Listen to Our Community Forum: What’s Behind the North Texas Quakes?

Azle and Reno are the epicenter for the North Texas earthquake swarm.

Doualy Xaykaothao / KERA News

Azle and Reno are the epicenter for the North Texas earthquake swarm.

On Wednesday night, StateImpact Texas and KERA Dallas hosted a community forum in Azle, ‘What’s Behind the North Texas Quakes?’ The goal of the forum was to bring together experts and civic leaders to address a swarm of tremors that began late last fall that could be tied to oil and gas production. Read our full story on the forum here. 

Moderated by KERA’s Doualy Xaykaothao, the panel included state Rep. Phil King (R-Weatherford), Reno Mayor Lynda Stokes, SMU Associate Professor of Geophysics Heather DeShon, Bill Stevens of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, and our reporter Mose Buchele.

The forum explored what we currently know about the quakes, what can be done about them, and whether or not state regulators and legislators are up to the task of taking actions to prevent more quakes in the future. We have a full story here on the forum, and audio of the whole event here for you to listen to:

Audience members were also invited to ask questions of the panel. Here’s that portion of the forum:

And here’s a collection of tweets covering the event:

KERA News has this story on the forum: KERA/StateImpact Forum Explores The North Texas Earthquake Swarm

And here’s some of the local press coverage:

ABC WFAA Dallas: Mystery surrounding Azle earthquakes still frustrates residents 

NBC DFW: Azle, Reno Residents Get Answers About Earthquakes

Fort Worth Star-Telegram: Scientific answer to quakes a year off, SMU researcher says

Many thanks to our panelists and all who could join us in person and online.

Support for StateImpact Texas’ ‘Road Show’ was provided in part by the Energy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin.


  • WCGasette

    Would have liked to have heard or seen this livestreamed real time. The technology is not that difficult. With this “replay” there are too many possibilities for editing. We continue to be baffled and disappointed by our state and the media they select for partnerships.

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