governor's office and the U.S. Department of Education. He dropped out halfway through the program and is now studying to be a paralegal -- at Miami Dade College.

"When I left [the SLP program], it was like getting out of an abusive relationship," he says. "At Christmas time, President Rosenberg sends out these emails about FIU being one big family, but it's such a load of crap. I've never been so angry about something in my whole life."

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My Voice Nation Help

For that kind of money you can ditch FIU and attend a school with a decent reputation.


" and received voter approval last week to expand into 64 acres of Tamiami Park."

And the "U" can get a stadium?


Other unifarcities (FARCE) do the same rip-offs, so check your bills carefully. As a graduate student at FIU in the 1970's, I experienced the same kind of arrogance as found today by students. Since 80% of jobs in America do NOT require a 4 year college degree, I recommend people skip the whole, sometimes painful and expensive investment. We are glutted by degrees and many people with advanced education like lawyers can not find work. As an adjunct professor in my later career I experienced the toxicity of an ivy tower environment, as well as its low pay, ingratitude, mind numbing brown nosing, incompetence, totalitarian management structure, and employer wage rip- offs to its own part time staff. 

Today there are so many "Garage" universities and colleges, education is nothing more than a great way to get rich quickly for the owners and or administrators. They all have to compete to put butts in the seats, so almost anybody can get a degree , and that includes doctor level degrees too. They now have free tutoring for everybody to help students legally cheat their way through the process, with the willing help of debt ridden former students. 

The University of Miami, for example,sometimes does not hire its own PhD. graduates to work as a full time tenured professor, but rather brings in Ivy League graduates, in order to pump up the school's image. Miami Dade hires the cheapest they can find, usually women, to fill full time spots and has all but kicked out all its non-gay Anglo staff members to employ debt ridden minorities, who are desperate for work.

They use to use Hispanic immigrants, with high level English skills who had no credentials to teach ESL students, that is until they got caught and were forced to stop the practice.

Remember, fighting City Hall is usually a losing battle, so get smart and take the path of least resistance if you can. Being happy is still not a crime;the best things in life are still free anyway.


As a formert student at FIU. I totally agree with this article. FIU only cares about money. Faculty in my opinion is A+. Now, when it comes to the Administration God helps us all. Rude, nasty people with a sense of entitlement. Administrators treat students like we owed them something, Tuition charges are hidden. They are not in plain view like Miami Dade College does. only display the charges but there is no explanation as to why those charges were made. Excess hours penalties is an issue at FIU  The law that regulates the Excess hour penalty is rigid and outdated. It was made in the time the state had a budget crisis in 2008 by the republican held House. Do you think anyone in FIU helps those students trapped in this situation?. NO, it is not their problem. At FIU you are not a family. You are left on an island.


This is happening because the state has been quietly cutting subsidies to higher public education for years now. It has gotten to the point where public universities have become for-profit schools, looking for new revenue streams wherever they can find it. This has the effect of pushing more kids into debt, as Bright Futures and other grant programs have also been cut back. 

This is the new reality apparently. 

Najsoj Osnola
Najsoj Osnola

FIU is also a greedy, money hungry institution

Najsoj Osnola
Najsoj Osnola

College these days is a debt trap full of empty promises

William Lopez
William Lopez

I been to Fiu and Miami-Dade and Fiu is just full of shit and care about money. Miami Dade they have good teachers and it is cheap. I would rather go to Miami Dade and get a bachelor there if they had my program.

Ryan Sarhan
Ryan Sarhan

To the author...maybe add or do something about how the school's Career Services Office requires a $75 fee for graduates to use their online employment database. Instead of helping their graduates find a job, they'd rather charge more fees.

Francisco Soler
Francisco Soler

Poorly run subsidized party resorts... educational reform now!

Yvonne Theodor
Yvonne Theodor

As a 2013 graduate from FIU 's Speech Language Pathology Masters in Science program, I disagree with what he is trying to do. There is more to the story than was written. Before applying to the program the applicant must satisfy the prerequisites which are a total of 9 courses. These courses take approximately 1 year to complete. From reading the article am I suppose to believe that while studying that year he did not research the cost of the masters program before he applied? He was not aware of the added fees? I find that difficult to believe. This information is not hidden. It is in plain view on the University program's website. In addition if he truly wanted to a part of the Speech Language Pathology field he could be working as a SLP-A, the completion of the prerequisites qualify him.

David Lizama
David Lizama

Go to college to pay for college the rest of your life. Smh

Evan Wheeler
Evan Wheeler

Administrators are running open scams everywhere now.


If you look closely you'll see a lot of financial impropriety going on at FIU--there have been numerous scandals that have been swept under the rug. 

DRAKEMALLARD.0 topcommenter

the real crooks in the for-profit education business turn out more "graduates" than the market can absorb. their victims get lured in, take out federally insured "student loans" and walk away with limited employment prospects and credits that are worthless at legitimate educational institutions.

Hugo Sanchez
Hugo Sanchez

Go to kaiser university and you will get biggest fees than FIU for less quality education!! Let's be serious: you get what you pay !!!

Carl Andrew
Carl Andrew

You should have gone to a real school, like the South Harmon Institute of Technology instead of FIU where they offer salsa dance classes in the Graham Center.


Just because fees are listed on a website does not mean they were charged properly.  If there is no authority to charge a fee, then it's illegal and rather than continue to spew lies they should reimburse all of it to everyone, with interest.

Sounds like a CLASS ACTION to me!  

BJ Chiszar
BJ Chiszar

This is the sad norm everywhere!

Cts Limo
Cts Limo

Every college is overcharging

Tony Queido
Tony Queido

Awesome school but has always been run by money hungry greedy slobs ...


@james32937 An on campus stadium?  UM would have done it by now if it was worthwhile.. They have plenty of cash.

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