Bruce W. Bray Jr.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Using Jim Sheeler’s advice, On the Media producer Chris Neary reports an obit of Bruce W. Bray Jr.


Jean Bray and Bill Ford

Produced by:

Chris Neary

Comments [3]

Glenn Strange from Spartanburg, SC

Not only was Bruce an awesome performer. He was a kind person that shared his talents and his wisdom with other magicians all over America. He gave more back to the world of magic than he took. We are better because of Bruce. Thank you for posting this.

Sep. 17 2014 12:01 PM
lisa from NJ-mercer county

I was friend of Bruce and his mother shared this with me... thank you for doing this... He was the most amazing performer and touched so many lives..He was such a wonderful friend, we all still miss him so.....

Sep. 15 2014 11:19 PM
Thatwood B. Telling from The Village

I don't know whose brainchild this story was, but I salute whoever came up with the idea. High praise to Neary, as well, for the execution. Very touching, indeed.

Sep. 14 2014 10:01 PM

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