TIME Libya

Car Bombs Target Egyptian, UAE Embassies in Libya

(TRIPOLI, Libya) — Car bombs went off outside the Egyptian and United Arab Emirates embassies in the Libyan capital on Thursday, causing some damage to the long-shuttered buildings but no casualties, officials said.

The near-simultaneous explosions rocked the upscale neighborhood housing foreign missions, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to media.

Both embassies, along with most diplomatic missions and international organizations, have been closed for months as Islamist-allied militias have battled forces loyal to the internationally-recognized government. The Islamist-allied militias now hold Tripoli and the country’s second-largest city Benghazi.

Egypt condemned the attack, saying it harmed the “historic blood ties” between the two nations. “Terrorist groups are using violence to reach political goals,” Egypt’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The blasts occurred a day after three car bombs, including one driven by a suicide attacker, struck in the eastern Libyan cities of Tobruk and Bayda, where the elected parliament and government are based. Six people were killed and 21 wounded in those bombings.

Libya is currently mired in the worst fighting since dictator Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown and killed in a 2011 uprising against his four-decade rule. The militia fighting has killed hundreds and displaced tens of thousands.

The Islamist-allied militias accuse the UAE and Egypt of backing their non-Islamist rivals. Egypt has said it is allied with the Libyan government in a war on terrorism.

The U.N. Security Council in a statement Thursday night “condemned in the strongest terms” the attacks on the embassies and condemned all acts of violence against diplomatic locations.

The militias’ capture of Tripoli forced the elected parliament, dominated by non-Islamist lawmakers, and the government it approved, to move to Tobruk and Bayda, which had remained mostly quiet until the attacks Wednesday. Islamist lawmakers in Tripoli have revived an earlier parliament and government. A disputed court ruling has meanwhile invalidated the June elections that brought about the internationally recognized government.

The Tobruk-based parliament has expressed support for a U.N. appeal for a cease-fire, saying in a statement Wednesday that “the political solution is the only way” out of the current crisis.

In the western city of Zuwara, meanwhile, an Italian hostage identified as Marco Vallisa was released on Wednesday, according to the Zuwara Media Center, which is affiliated to the city council. Vallisa was abducted on July 5 along with two other European construction workers who were later released.

It’s not clear who abducted the three, but Zuwara is close to a suspected training camp for Islamic extremists and a hub for smuggling migrants from Africa to Europe.

TIME justice

Trooper Ambush Suspect Charged With Terrorism

The man accused of opening fire on a Pennsylvania State Police barracks admitted killing a trooper because he was dissatisfied with government and wanted to “wake people up,” according to court documents filed Thursday that provided the first indication of a possible motive.

Eric Frein spoke of wanting to start a revolution in a letter to his parents and called the slaying of Cpl. Bryon Dickson an “assassination” in a police interview after his Oct. 30 capture, the documents said.

State police charged Frein on Thursday with two counts of terrorism. He already faced first-degree murder and other counts in the Sept. 12 ambush, which killed Dickson, seriously wounded another trooper and sparked a 48-day manhunt in the Pocono Mountains.

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for Frein, who appeared by video at a brief hearing at which state police filed the additional charges. He has not entered a plea.

On the night of his capture, Frein waived his right to remain silent and told police in an interview at the barracks that he had shot the troopers “because he wanted to make a change (in government) and that voting was inefficient to do so, because there was no one worth voting for,” according to a criminal complaint. “The defendant further acknowledged taking action (shooting the troopers) to wake people up because it was all he could do.”

Court documents filed Thursday also included a letter, which authorities say was written by Frein and was addressed to “Mom and Dad,” that said revolution “can get us back the liberties we once had.”

“Tension is high at the moment and the time seems right for a spark to ignite a fire in the hearts of men. What I have done has not been done before and it felt like it was worth a try,” said the letter.

Frein, 31, also apologized to his parents, writing, “I am just not a good son,” according to documents.

Police found the letter on a storage drive inside an abandoned airplane hangar that authorities believe Frein used as a shelter. The letter was created on Dec. 29, 2013, and was last accessed on Oct. 6, 2014, while Frein was on the run, the documents said. Police have said Frein had a laptop with him.

Authorities, meanwhile, say they’re not worried that Frein’s confession could conceivably be challenged by defense attorneys.

