

Hope for cooperation: But be braced for more division in Washington

Americans should cross their fingers that Democrats and Republicans will work together to find solutions to the nation’s problems.

Temporary setback: Companies should continue their space ventures

Last week, private-sector space exploration suffered a double blow.

Veterans’ sacrifice: A town meeting explores the real cost of freedom

Telling their stories will be a distinguished panel of veterans.

 Gov. Tom Corbett gets emotional as he concedes the election to Tom Wolf at the Omni William Penn in Downtown Pittsburgh.

Corbett’s undoing: A term of disappointment begets a historic ending

Gov. Tom Corbett’s performance in office was so timid that he gave allies few reasons to back him.

Across the country: Voter discontent fed Republican gains in Congress

Multiple surveys showed that most voters believe the country is on the wrong track.


Editorial board endorsements

Election 2014 logo
Who will you vote for? Read a series of candidate endorsements by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial board for contested races in the Nov. 4 election.


David Shribman

David M. Shribman: The more things change

Tuesday’s elections are important — to the Congress, to the president, to the 2016 aspirants for the White House, to the country.


Brian O'Neill

Brian O’Neill: Forget the governor, the Legislature rules

I miss voting booths. I really wanted a curtain around me Tuesday morning so I could cry privately.


Tony Norman

Tony Norman: Catcalls video shows males’ ugly side

Viral video showing street harassment of a woman in New York City gives honest, unflattering depiction of many men.


Sally Kalson

Health care sabotage 101

The GOP, not a botched website, is the real obstacle.


Reg Henry

Reg Henry: A tale of two loafers to keep you on your toes

What if a grown man wore mismatched loafers (tasseled and non-) to the office one day? He’d get a column about life’s meaning out of it.


Dan Simpson

Dan Simpson / OK, winners, get to work

Our elected officials owe us smart policies and a functioning government.


Jack Kelly

Jack Kelly: Democrats deal race card

Democrats and their allies in the news media foment race hatred for political gain.


Ruth Ann Dailey

Ruth Ann Dailey: Inconvenience or death — that is the question

Beware Ebola solons who act without doubt. Isn’t the more admirable person one who makes respect for fellow citizens the top priority?


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