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November 13th
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Obama to Act on Immigration

President Barack Obama is reportedly poised to unilaterally overhaul American immigration policy as early as next week, in a long-anticipated move that could allow up to 5 million undocumented immigrants to stay in the U.S. over Republican lawmakers' objections

Keystone Pipeline Up for Approval

The House will vote Friday on the contentious pipeline, with the Senate likely on Tuesday, marking the first time in six years both chambers will do so

Ferguson Grand Jury Nears End

The grand jury will decide whether to charge a white policeman in the death of an unarmed black teen, lawyers for Michael Brown's family said Thursday

Hachette and Amazon Hash Out a Deal

The publisher and online retail giant announced a new multi-year agreement on Thursday, ending their long-running and very public contract dispute over e-book pricing. The reported deal, which goes into effect early next year, will allow Hachette to set prices for its e-books

Taylor Swift: Women Have to Work Harder for Respect
One in Five High Schoolers Admit Smoking
LeBron Won't Let His Two Sons Play Football or Hockey
Here Comes the Big Freeze
Ex-Wife of Oil Magnate to Appeal $1 Billion Divorce Award
ISIS Leader Calls on Supporters to 'Erupt Volcanoes of Jihad'
Get Used to Gas Prices Under $3 Per Gallon
New Orleans Cops 'Failed to Pursue Sex Crimes'