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Chicken Obama Flees from Putin at APEC Print E-mail
by Tom McGregor    Wed, Nov 5, 2014, 08:33 PM

$ 1Abamachicken.jpgBEIJING:  President Barry Obama feels to scared to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin when he is schedule to attend the APEC Summit in Beijing later this week. 

The Economic Times reports that, "No bilateral meetings between Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin are scheduled during the APEC and G20 summits next week, a Kremlin spokesman said Wednesday."

Obama feels threatened by a man who perceives to be a "bully." 

According to the Economic Times, "No bilateral meeting is planned for the moment," spokesman Dmitri Peskov said, according to the Ria Novosti news agency. He added that informal contacts between the US and Russian leaders were not ruled out."

Whatever happened to Obama's Presidential campaign pledge in 2008, in which he promised to "dialogue with dictators?"

To read the entire article from the Economic Times, link here:

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