



Governor Nixon Lays Out Plan for Post-Grand Jury Announcement Law Enforcement Strategy

Jessica Lussenhop
Governor Jay Nixon lays out plans for protests in Ferguson and St. Louis after the grand-jury announcement.
Governor Jay Nixon announced the law-enforcement strategy for future protests in Ferguson and St. Louis at a press conference this afternoon at the Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop C headquarters in St. Charles County.

Nixon said three local agencies -- the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, the St. Louis County Police Department and Missouri State Highway Patrol -- will form a unified command to maintain security during protests. The National Guard, which was called up during protests in August, will hold back, Nixon said, until "we determine it is necessary to support local law enforcement."

"As governor, the most important part of my job is keeping the people of Missouri safe," Nixon said. "That is why we have been working around the clock to prepare to keep residents and businesses of the St. Louis region safe -- regardless of the outcome of the parallel local and federal investigations."

Law enforcement will protect residents and businesses from possible violence during protests linked to the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, the unarmed teen whose death sparked weeks of demonstrations. But while August's protests were mostly confined to Ferguson, St. Louis County police chief Jon Belmar said the next round of protests could take place throughout the region -- something the unified command is preparing for.

"The leaders of the agencies in the unified command are focused on the preservation of life, the protection of property and ensuring that all peaceful demonstrators can exercise their free-speech rights," Belmar said. "We also want the public to know that we are fully committed to preventing lawbreakers from threatening public safety."

The grand-jury announcement, which St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch insists will come out no earlier than November 15, is expected, at the very least, to touch off new demonstrations.

"Peaceful protests were marred by senseless acts of violence and destruction," including looting, arson and gunshots, when unrest began in Ferguson August 10, Nixon said. "That ugliness was not representative of Missouri, and it cannot be repeated."

See also: Turkish Journalist Bilgin Şaşmaz Sues Police Over Ferguson Arrest

Ferguson police are not part of the unified command, though Nixon dodged a question about their direct involvement in future security efforts.

More than 1,000 officers have received more than 5,000 hours of additional training to prepare for future protests, especially training in allowing peaceful protesters to assemble, Nixon said.

"Violence and destruction will not define us," said Missouri State Highway Patrol captain Ron Johnson. "Instead, it is the voice of change -- which can be heard because of the First Amendment -- that will define the true character of our region. We will protect the people's voice of change and ensure the safety of all."

Local officials joined Nixon at the press conference, including St. Louis Metropolitan police chief Sam Dotson, Missouri State Highway Patrol captain Ron Johnson, Colonel Ronald Replogle, Major Bret Johnson and Missouri Department of Public Safety Director Daniel Isom.

Nixon asked Missouri residents, especially protesters, to be calm, peaceful and respectful after the grand-jury announcement.

"Ultimately, with folks watching us," Nixon said, "the true goal here is to get beyond the individual matters that might be involved here and get to long-term, lasting movement forward on issues that have been intractable...for far too many years."

Follow Lindsay Toler on Twitter at @StLouisLindsay. E-mail the author at


My Voice Nation Help
Tyson Weinhoffer
Tyson Weinhoffer

Am i the only one that thinks they've already made the decision? Sure sounds like it.

Jesse Owens
Jesse Owens

News media hypes all this crap to fuel the fires. Isis ohhhh....Protestors oohhhhh....gimme ur guns lol. Sounds stupid but that's what it is in a nutshell. Build fear. Make all law abiding citizens looked at as possible terrorist because of the actions of few. Give up rights for safety. Thanks but no thanks. The world can burn and it may, but walk in my territory threatening me & mine and I will shoot ur ass. Plain and simple. Protestors, cops, military all the same. That is our right and above all we need to keep it. Protest, resist and fight for every last drop of rights we have here in Nazi America!

Edward Duke
Edward Duke

The only time Dorian Johnson lied was when he opened his mouth - that's it!

Edward Duke
Edward Duke

Keep up the kind words...statements such as these are great for levity.

Jeanne Mues
Jeanne Mues

Start with a Trial by Jury. Facts count

Melonie Brock
Melonie Brock

I've heard it will be on the 15th, does anyone else know if that's true?

Laura Tomerlin
Laura Tomerlin

I say idiots because normal humans do not loot, riot and burn down their own neighborhood. Normal humans protest as allowed under the law. Idiots destroy the community which is what has happened and what will probably happen after a no true bill is delivered!!

William Lee
William Lee

I think they're mostly "scared" - nervous - apprehensive - upset - outraged - and any other descriptor that goes with this debacle... It's not been good for ANYONE, Pamela. Hoping for the best for ALL - wiser heads MUST prevail!!!

