Gazan Media

Friday, July 25, 2014


In Gaza, the media that locals have access to is primarily Hamas-controlled. Brooke talks with Sherine Tadros, a middle east correspondent for Sky News who's spent years reporting from the region, about what Gazans are seeing, and what many of them have come to believe.


Sherine Tadros

Hosted by:

Brooke Gladstone

Comments [4]


Brooke, what's with you? At the close of the interview, yur guest drops a line excusing the use of human shields and you have nothing to say?

It should have been equally obvious that what followed was false as well. Anyone following this story would already have looked at satellite images and seen the plentitude of large areas of fields and open land that would serve as better locations for the rocket launchers. The choice to locate them among civilians seems to be deliberate and not forced at all.

The premise that anything can excuse the use of human shields is obviously false and the attempted excuse should be obviously false to an OTM editor. Yet, it seems that a guest can get away with anything, no matter how obvious, if they save it for the last word in the interview.

Jul. 27 2014 11:56 AM
Michael from Tel Aviv

For the second time in two weeks, Brooke outrageously lets a guest make excuses for terrorism.

First it was Philip Weiss with his "Progressive Jewish Perspective" (which I'm sure made any members of J-Street listening choke on their pastrami on rye) telling Brooke that the American media is starting to wake up to the fact that "Occupation Breeds Resistance." Resistance of course being a common euphemism for violent acts against civilians.

And now we have Sherine Tadros telling Brooke that of course non-uniformed Hamas operatives fire rockets against Israeli civilian populations next to schools because Gaza is crowded. Not only is this claim extremely misleading (there are plenty of open agricultural areas in the Gaza Strip), but Tadros, unchallenged, makes here excuses for explicit violations of Geneva Convention. These are, after all, rules that have been put in place to protect civilians in time of war.

Next time you want an intelligent voice that actually has Palestinian interests at heart and knows plenty about the other side, talk to Hussein Ibish or actually ask some challenging questions.

These episodes shake the credibility of what has long been my favorite radio program. I now wonder how much I am missing when you tackle subjects with which I am less familiar.

Jul. 27 2014 04:36 AM
Douglas from El Paso

Don't Gazans get Al-Jazeera?

Jul. 26 2014 11:23 AM
Frank Pecca from Randolph, NJ

I hope Jodi Rudoren was listening to your interview with Sherine Tadros. She could learn something about "context" that she so flippantly dismisses.

Jul. 25 2014 10:58 PM

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