



St. Louis City's Got Wood, Will Unload On You for Free

Hoira Varlan via Flickr
Look at all this wood.
Starting today, St. Louis is offering city residents free wood. Firewood, that is.

Every year, the forestry department collects wood from the removal of dead or damaged trees in city parks and streets and gives it to residents for firewood.

"This is an excellent opportunity for city residents to take advantage of picking up free firewood for the winter months," says Greg Hayes, commissioner of forestry.

See also: St. Louis Has Wood For You

Want to get a piece of St. Louis' wood for yourself? City employees drop their loads after 3 p.m. on weekdays on the lower Muny parking lot in Forest Park. St. Louis' free wood program starts November 12 and runs until the first week of March 2015.

Fair warning: Wood isn't guaranteed to come every day, and it's distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Owing to park restrictions, commercial vehicles and trailers are prohibited. For more information or questions, call St. Louis' forestry division at 314-613-7200.

Follow Lindsay Toler on Twitter at @StLouisLindsay. E-mail the author at


My Voice Nation Help
Ron Irvin
Ron Irvin

St Louis city all ready gives me wood right up the tail pipe... Lol

Colleen Qadadeh
Colleen Qadadeh

Liz Hamlett Megan McDaniel Marcallini & Kevin Mccarty

Isabelle Jean
Isabelle Jean

Andrea Newport Slais! Just saw your post about wood lol

Allie Mausshardt
Allie Mausshardt

I just saw it on the news. But its big like I already have enough of. If it only looked like the picture. Watch the new. I like what you already got me you my guardian angel love you. Christina M Brown

Dan Howard
Dan Howard

Nice reference to the city giving you a facial...

Philip Rock
Philip Rock

Gary Gottlieb, i believe you were asking about wood yesterday

Ron Finger
Ron Finger

You will need to get there early...bring a chain saw and a maul...oh and it still probably needs to cure to be good for firewood.

Lexa Deckert
Lexa Deckert

Zachary Michael Brian Ingenbohs Darren Perez

Robert Ora Lowe
Robert Ora Lowe

I love the smell of all the fireplaces in my neighborhood.

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