Anti-Choice ‘Science’: The Big Tobacco of Our TimeHow Shoddy Evidence Finds Its Way From State Legislatures to the U.S. Supreme CourtJust How Much Did Obama’s Delay on Immigration Reform Hurt Democrats?Latinos Demand Real Action, Not ‘Hispandering,’ in Exchange for Votes

Anti-Choice ‘Science’: The Big Tobacco of Our Time

by Sofia Resnick and Sharona Coutts


What Trolls Say to Feminists Online

Feminists face a lot of sexist vitriol from people online who only want to silence them. Here are some of the most offensive tweets some prominent feminists have received.

Eight-Year-Old Raps About Positive Experience Coming Out to His Mom

Meet Alex, a young boy who proudly raps about his experience coming out as trans to his mom. As the Advocate explains, “studies have shown that trans kids with affirming parents are less likely to experience suicidal thoughts” or other consequences of depression. The video was recorded at Camp Aranu’tiq, a summer camp for transgender and gender-variant youth. [via]

Meet the Notorious R.B.G.

Shana Knizhnik, creator of the “Notorious R.B.G.” Tumblr, explains the history and greatness of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. [via Jewish Daily Forward]


‘False Witnesses’ Media Conference


On Thursday, RH Reality Check hosted a press call to discuss the False Witnesses project: an investigation into 14 individuals who have pushed false information designed to mislead the public, lawmakers, and the courts about abortion.

Post-Election Reproductive Rights Roundup


On this episode of Reality Cast, I talk to a lawyer from the Center for Reproductive Rights about what’s going on in Oklahoma. I also talk about how anti-choice politicians defeated the “war on women” narrative, and what happened with ballot initiatives dealing with reproductive rights.

Anti-Choice Ballot Initiatives, and Attacks on ‘Single Ladies’ Voters


On this episode of Reality Cast, I speak to an activist fighting against a “personhood” amendment on Tuesday’s ballots in North Dakota. In another segment, I discuss how Fox News has been really down on single women voters, and Colorado is facing the third iteration of a “personhood” ballot initiative.

There’s been a sea change in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the right-wing lobbying group that crafted some wide-ranging legislation proposed and enacted by conservative legislatures across the country.

There’s been a sea change in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the right-wing lobbying group that crafted some wide-ranging legislation proposed and enacted by conservative legislatures across the country.

President Obama will announce an executive order as early as next week that will protect up to 5 million unauthorized immigrants from deportation and allow them to obtain work permits, the New York Times reported Thursday.

President Obama will announce an executive order as early as next week that will protect up to 5 million unauthorized immigrants from deportation and allow them to obtain work permits, the New York Times reported Thursday.

A new mobile app, launched last week by the ACLU of Missouri, is designed to address the impunity with which law enforcement targets and treats communities of color.

A new mobile app, launched last week by the ACLU of Missouri, is designed to address the impunity with which law enforcement targets and treats communities of color.

A federal lawsuit claims election officials improperly counted ballots of those who voted in favor of Amendment 1 but abstained from casting a vote in the gubernatorial election.

A federal lawsuit claims election officials improperly counted ballots of those who voted in favor of Amendment 1 but abstained from casting a vote in the gubernatorial election.

Mitch McConnell’s promise of no government shutdowns seems irreconcilable with his resolve to use the budget process to “push back” against Obama's "executive overreach" on immigration reform.

Mitch McConnell’s promise of no government shutdowns seems irreconcilable with his resolve to use the budget process to “push back” against Obama’s “executive overreach” on immigration reform.

Although many Republican candidates campaigned on making birth control available over the counter without a prescription, it's unlikely that the GOP will make that issue a priority in the new Congress.

Although many Republican candidates campaigned on making birth control available over the counter without a prescription, it’s unlikely that the GOP will make that issue a priority in the new Congress.

Monday was the first day for Texas lawmakers to begin filing legislation for the 84th Texas Legislature, which convenes January 15, and the hundreds of proposed bills ranged from the expected—including minimum wage raises and marriage equality efforts from Democrats—to the fringe, including one Republican's crusade against Daylight Saving Time.

Monday was the first day for Texas lawmakers to begin filing legislation for the 84th Texas Legislature, which convenes January 15, and the hundreds of proposed bills ranged from the expected—including minimum wage raises and marriage equality efforts from Democrats—to the fringe, including one Republican’s crusade against Daylight Saving Time.

The dating site PositiveSingles boasts that it offers a safe, confidential place for adults living with sexually transmitted diseases to connect with others in similar situations for support and possibly romance. A recent jury verdict in California, however, suggests the site is anything but confidential.

The dating site PositiveSingles boasts that it offers a safe, confidential place for adults living with sexually transmitted diseases to connect with others in similar situations for support and possibly romance. A recent jury verdict in California, however, suggests the site is anything but confidential.

