In Campaign to Stop the Court-Ordered Circumcision of a 4-Year-Old, Toddlers Hold Signs Saying "Leave His Penis Alone"

Categories: News

Angel Keller via Facebook

"I wonder if Chase wants his penis cut? I know I wouldn't!"

On Facebook, those words are transposed over a picture of an infant boy, along with hashtags including #foreskinisnormal.

As we reported in the spring, Boynton Beach mom Heather Hironimus was ordered by the court to have her then-3-year-old child circumcised, in accord with a parenting agreement she'd signed in 2011. However, in the intervening years, Hironimus had read up on the practice and come to learn it was not medically necessary and even risky.

She went to court to fight the father's wish to have the procedure completed and was granted an emergency injunction.

Now, however, she has reportedly lost an appeal, and sympathizers are using social media to make pleas to the judge in the case and to raise awareness to her cause.

A campaign called "#SavingChase Photo & Video Crusade" encourages parents to "take pictures and/or videos of you or your children pronouncing 'Save Chase from Circumcision,' or something along those lines, on camera with the hashtag #SavingChase."

Many have complied:

Cindy Hetzer via Facebook

There are many more.

The irony -- of people arguing that boys shouldn't be circumcised until they can consent, yet using their own toddlers to make points in social media campaigns -- was not lost on some commenters, who fired back with statements like: "I don't feel comfortable using children for political means. They can't consent much like they can't consent to genital surgery."


My Voice Nation Help
Elliot James
Elliot James

Lisa-Marie Romano Plenty of adult women get labiaplasties and are generally satisfied with the results. So should parents be allowed to perform labiaplasty on their 4-year-old daughters for whatever reason they want? Serious question, and I hope you give a well-thought-out response. P.S. The foreskin has a purpose--it has pleasure-giving nerve endings, and it protects the glans penis. Could you imagine if your clitoris was constantly exposed your whole life, how dried out and less sensitive it would be? The same thing happens to a man's penis head when he gets circumcised!


It's the 21st century. This idiocy needs to end.  Read the US history of this while you eat your KELLOGG corn flakes...


It is about time someone tried to stop the wackos who still believe that the genital mutilation of baby boys is an acceptable practice in the 21st century. Baby boy genital parts removal cuts off thousands of fine touch and stretch nerves. This is like disconnecting the fingertips, nipples or lips from the brain. Doing it to a defenseless baby is, or should be, a crime.

Lisa-Marie Romano
Lisa-Marie Romano

Are there any circumcised men on here crying? It doesn't hurt their sexual performance or pleasure ( unlike the cutting of women- that is a completely different thing. If you don't believe me ask an obgyn ). For whatever reason she had agreed to do it. It might be for the father's religion IDK. But I do know that it doesn't hurt anything. Also for the people that are saying put a gag order on all of you you did not understand my comment was for the newspaper. Really this should be no big deal. It is not so traumatic as you have it pumped up to be.


It's bad enough that any children have parts of their genitals cut off without a real medical need, but doing it to a four-year-old against his mother's wishes is just insane.  His body, his decision.

Joseph Deepwood
Joseph Deepwood

Romano 80% of the men in the world are intact. You think other countries rape their sons genitals like a bunch of middle eastern barbarians!

Joseph Deepwood
Joseph Deepwood

Some patriarchy! Male privilege!? The family penis how sick! Only in America land of misandry and male genital mutilation. Anyone who thinks the family penis is ok better not squeal "woman's body woman's right!" Or "stay out of our uterus men in congress!" That would make you sexist.

Daniel Seely
Daniel Seely

"There are plenty of circumcised men in the world. The mother terrifying the child that "his daddy is going to cut his pee pee" is what is damaging." LMAO, no brainwashing is required of a four year old to know that someone taking a knife to his penis for no reason whatsoever is a horrific and terrifying act!

Amy Overmier Holt
Amy Overmier Holt

And, it is my understanding that the mother has been ordered by the judge not to even tell her own son she is against it (first amendment violation, anyone?) So it is likely the kid just has a brain and understands cutting penises hurts and is wrong. Why do so many adults not understand this?