Police refused to tell Frein that his family had hired an attorney for him the night he was captured, according to defense attorney James Swetz, who said he was prevented from seeing Frein at the barracks.

“I was told, ‘He’s an adult and has not asked for a lawyer,’” Swetz recounted earlier this week.

District Attorney Ray Tonkin has cited Pennsylvania Supreme Court precedent that says police aren’t required to tell a suspect that an attorney is seeking to speak with him or her. A more recent state court decision, however, said the Supreme Court had not “eliminated the possibility” that a defendant’s due-process rights could be violated under similar circumstances.

TIME Companies

Amazon and Hachette End Months-long Dispute

An employee places packed goods on a conveyor belt for shipment at Amazon's Brieselang logistics center west of Berlin on Nov. 11, 2014.
An employee places packed goods on a conveyor belt for shipment at Amazon's Brieselang logistics center west of Berlin on Nov. 11, 2014. John Macdougall—AFP/Getty Images

Neither side seemed to benefit from the fight

NEW YORK — One of publishing’s nastiest, most high-profile conflicts, the months-long standoff between Amazon.com and Hachette Book Group, is ending.

Amazon and Hachette announced a multi-year agreement Thursday.

With e-book revenues reportedly the key issue, Amazon had removed pre-order tags for Hachette books, reduced discounts and slowed deliveries.

Neither side seemed to benefit. Hachette sales on Amazon.com, the country’s biggest bookseller, had dropped sharply. Amazon, meanwhile, issued a disappointing earnings report last month, although the impact of the Hachette dispute was unclear.

Hachette’s authors include James Patterson and Donna Tartt. It was among five publishers sued in 2012 by the U.S. Justice Department for allegedly fixing e-book prices. The publishers settled and were required to negotiate new deals with Amazon and other retailers.

TIME World Cup

FIFA Clears Russia and Qatar to Host World Cup

FIFA President Sepp Blatter holding up the name of Qatar during the official announcement of the 2022 World Cup host country at the FIFA headquarters in Zurich, in Dec. 2010.
FIFA President Sepp Blatter holding up the name of Qatar during the official announcement of the 2022 World Cup host country at the FIFA headquarters in Zurich, in Dec. 2010. Philippe Desmazes—AFP/Getty Images

No proof was found of long-standing allegations of bribes and voting pacts

(GENEVA) — A FIFA judge has cleared Russia and Qatar of corruption in their winning bids for the next two World Cups.

German judge Joachim Eckert formally closed FIFA’s probe into the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bidding contests on Thursday, almost four years after the vote by the governing body’s scandal-tainted executive committee.

Eckert noted wrongdoing among the 11 bidding nations in a 42-page summary of FIFA prosecutor Michael Garcia’s investigations.

However, Eckert ruled that the integrity of the December 2010 voting results was not affected.

No proof was found of longstanding allegations of bribes and voting pacts. Eckert concluded that any rule-breaking behavior was “far from reaching any threshold” to require re-running the contests.

Eckert wants Garcia to prosecute cases against individual FIFA voters and bid staffers.

TIME Wildlife

Tribes to Receive Bison Held by Ted Turner

Yellowstone Bison
Bison graze near a stream in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming on June 19, 2014 Robert Graves—AP

The bison were due to be slaughtered but instead are being returned to the park to help with conservation efforts

(BILLINGS, MONT.) — A group of Yellowstone National Park bison is due to finally arrive at a permanent home on a northeastern Montana American Indian reservation on Thursday, almost a decade after they were captured and spared from slaughter.

About 100 of the 138 animals were loaded onto trucks late Wednesday to travel overnight to the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, home to the Assiniboine and Sioux tribes.

All of the bison were set to make the trip Wednesday, but one of the trucks broke down. The remaining bison will begin their journey Thursday.

The small herd will help tribal members regain a connection to an animal that helped shaped their ancestors’ nomadic existence, tribal officials said.

Bison, also known as buffalo, still play a central role in many ceremonies for Plains Indian tribes.

The Yellowstone animals will be “welcomed with prayers,” said Tom Escarcega, one of a group of Assiniboine and Sioux tribal leaders who planned to escort the animals to Fort Peck.

“It starts to bring back our ceremonies that we kind of forgot,” Escarcega said. “In our culture, we treat the buffalo as a people, and we’re the two-legged nation. They deserve respect.”

Escarcega said a bull bison from the group that could not be transported because it was uncooperative had to be killed. The meat was to be distributed to tribal members.

