Twitter Cartography

Friday, March 14, 2014


With more than 240 million active users engaged in activities ranging from abetting revolutions to reporting tornadoes, Twitter’s cultural impact can’t be denied. But can we use it to chart how we actually communicate, not just with our own cohorts, but the world outside? Bob talks to Pew Research Center's Lee Rainie about mapping the informational ecosystem of Twitter.


Lee Rainie

Hosted by:

Bob Garfield

Comments [2]

Will Tomlinson

I don't know why you have to insist on despairing. Perhaps you're just reluctant to adapt to new things.

Mar. 18 2014 10:02 AM
Dana Franchitto from S.WEllfleet, MA.

If Lee Rainie's assertion that liberals are relying on mainstream news sources is accurate,then it confirms Chris Hedges' thesis that the "Liberal Class" is dead. I don't know why the mianstream media including NPR has a reputation of being "liberal" when it is owned or served by the corporate elites.

Mar. 17 2014 02:50 PM

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