The politics are of little importance to the public, whether locals who want to feel safe during their morning swim or tourists who just want to party. And although more towers and lifeguards in Miami Beach would likely save dozens of lives for years to come, they won't bring back the 15 people who have drowned in the past two years.

And they won't bring back Dillon Charles. He never woke up next to his friend after they were pulled from the water by cabana boys. She only found out he was dead later that night when she checked out of the hospital herself. She survived, but her nightmare has yet to end.

"I have really bad anxiety about all this," she says. "I am in therapy because of what happened." Some of her friend's family members blamed her for his death. Sometimes she does too. Other times, she blames the city for leaving half a mile of beach unguarded.


"There should have been signs that said 'No Swimming' or people whistling to come back toward shore," she says. "When you're at the beach, you need a lifeguard. Lifeguards save lives."

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