Guess How Much It Costs Taxpayers to Replace a Graffitied Sign on I-95

Categories: Broward News

Dylan Bouscher

If your morning commute features a trip through central Broward on I-95 north, you may have noticed a new work of art recently, hanging from an overpass south of the Cypress Creek exit.

Florida Department of Transportation officials called it vandalism (but didn't conduct an investigation) and scheduled a cleanup for the early-morning hours of November 5.

The sign was replaced at a cost of $4,250 to taxpayers, according to an FDOT spokesperson.

Although graffiti that intricate on an I-95 sign is technically impressive enough to make a passerby ask how the artist -- or criminal -- finished it without falling like Enrique Olivera and other taggers, it also makes you wonder how common graffiti is on the Sunshine State's highways.

It turns out graffiti artists in Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, Indian River, and St. Lucie counties have been busy the past few years, according to these numbers from the Florida Highway Patrol:

FY Vandalized Area* Cost
2009 -2010 106,000 SqFt $14,923.73
2010 - 2011 99,990 SqFt $15,366.64
2011 - 2012 186,620 SqFt $33,241.60
2013 - 2014 111,023 SqFt $28,146.62
2014 - to Date 4,796 SqFt $ 6,263.47

* =The vandalized area includes the overhead signs and the sound walls along I-95 and I-595 within District 4 jurisdiction. The FDOT constantly monitors our facilities on the Interstates and cleans/removes any graffiti as soon as possible.

In the case of the Cypress Creek graffiti caper, Broward Sheriff's officers, the Florida Highway Patrol, and the FDOT couldn't say if it was a gang symbol or not. "It may be a combination of both, given that you will often see three or four distinct graffiti markings placed on the same wall in repetition," FDOT's Chuck McGinniss told New Times. "On others, the graffiti will be painted as an individual mark."

Of the 19 overhead signs tagged in our district of Florida's highways this year, 14 are still waiting for the same cleaning that the Cypress Creek sign was treated to earlier this week.



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sweetliberty17761776 topcommenter

when you allow these crimes to go unpunished you just create more little monsters

Minor Major
Minor Major

But not a single cop around? We already pay the cops.

Greg Lindenberger
Greg Lindenberger

If your reporter who wrote the article isn't thorough enough to use actual FLA highway signs as their cover photo then I don't have time to click. New Times Broward Palm Beach that being said I like your news coverage on most other things. Keep up the good work.

Michael Leonard
Michael Leonard

Sloppy....perfect the skill before displaying your art!!!

Erica Lauren
Erica Lauren

Lmaoooo omg that's great ! How do u knowww


scumbag vandals.   Your crappy tag isn't 'art'.  If you think you are good enough, find a wall in Wynwood to work on.

Cops have their name, when caught they should need to pay for every cleanup job they caused AND be thrown in jail for awhile.  It's felony damage at those costs.

And to the general public, stop giving these idiots a free pass, they are wasting your money and making public places look like crap.

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