Yellowstone’s bison are highly prized for their pure genes. Yet thousands have been killed during their winter migrations under a government-sponsored program meant to protect livestock outside the park from the disease brucellosis, which many bison carry.

The bison for the tribes were culled from Yellowstone’s wild herds in 2005 and 2006 under an experimental program designed to start new populations elsewhere.

They are being shipped at night because they will be calmer and easier to move, said Tom Palmer with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. The wildlife advocacy group Defenders of Wildlife is covering the shipping costs, Palmer said.

On the reservation, the bison will be kept in a 140-acre pen for a 10-day adjustment period, Fort Peck Fish and Game Director Robert Magnan said. Then they’ll be released onto a 13,000-acre pasture north of Poplar that already holds about 48 Yellowstone bison transferred to the tribes two years ago.

Earlier attempts to relocate the animals failed, in part because of opposition from livestock interests. They had been held since 2010 on CNN founder Ted Turner’s ranch near Bozeman. As compensation for caring for the animals, Turner gets to keep 75 percent of their offspring, or 179 bison.

Most of those offspring will be kept in Montana for the foreseeable future as part of a conservation herd, Turner Enterprises General Manager Mark Kossler said. Some of the bulls will be used for breeding to improve the genetics in other Turner-owned bison herds scattered over 15 ranches across the Western U.S., Kossler said.

“It’s worked out well for the bison,” Kossler said. “They’ve been preserved instead of going to slaughter, and they’re going to be used for conservation.”

The experimental program under which the original animals were captured as they attempted to migrate outside the park has since ended.

However, Yellowstone administrators have proposed reviving the program in hopes of establishing the park as a source of bison to start new herds across the U.S.

Closer to the park, wildlife officials on Wednesday released a proposal requested by Gov. Steve Bullock that would allow bison to roam year-round in some parts of Montana if the park population drops below 3,500 animals.

If adopted, it would break a longstanding impasse over where and when bison should be allowed to roam in areas of Montana bordering Yellowstone.

Bullock intervened after state livestock and wildlife officials could not agree on a solution.

At populations exceeding 3,500 animals, bison still would be subject to slaughter, increased hunting and hazing back into the park.

Yellowstone had about 4,900 bison at last count.

TIME France

Historic Haberdashery: Napoleon’s Hat for Sale

(PARIS) — Napoleon Bonaparte’s famous bicorn hat is up for auction and on display next to the chateau where the French general lived when he wasn’t leading troops into battle across Europe.

The black felt is a little weathered by age and use — though no one’s actually worn the hat since Napoleon’s cavalry veterinarian, who apparently received it from the leader as a gift.

Auctioneers are hoping to fetch 500,000 euros ($623,000) for it. The hat is part of a Napoleonic collection belonging to Monaco’s royal family, which is distantly related to him. In a note accompanying the catalog, Prince Albert II said the family decided to sell the items of the collection as part of the restoration of the palace “rather than see them remain in the shadows.”

Also for sale from the collection are dozens of medals, decorative keys, documents, a jeweled sword, a Russian caviar spoon and a bronze eagle that once perched atop a battle flag, complete with bullet holes.

“It’s the first time a veritable museum is going under the hammer,” said Jean-Pierre Osenat, head of the auction house in Fontainbleau.

Osenat said only 19 of Napoleon’s 120 hats have survived, and only two of those are in private hands. Prince Albert’s great-grandfather, Louis II, bought it directly from the vet’s descendants, Osenat said. The hat is famously depicted in paintings of Napoleon on the battlefield pitched to the side, and counter to the fashion of the day.

“He understood at that time that the symbol was powerful,” said Alexandre Giquello, who works at the auction house. “On the battlefields, his enemies called him ‘The Bat’ because he has that silhouette with this hat.”

TIME Courts

Federal Judge Strikes Down S.C. Gay Marriage Ban

But marriage licenses can't be immediately handed out

(CHARLESTON, S.C.) — A federal judge has struck down South Carolina’s ban on same-sex marriage.

U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel on Wednesday ruled against the state’s constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. But marriage licenses can’t be immediately handed out. Gergel gave state Attorney General Alan Wilson a delay until Nov. 20.

A spokesman for Wilson says he’s reviewing the ruling.

Last month, Colleen Condon and Nichols Bleckley applied for a same-sex marriage license in Charleston County.

