Our Campaigns & Initiatives

We are raising awareness and taking action to address human rights crimes in Sudan, South Sudan, Congo, Somalia, and areas of Africa affected by the Lord's Resistance Army. Join us.

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Daily Beast Op-Ed: ‘The Good Lie’ and the Hard Truths of South Sudan

A whole new generation of lost children is in the making.

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Spoils of War, Spoilers of Peace

Changing the Calculus of South Sudan's Deadly Conflict

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Enough Forum: Watching the Bubble Burst

Political Implications of Sudan's Economic Implosion

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Seize the Peace - Four Issues to Target Now in the CAR Peace Process

A new Enough Project report discusses the challenges the transitional government and its international supporters face in their efforts to secure peace in the Central African Republic.

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Doing Good, while Doing Well

Is There a Win-Win Formula for Investing Responsibly in Congo’s Minerals Sector?

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Janjaweed Reincarnate

Enough reports on Sudan's new army of war criminals

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VICE News Op-ed: Sudan's Silent Suffering Is Getting Worse

Sudan may be the world’s most murderous conflict. But the suffering of its people has been obscured, redacted, made silent.

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The Impact of Dodd-Frank and Conflict Minerals Reforms on Eastern Congo’s War

Just four years after enactment of historic Dodd-Frank “conflict minerals” legislation, a new investigative report by the Enough Project identifies early signs of success.

Special Topics

  • This resource page is designed to provide an update on the efforts to end the conflict minerals trade that finances numerous brutal armed groups in eastern Congo, note remaining challenges, and suggest strategies for encouraging lasting peace.

  • Cofounder of the Enough Project, John Prendergast is known as a champion of human rights in Africa. But the not-so-public face of JP is the life he’s led as a Big Brother to Michael Mattocks.

  • Answers to frequently asked questions about conflict minerals and conflict minerals provisions in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

Multimedia Resources

  • Raise Hope for Congo

    Roxanne Rahnama is the Strategic Oversight and Resolutions Coordinator for the Conflict-Free Campus Initiative. This video shares her story about joining the conflict-free movement and highlights the importance of collaboration between activists and companies like Intel who are working to source clean minerals from Congo.

  • Video

    Enough Project Senior Fellow Marcus Bleasdale is a documentary photographer who uses his work to influence policy makers around the world. This TEDx talk was given by him on the topic of the price of modern technology and capturing the conflict mineral trade in Democratic Republic of Congo.