The perfect online complement
to existing print ads
Makes Print-To-Web Work For:
Sales Reps Ad Ops Advertisers Readers

Value for Advertisers

Ads are displayed on prominent online section fronts within a familiar corkboard

Upsell Print Ads

Flyerboard works as a digital component to any print campaign

High Revenue

Partners are making $25,000-100,000+/month using Flyerboard

Ad Creation

Ads can be created with only an image and basic information about the business


A hosted solution compatible with all standard ad servers


Get real-time impression and click stats that can be shared with advertisers


Complements any print campaign such as an insert or circular. Great for a coupon or holiday sales push


A natural way to create a "Help Wanted" section where users are able to browse openings

Community Boards

A great way to target specific communities within a locality


Allow users to contact a business directly within a Flyerboard ad


Enter the address of the business or event and a Maps tab generates directions

Social Media

Users can "Like" a flyer on Facebook and even see recent Tweets by the business


Flyerboard is exactly the tool we needed to bring our local advertisers online. Simple, intuitive, and effective — Flyerboard immediately took off with our sales team and our customers. In just the first month we made close to six figures off Flyerboard — most of it new revenue! Demand has been so strong that we've now expanded the Flyerboard rollout to over 30 sections of our site. I haven't seen any other product take off this quickly, and we could not be more pleased. I would highly recommend Flyerboard to any media company serious about growing their online ad revenue.

Dan Lovelace – Strategic Products Manager,

Too many print to web products deliver too little value for advertisers...not Flyerboard! Our advertisers love that they can effortlessly create an online flyer which complements their traditional print advertising. Built-in features like a local map and contact form are especially popular. Flyerboard has been a really great way for us to bring our print advertisers online.

Lance Adeszko – VP of Sales - Interactive at Sun-Times Media Digital

Flyerboard has worked out for the Billings Gazette way better than I ever imagined. We launched Flyerboard based on reader feedback- they wanted easy and intuitive way to read the print ads online. Flyerboard has proved to be a perfect upsell for our print products. Each week we have customers request to post their print ad on Flyerboard. We now bundle Flyerboard with just about every print category - jobs, autos, real estate, and especially retail. I would recommend Flyerboard to any newspaper looking to grow digital revenue.

Ryan Brosseau – Director of Classified and Digital Advertising Sales at Billings Gazette Communications