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Sen Rand Paul Touts Strong Support for Asian-American Republicans Print E-mail
by Tom McGregor    Wed, Nov 5, 2014, 11:40 PM

$ 1Aapaul.jpgSen. Rand Paul (R.-Ky.) is giving speeches calling for more Asian-American Republicans to get involved with GOP politics.  

Fox News reports that, "Senator Rand Paul in his speech to the Republican National Convention Wednesday night highlighted the personal stories of Southeast Asian immigrants, including the Taing family from Cambodia and Vietnamese brothers Hung and Thuan Trinh, who risked their lives to sail to America on a boat from Vietnam. He told us about the risk they took to flee their war-torn countries – a risk often unimaginable to many of us born in the United States – to find freedom, peace and opportunity in the country we call home."

Michelle Mai Meleskey, a Vietnamese-American political activist, is quoted as saying that, "Republicans and conservatives, who have taken the lead in defending America from the increasingly big-government policies of the left, must include Asian-Americans in our effort to preserve our shared belief in American exceptionalism."

According to Fox News, "Some interesting facts to consider: Asians recently surpassed Hispanics to become the largest group of immigrants to the United States, with Asians approaching 40 percent of immigrants in 2009 while immigrants of Hispanic origin were just over 30 percent. To add to that, the number of Asian-Americans running for Congress this year has more than tripled since 2008."

The GOP should do more to recruit Asian-American voters.

To read the entire article from Fox News, link here:

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