Call on Congress

You can call a phone number to order pizza. You can call Mom when you are feeling blue. But what about when you want to know what’s happening in our nation’s capital?

powered by twilio™

Call on Congress is a free telephone service that helps you learn more about what Congress is doing.

Simply dial 1-888-907-6886 to find out how your representatives are voting on bills and raising campaign money. You can also be connected with your lawmakers’ Capitol Hill offices or get details on where to vote on Election Day.

Available in both English and Spanish, one phone call provides you with instant information on how Congress is representing you in Washington, D.C.

The Sunlight Foundation created Call on Congress to help bridge the “digital divide” by giving anyone with a phone line a free and meaningful way to understand their government and hold elected officials accountable.

If you are a non-profit, community or advocacy group interested in learning more about Call on Congress, please contact Amy Ngai at

Want to Help?

Use Call on Congress in your own Twilio applications

A number of twimlets are provided for use in your own applications. The following parameters are used in the twimlet URLs:

  • <lang> Language, must be one of en, es, or eo.
  • <id> Bioguide ID for the member of Congress. Can be found at the Biographical Directory of the US Congress.
  • <url> A valid URL for redirection after the twimlet completes.
  • <zipcode> A valid five-digit zipcode.
Member Biography

Reads a short biography of the specified member.<lang>&bioguide_id=<id>&next_url=<url>
Top Campaign Donors for a Member

Reads the top ten contributors to the member’s campaign for the current election cycle.<lang>&bioguide_id=<id>&next_url=<url>
Recent Votes by Member

Reads the recent votes taken by the specified member.<lang>&bioguide_id=<id>&next_url=<url>
Call Member’s Office

Connects the call to the member’s DC office. The <next_url> parameter is not supported on this twimlet as forwarding the call ends the Twilio application flow.<lang>&bioguide_id=<id>
List of Upcoming Bills in Congress

Reads a list of bills that are up for consideration in the House and Senate.<lang>&next_url=<url>
Find Local Election Office

Reads the contact information for election offices within the specified zipcode.<lang>&zipcode=<zipcode>&next_url=<error_url>