#37 - Every City Gets the Hero it Deserves

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - 04:40 PM

(Philadelphia Police Department)

On Tuesday, the Philadelphia Police released a video of some unidentified suspects in a brutal attack on a gay couple. Within a few hours, a Philly sports fan and his online friends had identified some of the people in the video without the blizzard of false accusations that usually accompany an online investigation. Alex speaks to  "Fan Since 09" about how he managed to corral a online mob into potentially solving a crime.

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Comments [3]

DerekDeVries from Grand Rapids, MI

Loved this story! - A really uplifting example of digital humanity.

Oct. 08 2014 12:37 PM
Eliza Novick-Smith

this story made my day! love the podcast, guys!

Sep. 19 2014 05:12 PM
Footwork61 from Allentown, PA

FanSince09 says he is anonymous because he's not supposed to tweet at work. His employer should find out who he is so they realize what a leader they have on their workforce and use his leadership skills for their own benefit too.

Sep. 18 2014 12:05 PM

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TLDR is a short podcast and blog about the internet by PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman. You can subscribe to our podcast here. You can follow our blog here. We’re also on Twitter, and we play Team Fortress 2 more or less constantly, so find us there if you like to communicate via computer games from six years ago.

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