The contract was invalid based on paranoid superstitions, threatening  forced bodily harm, sexist, racist, and unnecessary, non beneficial, dangerous, genital modification. Accuse and Charge the judge with obstruction of justice, collusion against Chases constitutional rights to equal rights protection, forcing a religious based sacrificial punishment on the child for the sin of ignorance by the father and society, abuse/misuse of authority, 

QueeNia AsheeMa'at
QueeNia AsheeMa'at

#SavingChase #i2 #rethink #circumcision #IfIWereABoy #GenderEquality #ImIntactHesIntact


Circumcision is about power over others. This case clearly shows this  to be true. Those who are for circumcision being forced on someone else, do it because THEY get something out of it in return. Chase is not getting anything and worse is set to loose his crown of jewels. Part of this type of power play is the common, "We cut you, it's for your good, don't complain, you should be thanking us, now shut up about it (there's more important issues, it's just skin, it's just a small amount, why talk about it,  it's done - now get over it.

Tell me do you think it okay to cut off parts of someone's healthy body without their consent?

This judge and father think so, that is those that had circumcision forced on them. And in Florida no less, where after ObamaCare  came into effect, Floridians can once again use others tax money to fund their Medicaid elective forced circumcision. So yippy for the father. Maybe he gets to have the ordered circumcision for free. Maybe he's so proud of circumcision that he will make a party of it and stream it to the masses. Maybe the judge will order the mother to be with her boy while he's being circumcised. This is what power is about.

As the Intactivist movement grows nationally and globally, the more absurd circumcisers behave. Like this mother is court ordered to not talk about circumcision to her so,n who's penis is in the works.

Chase is not a rope in tug of war. Stop using him. Don't use scarification and amputation for messaging in using his body to say "Love, Dad!"


Keep knives off kids genitals, I feel like I'm stuck in a nation of pedophiles!!!! Circumcision is unnecessary and dangerous and a grave violation of a persons rights, men deserve to make decisions regarding their bodies too, the sexism needs to stop.


I was going to write a big long speech but here ya go. NOT YOUR PENIS NOT YOUR CHOICE! All mammals have foreskin, its healthy its normal its SUPPOSED to be there. Stop justifying why daddy had part of hsi dick severed off and protect your kids from ignorance. 


It is a human right to have bodily integirty under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is not a human right to make a choice about ones own foreskin? to me that is vitally hypocratic. All the supposed benefits of circumcision only apply to sexually active adults, so why do we not prevent doctors and parents from forcing it on their children who are not sexually active, cannot consent or even comprehend the pros and cons and what the functions of the foreskin are! All mammals have foreskin, its normal, its healthy and its there for a reason! Chase deserves to make that decision. There is no emergency, there is no reason to amputate part of his penis off. Daddies need to learn that they shouldnt justify their own genital mutilation through their children and mommies need to learn that its not their fing penis. 

Ben Pogue
Ben Pogue

....nice not understanding, circumcision is another issue and I'm not touching that one, reading the article i could not help but notice the two parents battling over an issue and the child getting worst of it, thats ALL.....

Elliot James
Elliot James

Regardless, Jeremy, it's not medically necessary. The United States and Israel are the ONLY COUNTRIES ON EARTH to do this to baby boys. If it's so medically necessary, why aren't European and Japanese men falling down dead from penile infection?

Elliot James
Elliot James

That's not accurate, and saying that does not help the intactivist cause. A more accurate (though not perfect) statement would be that removing a boy's foreskin is akin to removing a girl's inner labia and clitoral hood, thereby permanently exposing the clitoral glans to dry out and desensitize. Will she still have orgasms and experience sexual pleasure? Yes. Will it be as intense? Likely not.

Elliot James
Elliot James

Nice attempt at rhetoric there, Ben. Actually a pretty poor attempt. The reality is that this has everything to do with stopping a little boy from having a normal, healthy, erogenous, pleasurable, sensitive, protective part of HIS genitals cut off for no medical reason.

Elliot James
Elliot James

Question for you, Lisa-Marie: what if your parents cut off your inner labia and clitoral hood when you were four years old when there was no medical reason to do so? That would be totally cool, right? I mean, there are plenty of circumcised women in the world who are perfectly fine with it and want to circumcise their you should be cool with living life without protection for your clitoris, too, right? A parent's right to choose, right?

Lisa-Marie Romano
Lisa-Marie Romano

There are plenty of circumcised men in the world. The mother terrifying the child that "his daddy is going to cut his pee pee" is what is damaging.

Daniel Seely
Daniel Seely

"This is stupid. AND CONTEMPT OF COURT. She is not allowed to do this and getting you to do to for her is still contempt." Many people all over the world are doing this on our own accord and have no contact with the mother. The Judge cannot limit our Freedom of Speech!