Bill Handy
Bill Handy

Hey the man put the cop in the hospital but wow he should not be shot if the cop can't whip him hand to hand let the cop get beat to death after all brown was a good kid right

Couch Pig
Couch Pig

They know they didnt even kill rodney king and look what happened

Couch Pig
Couch Pig

The guy on the end has a huge beer gut.... They all look LIKE dicks and our communities safety is in their hands...We will all be paying for these assholes decisions for along time...I Can hear them now saying we need to tell the public what they want to hear they are stupid as a majority anyway..

Felicia Claudette Harris
Felicia Claudette Harris

You do not have to use the word idiots! Just say people! Some people take their English/Grammar to the extreme! Do you conduct business in such a way! IJS!!!

Chris A Cruzan
Chris A Cruzan

Wow, there sure is a lot of keyboard courage out there this evening.

Demond Eiland
Demond Eiland

Cindi that last post was for you! This one also...You people kill also...but at least you get your day in front of a jury of your peers, which are never my peers they are racist like you!!!!

Demond Eiland
Demond Eiland

Who the fuck is them? If the police was trying to protect us mike brown wouldn't be dead, you sound ignorant

Scotch Tapenbogen
Scotch Tapenbogen

"Teach your children to respect the law" Kids know to respect the law, the problem is the law hasn't learned to respect the people so the kids quit respecting them.

Scotch Tapenbogen
Scotch Tapenbogen

Jay Nixon plans to prepare law enforcement to murder all unarmed civilians once the court decides it is totally okay for law enforcement to murder unarmed civilians. Or something like that.

Cindi Douglas- Asher
Cindi Douglas- Asher

When you think you are above the law consequences are a given. Yes it's ashame he had to lose his life. When so many of them are killing each other everyday it's a dangerous situation when police are trying to protect all of you. Teach your children to respect the law so they are not put in these kind of circumstances. AND wait for the verdict and the real evidence... Dorian Johnson should be brought up on charges, it was proven he lied.

Cindi Douglas- Asher
Cindi Douglas- Asher

Good to hear that the "wrong" protesters/rioters will be taken down if they act like animals.

Shane Feltes
Shane Feltes

Ha! I hope it's a better plan than the debacle before it.

Jason Hutchins
Jason Hutchins

Well, glad to see SLMPD chief Dotson is helping head things up. Hopefully he will show them how it's done with St. Louis style tact and class.

Todd Dwyer
Todd Dwyer

Law enforcement should tell Nixon to kiss their ass and let them handle any violent mob behavior as they see fit. Nixon has been kissing ass to the mob and hating on the police from day one.

Nick Leporin
Nick Leporin

locked and loaded hope you know how to aim mfers

innocentbystander topcommenter

BTW, whatever happened to the gun-toting, jay-walking, Stream supporting black representative female who showed everybody how not to peacefully protest, anyway?? She sort of shot herself in the foot by backing the loser, and now seems to have buried her head in the sand! So much for making a big stand on her position. Silly woman.

Chet Logue
Chet Logue

so this was more of an announcement that they have a plan than it was a story about that plan. we still don't know what they are going to do

Laura Tomerlin
Laura Tomerlin

The only thing that needs to be done is to have extra law enforcement on hand and when people start to riot and loot start arresting these idiots!!!

Demond Eiland
Demond Eiland

That guy said... "As governor, the most important part of my job is keeping the people of Missouri safe". How come Mike Brown didn't get that same respect? I don't care what he did, he did not deserve to die!!!! The man who murdered multiple people in a Colorado movie theatre was not harmed, a teenager running from a cop, whom he supposedly punched and allegedly tried to take his gun was shot numerous times and twice in the head. What type justice is that? "You people" are delusional...


Nixon could have summed this up more succinctly by saying he told the cops:

Ready, Aim, Fire or Shoot to Kill! That would stop those savage racists in their tracks and save us taxpayers millions of dollars!

Mary Bell Tovar
Mary Bell Tovar

Bet this announcement is today, in anticipation that the grand jury which meets tomorrow, (Wednesday) is ready to hand down a decision.

Todd Starks
Todd Starks

Thanks for reassuring the community jay! Lol! This guy is an idiot...hell he makes folks want to burn racist azz ferguson to the ground! Good job! Btw Ferguson PD sucks!

Peggy Long
Peggy Long

I think the protesters are gonna bite off more than they can chew coz law abiding plp ARE NOT gping to let them just terrorize them..

Lora Bora
Lora Bora

Just say it already wth is the big deal.


No use arguing with you.  You have zero logic, all emotion

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