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Anti Gay Riots Erupt in Poland Print E-mail
by Tom McGregor    Wed, Nov 12, 2014, 11:39 PM

$ 1Abagsaw.jpgViolent anti-EU (European Union) and anti-gay riots have erupted on the streets of Warsaw. 

Sputnik News reports that, "The recent riots in Poland’s capital Warsaw, where 200 people were arrested and several dozen were wounded, are not being compared in the mainstream Western press with the violent clashes of the so-called Maidan revolution in neighboring Ukraine. The Polish rioters are being presented as mere “hooligans”. However, the tactics and slogans of the so called “peaceful protesters” in Kiev and Warsaw are very similar. In November 2013 – February 2014, Warsaw officially gave its 100 percent support to the violent actions of the “urban guerillas” on Maidan and blasted former president Viktor Yanukovich for arresting the perpetrators. Oddly enough, Poland’s politicians are somewhat reluctant to let the participants of much less violent riots out of jail in their own capital."

Some Polish protestors are chanting, "if you don't jump you are a queer." 

According to Sputnik News, "Even the obnoxious jokes of the participants in the two “protests” were similar. Last winter in Kiev, the rioters warmed themselves up by jumping and chanting “If you don’t jump, you’re a Russian!” In Warsaw, as the daily Gazeta Wyborcza reported, the “independence fans” were chanting “If you don’t jump, you’re a queer!” Racism and hatred for minorities were quite visible in both Kiev and Warsaw, but the mainstream press of both Poland and the EU in general preferred to overlook them during the “pro-European” Maidan riots." 

Sen. John McCain (R.-Az.) has not appeared on the streets of Warsaw during the riots.

To read the entire article from Sputnik News, link here:

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