TLDR #38 - Ask Leah

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - 07:30 PM

In the late nineties Leah Reich was working for the video game website IGN, which was the most popular website on the internet for 13 to 18 year old boys at the time. She started reading and responding to the site's mailbag, and before she knew it she had become the trusted advisor for thousands of lonely teenaged boys. This week PJ (who was one of those boys) talks to Leah about the trials and rewards of being a counselor to confused, budding nerds.

Thanks for listening. You can read Leah's writing about her time as an advice columnist at The Bygone Bureau and The Kernel. She's also writing a series of essays called A Year of Wednesdays, which are very great. If you like our show, please subscribe to us on iTunes. You can also follow PJ and Alex and TLDR on Twitter. 


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