The U.S. Supreme Court last month refused to hear an appeal of a 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision allowing same-sex marriage in Virginia. That development opened the way for same-sex marriages in other states in the 4th Circuit. South Carolina was the only state in the circuit refusing to allow such marriages.

TIME movies

Fans Demanded Dumb & Dumber Sequel, Stars Say

Dumb and Dumber To
Jim Carrey, left, and Jeff Daniels in a scene from "Dumb and Dumber To." Hopper Stone—Universal Pictures / AP Images

"Honestly, it was like we just did it yesterday and boom, we were back in it"

LOS ANGELES — Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels made another “Dumb & Dumber” film because fans asked for it, and the two actors said making the sequel was more fun than working on the 1994 original.

“We were kind of just meeting each other as we were doing the first one,” Daniels said in a recent interview. “You got two different acting styles going on — is it going to even work? And the first one, we guessed right, and it did …

“Now it’s just a lot easier. We know more, we know what’s funny, we know the two characters well — all the stuff we didn’t know in the first one we already know in the second one, so we just get to do it again, only we hope better.”

“And we were blood doping,” Carrey added. “So that made it easier.”

Daniels and Carrey reprise their roles as painfully dim pals Harry and Lloyd in “Dumb & Dumber To,” opening Friday. Reuniting on a sequel 20 years after the original wasn’t hard, Carrey said.

“Honestly, it was like we just did it yesterday and boom, we were back in it,” he said. “It was a fantastic, familiar feeling.”

Daniels was delighted to return to comedy after spending the past three seasons starring in the Aaron Sorkin TV drama, “The Newsroom.”

“Comedy is a joy,” he said. “There’s a freedom to it. There’s a fearlessness to it that you don’t get in everything else. It was a thrill to do.”

TIME ebola

Mali Reports 2 New Ebola Deaths in Capital

Unconnected to previous incidents

(BAMAKO, Mali) — Malian authorities on Wednesday reported two new deaths from Ebola that are not believed to be linked to the nation’s only other known case, an alarming setback as Mali tries to limit the epidemic ravaging other countries in the region.

The announcement in this city of about 2 million came just a day after Malian health authorities said there had been no other reported cases — let alone deaths — after a 2-year-old girl who had traveled to Mali from Guinea succumbed to the virus in late October.

A nurse working at a clinic in the capital of Bamako died Tuesday, and tests later showed she had Ebola, Communications Minister Mahamadou Camara said Wednesday. A patient she had treated died on Monday and was later confirmed to have had the disease as well.

The patient — a Guinean national — came to the Clinique Pasteur on Oct. 25 late at night and was so ill he could not speak or give information about his symptoms, said the head of the clinic.

“His family did not give us all the information that would have led us to suspect Ebola,” Dramane Maiga told The Associated Press.

Government health officials were slow to act, Maiga said. The nurse was hospitalized on Saturday and hospital officials did not call the health ministry until Monday morning. Health officials did not arrive at the clinic until 6 p.m. and by the time the test results came back, the 25-year-old nurse was already dead, said Maiga.

The new Ebola cases come just as public health officials started to think Mali had avoided the worst. The cases are stark reminders that the disease is hard to track and the entire West Africa region remains vulnerable as long as there are cases anywhere.

Nearly 5,000 people have died this year in the region from the virus, which first erupted in Guinea, on Mali’s border.

Mali’s first case initially caused alarm because officials said the toddler was bleeding from her nose as she traveled with relatives by public transport from Guinea to Mali, passing through Bamako and other towns en route to the western city of Kayes, where she died. Ebola is transmitted through the bodily fluids of people who are showing symptoms, which include bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea.

On Tuesday, officials said nearly 30 members of a family that was visited by the sick 2-year-old girl have been released from a 21-day quarantine after they showed no symptoms of the disease. Ebola can take up to 21 days to incubate.

About 50 other people who had possible contact with the girl remain under observation in Kayes, 375 miles (600 kilometers) from Bamako. They will be released from quarantine on Nov. 16 if they don’t show symptoms.

TIME Burma

Burma Falls Short on Key Reform Pledges to U.S.

