There's a Tweetstorm Coming

Wednesday, August 20, 2014 - 02:54 PM

A collective nightmare of a thousand tech reporters across the world is coming true: there’s a tweetstorm app.

First, a quick terminological note: a tweetstorm is a way of posting a piece of writing on Twitter over multiple tweets, which are usually numbered. The method was popularized by venture capitalist Marc Andreessen, who will occasionally flood his followers with tweets in lengthy sequence, prefaced with “1/”, “2/”, “15/”, and so on.

Thunderstorm, created by Darshan Shankar, promises to simplify the process of making a tweetstorm. It allows the user to prepare an entire tweetstorm in tweet format before posting, and to send those tweets to Twitter, queued up, at once.

At first blush this might not seem like a terrible idea, but that changes when you see a tweetstorm in action. It’s like watching someone give an unsolicited, impromptu speech in a crowded cafeteria: even if you’re saying something interesting or important — a rarity with tweetstorms — the venue is so, so wrong.

What makes Twitter (occasionally) lively, interesting, and useful is the injunction to be brief that the 140-character limit puts into place. It’s true that sometimes someone will send out a couple of related tweets, or engage in a long back and forth, but that’s not declaiming at length. There are other ways to do that. Make use of them!


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Comments [1]

Jim Fenton from Los Altos, CA

The other approach I'm seeing more and more is the tweeting of images of large blocks of text. This also has the effect of making the referenced text harder to search for, probably not what the tweeters intended. Hopefully we're not on our way to a new search engine that has to OCR those posts!

Aug. 26 2014 10:07 AM

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