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The Baylor Lariat


    Editorial: Don’t read this editorial, or text, while driving

Editorial: Don’t read this editorial, or text, while driving

The days of carelessly texting “omw, literally,” from behind the wheel are almost over in San Antonio, and the rest of Texas would be wise to follow suit.

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    Editorial: Evaluate your reasons for serving

Editorial: Evaluate your reasons for serving

One of the noblest ways someone can choose to spend their time or live their life is in service. Service comes in many forms: feeding the homeless; picking up trash on the side of the highway; choosing a career in the military, law enforcement or the fire department; mission trips; and many more. But the many forms of service all have one thing in common: They are selfless acts.

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    Editorial: Ft. Lauderdale isn’t helping homeless

Editorial: Ft. Lauderdale isn’t helping homeless

The debate in America surrounding the criminalization of homelessness just got a bit more heated after officers in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., cited 90-year-old Arnold Abbott for comforting his homeless neighbors in a public park with a free meal.

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    Editorial: Unchained: Don’t let your doggies wander

Editorial: Unchained: Don’t let your doggies wander

To leash or not to leash?

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    Editorial: Public figures should think before tweeting

Editorial: Public figures should think before tweeting

Almost everyone who has ever applied to colleges, been on a job hunt or seeking an internship knows the impact social media can make on a person’s image.

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    Editorial: Red Cross’ response, solutions matter in wake of criticism

Editorial: Red Cross’ response, solutions matter in wake of criticism

Hurricane Sandy devastated thousands of people two years ago. The American Red Cross, as in many other disasters, was one of the main responders. The organization had several official endorsements that assured people that it could and would help relieve the affected areas of the East Coast. Even President Barack Obama publicly endorsed the Red Cross, saying that the organization knew what it was doing.

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    Editorial: Shooting for stars needs more oversight

Editorial: Shooting for stars needs more oversight

On Sept. 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy was only a few hours south of Baylor when he said, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard …” The national excitement around the moon race united and inspired a generation in a way unique to U.S. history.

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    Editorial: Voting on party lines isn’t ideal

Editorial: Voting on party lines isn’t ideal

One of the most powerful ways the average American can make change in our government is by voting in our country’s various elections.

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    Editorial: #Gamergate: Do you know about it?

Editorial: #Gamergate: Do you know about it?

GamerGate just might be the biggest current event that many Americans never heard of. Some may not see the connection between videogames, ethical journalism and misogyny, or even why they should care about videogame news. However, GamerGate is huge social phenomenon worth paying attention to, and condemning, even for those with no interest in videogames.

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    Editorial: Option to freeze eggs helps career women

Editorial: Option to freeze eggs helps career women

With increasing career spans for the average person and the growing need for women in the workplace, the biological timetable for women to bear children is gradually being surpassed by career demands. Apple and Facebook, however, announced last week that they would offer coverage for female employees to freeze their eggs, in hopes of circumventing this reproductive glass ceiling.

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