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Islamists Set Sail on Jihad Cruise Ships Print E-mail
by Tom McGregor    Thu, Nov 6, 2014, 09:46 PM

$ 1Aadisneycruise.jpgMilitant Muslims have launched a Jihad Navy by deploying luxury cruise liners to carry radical Islamists to terrorist ports all over the world. 

The BBC News reports that, "The international police body said some of those trying to join militant groups in Iraq and Syria had used cruise lines to get to countries including Turkey. It said checks to passenger lists should be extended from airlines to cruise operators before the issue became more of a problem."

Interpol's director of counterterrorism Pierre St. Hillaire is quoted as saying that, "Because they know the airports are monitored more closely now, there's a use of cruise ships to travel to those areas." 

According to the BBC News, "No figures were put on how many militants had travelled in this way. Speaking in Monaco, Interpol's outgoing chief, Ronald Noble, said countries should conduct checks on all passengers using airports "and, more and more, cruise lines."

Turkey ports have become the most popular destinations for global Jihadist sailors.

To read the entire article from BBC News, link here:

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