Blurred Lines

Friday, August 29, 2014


In Washington, the lines are increasingly blurring between politicians, lobbyists and the media. Bob meets with a journalist turned lobbyist, the man known as the "doorman to the revolving door," and perhaps the most infamous lobbyist of all time to talk about the industry of DC.

Song: I Am the Slime by Frank Zappa


Jack Abramoff, Bob Barnett, Jeffrey Birnbaum and Mark Leibovich

Hosted by:

Bob Garfield

Comments [1]

Diane Conklin from California

Excellent, excellent show today on the fall of journalism especially in DC. As a former journalist who unsuccessfully turned flack decades ago and with parents who were a part of the Washington press corps when it meant something in the 1960s, I found this report to be an honest attempt to convey the decline of authentic, public-minded journalism worthy of the moniker "The Fourt Estate". Today there are few journalist-celebs who would even know what rssponsibilities the press carries, or carried, when intelligence and the ability to reflect on the myriad of issues needing to be addressed nationally. Pity the uninformed nation...

Aug. 31 2014 09:52 PM

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