My son is nearly four. I know that circumcising him at this age would be incredibly traumatic. Not only is he fully aware of his body enough to notice the difference (he loves his foreskin), but he would not be able to comprehend why the people who love him the most are letting people hurt him in his most vulnerable, sensitive place that I've spent three years teaching him is his and his alone. I tear up just thinking about it. I would not subject him to this unless he was very sick, we had exhausted all other treatments, and surgery was a last resort. Especially with the additional risks of general anesthesia. There is no urgency here for an elective procedure! Chase has plenty of time to decide. The foreskin has far too many important immunological, physically protective, and sexual functions to remove it without consent nor medical need.


It is about time someone tried to stop the wackos who still believe that the genital mutilation of boys is an acceptable practice in the 21st century. Boy genital parts removal cuts off thousands of fine touch and stretch nerves from the kid. This is like disconnecting the fingertips, nipples or lips from the brain. Doing it to a young boy is, or should be, a crime.

Amy Overmier Holt
Amy Overmier Holt

So let the judge order gags on us, then. We are not doing this for her, we are doing this for Chase.

Lisa-Marie Romano
Lisa-Marie Romano

This is stupid. AND CONTEMPT OF COURT. She is not allowed to do this and getting you to do to for her is still contempt.

Jeremy Jensen
Jeremy Jensen

V codes don't really matter. There is a v code for diabetic treatment as well. And just so u know 64.0 is a circumcision so guess by what you said it is a medical necessity

Adrian Captain
Adrian Captain

Circumcision is like removing a girls clit......

Elliot James
Elliot James

I take it that the author is equally uncomfortable with this child being "shoved" into the debate as well.

Jeni Evison
Jeni Evison

Cutting the genitals of boys to make them look like other American kids does the exact opposite. Cut your baby and you just made them an outsider. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant variations of appearance in circumcised boys; clinical findings are much more common in these boys than previously reported in retrospective studies. The circumcised penis requires more care than the intact penis during the first 3 years of life. Parents should be instructed to retract and clean any skin covering the glans in circumcised boys, to prevent adhesions forming and debris from accumulating. Penile inflammation (balanitis) may be more common in circumcised boys; preputial stenosis (phimosis) affects circumcised and intact boys with equal frequency. The revision of circumcision for purely cosmetic reasons should be discouraged on both medical and ethical grounds.

Jeni Evison
Jeni Evison

A Regret Mother and Father's Story My husband was in the room with my first son when his was done. He did not cry as bad as the other babies, he seemed a little more comforted with him there. But he didn't sleep through it. The nurse who came with my husband and son after it was done said he did perfectly fine through it all, which I knew was lie from my husbands face. I regretted it as I signed the paper, but I was totally uneducated on it, so I thought it was best. My husband was still convinced in getting my second son's done until I told him how I really don't want it being done. We went back and forth but he finally agreed. Then about a month before he was born, my husband said that he wanted it done, I blew up at him and told him that it's not his choice and it won't be done... By the next morning he agreed that it won't be done but it will be my fault if he ever gets an infection and blah blah blah. About a week or two before my son was born we fully agreed it was best to keep in intact and my husband was on my side about it totally. Finally! I was so relieved!!! I told this group first before I told anyone at all, but I remained anonymous. My husband watched my son like a hawk to make sure they didn't retract or anything. The nurses and doctors were all really good about it and didn't try to push our decision! Even our pediatrician who is pro circumcision, made it clear with our first, that circumcision is the only way, didn't push it or kick us out of his practice. While my son was getting some of his tests done in the nursery, my husband had to witness other little boys being done. No parent came in with them. The one doctor performing it, had no idea what he was doing. He kept asking the nurses all kinds of questions; if he gives the baby the whole shot of pain medicine. If this is the right tool to use and if it extends at all. My husband was cringing he said. It took that doctor 5 minutes to complete one circumcision. Then he would start the other one without cleaning up the baby or anything. He just let them scream and bleed! The second circumcision doctor came in, the same lady who did my son, she was fast, did it in 2 minutes tops. She only did one baby though. After she finished his she started talking to a nurse because their kids are in the same grade. They even at one point in the conversation said how they can't get any piece and quiet with the babies. She left the baby she just circumcised unclothed, untouched, didn't cover his penis back up, didn't cover him, didn't put a heat lamp over him or anything. It was freezing but the baby shouldn't have been left with no heat. My husband saw the baby shivering and went over to him. Got told to stand next to his son only and he complained that the babies need to be taken care of how, that they need to do their job. They rolled their eyes and went over to those babies to clean them up and get them covered. They weren't gentle, they weren't nice, and they sure weren't comforting those poor baby boys. My husband came back worse than he ever looked and told me what happen. It was so horrible!! If you can seriously read this and still want to get your son done, you are a sick individual and shouldn't even consider yourself a mother. A mother protects her child from harm, a real mother wouldn't let this happen, knowing all the facts that are being presented and knowing this happens! Mostly all circumcision doctors give the babies pain medicine. But it takes about 2 minutes for it to kick in. They start and finish the procedure, depending which one they are doing, before it kicks in. Like my sons was. But that way when they hand them back to the mommy, the baby isn't all out of sorts because now the baby is numb.

