



Pope Francis Demotes Former St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke

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Cardinal Raymond Burke is being transferred out of his powerful post in the Vatican courts.
Since September, rumors sweeping in from the Vatican said Pope Francis would demote former St. Louis archbishop Raymond Burke, an outspoken, hard-line conservative cardinal.

On Saturday, the pope made the demotion official. Burke has been removed from his lofty position as prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, the Catholic church's highest court, to be replaced by archbishop Dominique Mamberti, who was serving as the Vatican's foreign minister.

"I very much have enjoyed and have been happy to give this service [to the Apostolic Signatura], so it is a disappointment to leave it," Burke told Buzzfeed, adding later, "I trust that by accepting this assignment, I trust that God will bless me, and that's what's in the end most important."

Vatican observers have called the demotion "unprecedented" and an "eminent decapitation," especially since Burke's new job as the honorary head of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a largely ceremonial position.

"The position of patron of the Order of Malta is usually given to a retired cardinal, or as a second task to an active cardinal," according to the National Catholic Reporter. "It has almost no responsibilities."

See also: As Vatican Shifts Toward LGBT Acceptance, Ex-Archbishop Burke Denounces Gay Relationships

Burke, a highly conservative church leader, once told St. Louis voters it was a mortal sin to vote for a candidate who supports abortion rights and told the Catholic world recently that gay relationships are "always and everywhere wrong, evil" even as the church considered broadening rights for LGBT followers.

Burke's demotion isn't the result of a personality clash between Burke and the pope, but rather indicates that the church could be headed in a new direction, said Frank Flinn, a retired adjunct professor of religious studies at Washington University, when Daily RFT first heard about Burke's demotion in September.

"The pope wants to turn the offices of Church aback into to services of Christ," Flinn said. "He aims to just change the whole idea of what bishops and priests and clergy do. They are to serve the people, to serve the members of the Church. If there is one theme to his papacy, that is going to be it."

And Burke won't be a big part of the papacy's direction. "[Burke] is removed from all power," Flinn said.

The Archdiocese of St. Louis released a brief statement congratulating Burke on his new role:

The Archdiocese of St. Louis extends prayerful congratulations to its former Archbishop and Archbishop Emeritus, His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, as he assumes his new role of cardinal patron of the Knights and Dames of Malta.

Follow Lindsay Toler on Twitter at @StLouisLindsay. E-mail the author at


My Voice Nation Help
Neil Eden
Neil Eden

Being a Christian is not about being judge mental and hateful. I hope that Pope Francis can make a difference in our world of intolerance!- christy

Mary Roberts
Mary Roberts

Hope he puts St Stanislaus back together!

Steve Wieberg
Steve Wieberg

Thank goodness the Catholic Church is finally getting it right!

Gayle Ashton Reneer
Gayle Ashton Reneer

It's about time. He does not exemplify the life of someone living the life of mission to others. My mom is in heaven dancing. She hated him.

Larry Nowell
Larry Nowell

Pope Francis needs shutter the existing Archbishop of St. Louis, Robt. Carlson.

Rick Joyce Ess
Rick Joyce Ess

WOW! The times they are a'changing! Pope Francis had better have someone test his food from now on. Remember what happened to the Pope in Godfather III who bucked the old regime. - Joyce

Janet Schoenbeck
Janet Schoenbeck

I never heard anyone in St. Louis say that they liked him or his preaching.

Brian Weidler
Brian Weidler

Should have stripped him of all his priestly trappings and excommunicated him. Just sending him to do penance with the Knights of Malta isn't near enough...

Sally Enderle
Sally Enderle

Glad he us cleaning house. Its about time the Pope did his job.

Greg Lewis
Greg Lewis

There are better men falsely accused, rotting in prison, for less offenses than what this cowardly, fraternal perv. has done. Single handedly brought the Catholic Church to it's knees, pun intended.

Lyle Ward
Lyle Ward

Love it. Send the idiot to an island. O

Couch Pig
Couch Pig

St louis was so proud of him..And in reality he sucked and so did his moral principles

Margie Price
Margie Price

Couldn't happen to a bigger jerk. But he doesn't need to come back here, thank you very much

Mark Alan McRoberts
Mark Alan McRoberts

He protected pedophiles he does not deserve any consideration. He should spend the remainder of his days begging for forgiveness from the damaged humans he contributed damage to and he needs to ask for forgiveness for his absolute arrogance.

Carole Miller
Carole Miller

You obviously do not understand Catholic faith. We do not worship anything but the holy Trinity. Yes we pray to the saints for intercession. No different than asking a friend to put in a good word for you. Don't dis what you don't understand. We consider the pope to be the successor to Peter. You remember him? The one Jesus told "you are the rock upon whom I will found my church". And yes we've had some bad ones (popes that is) but this one seems to believe in unconditional love - just like Jesus.

Chris M. Jessen
Chris M. Jessen

...a great first step. I think excommunication would have been more prudent.

Meg Davis
Meg Davis

Hurray for Pope Frank! He's great!

Sharon Walker
Sharon Walker

The Pope is a false idol. Those who call themselves Christians should worship Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ. ........1 Samuel 12:21 Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless.

Steve Bova
Steve Bova

Yea!! It is about time Burke got his just desert

Laura Dee
Laura Dee

That statement got me as well. What a greedy ass.


Nice to hear Burke is getting his come-uppances. The arrogant snot. We were happy to see him exiled from St. Louis – he has all of the compassion and charisma of Dick Cheney. St. Louis has been riddled with pedophile priest scandals, cover-ups, and downright out-of-touch church leaders. Burke can steadfastly hold his idelological line somewhere else than St. Louis. Now, hopefully, he will be stripped of the ability to cover up more scandals, wherever the good Pope chooses to assign him.

Hinson Jeff
Hinson Jeff

You can fool some of the papal some of the time, but not all of the papal all of the time.

Christina Toth
Christina Toth

This Pope is alright. Heading in a good direction.

Brandi Liebig-Vonderhaar
Brandi Liebig-Vonderhaar

I am not a practicing Catholic, but I do like the direction the new pope is taking things. This is good news!


Will there be a papal bull to restrict Burke's use of altar boys as handmaidens?

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