Jimmy Page Honors Led Zepplin, In Illustrated Form

Categories: quotes

Jena Ardell
Rock legend Jimmy Page admitted to Rolling Stone he's done with all the Led Zeppelin tinkering, after the exhaustive reissue campaign he produced of the band's rarities and exclusives.

Page told reporters he was preparing to work on new solo material after his autobiography entitled Jimmy Page by Jimmy Page was published (last month).

"I've got lots of material I've written on acoustic guitar," Page told Rolling Stone. "Lots and lots. And right now I need to get myself up to speed, and that won't take too long. But I don't know what musicians I'd play with. I do have material and a passion for it. I need to work towards it, and now I can without all the other side issues going on."

Modern artist Jeff Koons proposed to design the cover for Page's next solo album during a panel discussion about Page's rock n'roll career at the 92nd Street Y in New York. Heck yes.

Here's what Page had to say about the magic of Led Zepplin. Quotation above via iem.ac.ru

Jena Ardell

--via thequietus.com

Jena Ardell

--via www.telegraph.co.uk


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