Barack Obama, Aung San Suu Kyi
U.S. President Barack Obama and Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi speak to press at her residence in Yangon, Myanmar, on Nov. 19, 2012 Carolyn Kaster—AP

The quasi-civilian government has progressed, but deep problems remain

(WASHINGTON) — President Barack Obama’s visit to Burma, officially now known as Myanmar, in 2012 celebrated the nation’s historic shift from military rule. But as Obama returns Wednesday, optimism over economic and political reformshas faded. Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has questioned what’s been accomplished in the last two years.

The answer is mixed. On the eve of Obama’s first visit, Burmese President Thein Sein made 11 policy pledges on human rights concerns, ties with North Korea and anti-Muslim violence. The quasi-civilian government has progressed, but deep problems remain.

An Associated Press review:


GOAL: Allow the International Committee of the Red Cross access to prisons.

UPDATE: In early 2012, the government agreed to the first Red Cross prison visits in seven years. Spokesman Ewan Watson said the agency has visited 28 detention sites this year. Rights activists say ill treatment of detainees persists.


GOAL: Invite the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights to establish an office in Burma.

UPDATE: The government issued the invitation in November 2012 but has refused to let the agency open an office to monitor human rights. U.N. staff visit on a rotating basis.


GOAL: Allow blacklisted people to enter and leave the country.

UPDATE: Formerly blacklisted human rights activists, journalists and others have been able to visit. Exiled Burmese dissidents have returned. But some returning exiles have been unable to secure Burmese citizenship; members of the Burmese diaspora say they have been denied visas. Some freed political prisoners face travel restrictions.


GOAL: Initiate a process to assess the criminality of remaining political prisoners.

UPDATE: The government says all political prisoners have been freed. The U.S. says more than 1,300 have been released in the past three years. But 27 prisoners are still held, according to the main nongovernmental group tracking the issue. Rights groups say hundreds of new dissenters and peaceful protesters have been detained in the past year.


GOAL: Pursue a durable cease-fire in Kachin state, scene of the largest ethnic rebellion. Pursue sustainable political solutions with ethnic minorities.

UPDATE: Thein Sein’s administration has held peace talks with an array of ethnic rebel groups. In northern Kachin state more than 100,000 villagers have been displaced by fighting since 2011. Clashes escalated in October between the army and ethnic Shan and Karen rebels.


GOAL: Take decisive action in Rakhine state to prevent communal violence, hold perpetrators to account and meet the humanitarian needs of the people. Address contentious political issues.

UPDATE: Attacks by Buddhist extremists since mid-2012 have left hundreds of minority Rohingya Muslims dead and 140,000 trapped in dire conditions in camps. More than 100,000 Rohingya have fled Burma by boat — with departures reported to be accelerating. Hundreds of the migrants have died at sea.

Authorities have obstructed humanitarian access, leading to preventable deaths. The main aid group in Rakhine state, Doctors Without Borders, was expelled in February.

A draft government plan would enable the estimated 1.3 million Rohingya in Burma to seek a form of citizenship but only if they categorize themselves as “Bengalis,” which they object to as it implies they are illegal migrants from Bangladesh. Those denied citizenship would be put in camps and face deportation.


GOAL: Expedite negotiations with international humanitarian organizations for broader access to conflict-affected areas.

UPDATE: Hundreds of thousands of members of ethnic minorities remain displaced in border regions. The International Committee of the Red Cross has opened offices in Shan and Kachin states and been allowed into conflict zones.


GOAL: Sign the Additional Protocol to the U.N. nuclear agency’s Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement.

UPDATE: Burma signed the protocol in September 2013, but has yet to ratify it. The agreement requires the government to declare all nuclear facilities and materials and allow greater scrutiny by inspectors.


GOAL: Abide by U.N. Security Council Resolution 1874 prohibiting weapons imports from North Korea.

UPDATE: U.S. officials say Burma has taken significant steps, but has not cut all military ties to North Korea.


GOAL: Strive for more open and accountable government.

UPDATE: The government has fired hundreds of civil servants for petty corruption. Burma has applied to join an international agreement intended to ensure full disclosure of taxes and other payments from oil, gas and mining companies. But reporting of revenues by state-owned enterprises, including on jade and timber, remains patchy. The military and cronies of the former junta dominate the economy.


GOAL: Combat human trafficking.

UPDATE: For three years, Burma has stayed off the annual U.S. list of the worst offenders failing to combat human trafficking. But there’s evidence Burma’s security forces are profiting from the mass departure of Rohingya Muslims by extracting payments from those fleeing.

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