Jeni Evison
Jeni Evison

"Of 36 obstetric-gynecology residents 27 responded to the survey. Most respondents planned to perform neonatal circumcision when in practice, 44% had no formal training in circumcision and most were comfortable performing routine neonatal circumcision. Overall respondents were less comfortable evaluating whether the a newborn penis could undergo circumcision safely. When presented with 10 pictures of penises and asked to determine whether the neonate should undergo circumcision, 0% of respondents correctly identified all contraindications to neonatal circumcision with an average of 42% of contraindications identified correctly. Of the respondents 77% listed practical experience as the first choice to learn a procedure with an online module preferred by 55% as the second choice".

Jeni Evison
Jeni Evison

And before someone tries to claim circumcision is for health/hygiene/medical reasons, in medical billing its coded as V50.2. All procedures under the V50 codes are non medically necessary and include boon jobs, hair transplants, ear piercing, nose jobs, organ donation and circumcision.

Juan Andrés
Juan Andrés

In a similar case in Israel, the court protected the child. Is our own court more radical than the one in Israel? What a sad situation we live on.

Juan Andrés
Juan Andrés

You may be proud, your might as well not care, but they still took away your right to bodily integrity.

Elliot James
Elliot James

This is sad. What if the boy grows up and (quite reasonably) would have preferred that normal, healthy, erogenous, protective tissue had NOT been removed from his genitals and replaced with a scar? Moreover, what if the discussion was about a little girl and her labia? Would our thinking be ant different?


The idea that cutting off the only erogenous tissue with about 20000 nerves does not reduce pleasure is LAUGHABLE.  Where does the idea come from that cutting the connection to the brain of THOUSANDS of nerves is no big deal?

I have the parts and I would rather lose my foot than give up the sexual pleasure and function of the inner foreskin. The parts feel great and those that do not have them should not opine about things that they have no knowledge of.


Losing 20000+ nerve endings, all the mucosal tissue, and nearly half of the penile skin is no big deal?


There are plenty of unhappily circumcised men in the world. There are far fewer unhappily whole men (and their option is obvious). The court has ordered the mother not to tell the child what his father wants to do to him, so it's going to come (if it does) as an even nastier surprise than usual. What's damaging is that his father even WANTS to cut his "pee pee". (He hasn't given any reason.)


And almost NO men that have all of their penis decide to have the parts removed.  The parts feel really good. 

Although the loss of sexual function and pleasure has been known for thousands of years, there is now clear data that this penis cutting  causes sexual dysfuntion at a young age.  Some men can function at that reduced level, especially when young, but not everyone –and not for a lifetime like natural men typically do.

riverrat69 topcommenter

Well, here's one from personal experience. I had to be circumcised when I was 29 due to a yeast infection I caught from my wife. With a stitched up dick at that age, getting aroused even though you didn't want to is one hell of an experience. You really really don't want to go through with that. I wish my parents had me circumcised when I was a baby.


@riverrat69 I wonder if Aron Ralston, who had to cut off his own hand after it got trapped under a rock in the Utah desert, wishes his parents had cut it off at birth?


Riverrat, have you ever heard of monistat? Your story is ridiculous. Yeast infection is not an indication for circumcision. I'm sorry your doctor lied to you.

riverrat69 topcommenter


Now we have an internet doctor on here? You know more than my doctor did?

Just who the hell are you to tell me my story is rediculous? It's a fact, you moronic asshole. I lived through it, you certainly didn't.


@riverrat69 @cindyspam1 "You know more than my doctor did?"
Quite possibly. US doctors are commonly taught nothing about the foreskin except how to cut it off. There are even anatomy texts that define the foreskin as "the part that is cut off in circumcision" and do not show it.


@riverrat69 @cindyspam1 One of my intact male friends told me that he once had a yeast infection, and easily treated it with Monistat. It is unfortunate that your doctor was knife-happy. Why wasn't your wife's yeast infection treated with surgery?

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