Republican Beth Harwell, the speaker of the Tennessee House, said last week that she will use a successful anti-choice ballot initiative as the impetus to back three new anti-choice bills.

Following the passage last week of Amendment 1, the Republican-dominated Tennessee legislature will move forward with anti-choice laws as soon as possible, a state GOP lawmaker said.

Lynch, a Harvard graduate and the current U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn, would be the first Black woman to serve as attorney general and only the second woman to ever hold the position.

Lynch, a Harvard graduate and the current U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn, would be the first Black woman to serve as attorney general and only the second woman to ever hold the position.

Illinois on Tuesday elected a Republican to be its next governor while voters supported a mandate on contraception coverage in employer health insurance plans, a direct response to the Supreme Court’s controversial Hobby Lobby ruling this summer.

Illinois on Tuesday elected a Republican to be its next governor while voters supported a mandate on contraception coverage in employer health insurance plans, a direct response to the Supreme Court’s controversial Hobby Lobby ruling this summer.

The Affordable Care Act will be gutted by the summer if challengers get their way before the Roberts Court.

The Affordable Care Act will be gutted by the summer if challengers get their way before the Roberts Court.

Some public health experts fear that survivors who return to their homes could begin to spread the virus sexually to their partners. For instance, the World Health Organization has warned that sexual transmission could bring the virus back to places like Senegal and Nigeria, which appear free of the disease.

Some public health experts fear that survivors who return to their homes could begin to spread the virus sexually to their partners. For instance, the World Health Organization has warned that sexual transmission could bring the virus back to places like Senegal and Nigeria, which appear free of the disease.

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) told reporters Thursday that the House will vote again to entirely repeal the Affordable Care Act, regardless of what the newly Republican-dominated Senate does.

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) told reporters Thursday that the House will vote again to entirely repeal the Affordable Care Act, regardless of what the newly Republican-dominated Senate does.

A coalition of reproductive and racial justice advocates are demanding better standards of care for the 500 or so pregnant Texans—most whom are Black and Latina—incarcerated in Texas county jails each month.

A coalition of reproductive and racial justice advocates are demanding better standards of care for the 500 or so pregnant Texans—most whom are Black and Latina—incarcerated in Texas county jails each month.

Michael Anthony Peroutka, who is one of the country's most extreme right-wing candidates with close ties to a national hate group, was elected Tuesday in Maryland's Anne Arundel County.

Michael Anthony Peroutka, who is one of the country’s most extreme right-wing candidates with close ties to a national hate group, was elected Tuesday in Maryland’s Anne Arundel County.

Kat Sabine, the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona, received a letter from the Arizona Department of Health Services on October 15. The letter stated that a complaint had been filed accusing Sabine of providing services that would require her home to be “licensed as a healthcare facility.”

Kat Sabine, the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona, received a letter from the Arizona Department of Health Services on October 15. The letter stated that a complaint had been filed accusing Sabine of providing services that would require her home to be “licensed as a healthcare facility.”

While the country watched voters in state after state elect Republicans on Tuesday, voters in many of those states also approved increases to the minimum wage that the newly-elected senators or governors vehemently opposed as harmful to businesses' bottom line.

While the country watched voters in state after state elect Republicans on Tuesday, voters in many of those states also approved increases to the minimum wage that the newly elected senators or governors vehemently opposed as harmful to businesses’ bottom line.

This week, scientists determine when humans and Neanderthals swapped genes, anthropologists suggest that King Tut's parents were siblings, and a male bird (apparently) poisons itself to be more attractive to females.

This week, scientists determine when humans and Neanderthals swapped genes, anthropologists suggest that King Tut’s parents were siblings, and a male bird (apparently) poisons itself to be more attractive to females.

This week, six lab-grown penises are almost ready for implantation, and an Italian couple apparently became stuck together after a tryst at the beach went awry.

This week, six lab-grown penises are almost ready for implantation, and an Italian couple apparently became stuck together after a tryst at the beach went awry.

More tweets on the "weekend of resistance" in Ferguson, Missouri, October 10-13.

More tweets on the “weekend of resistance” in Ferguson, Missouri, October 10-13.

The pharmaceutical industry launched a campaign in January of this year to persuade the FDA to approve such medications in the name of equality—which overlooks the fact that most of the drugs being considered simply don’t work.

The pharmaceutical industry launched a campaign in January of this year to persuade the FDA to approve such medications in the name of equality—which overlooks the fact that most of the drugs being considered simply don’t work.

Many self-identified evangelicals have ceremonially promised to stay virgins until marriage. But there are often few narratives available from adults who are now struggling with the purity vows they made as teenagers.

Many self-identified evangelicals have ceremonially promised to stay virgins until marriage. But there are often few narratives available from adults who are now struggling with the purity vows they made as teenagers.

Criticisms of Dunham do not occur in a vacuum; they are part of an overarching dynamic of punishing juveniles that leaves children of color in particular peril.

Criticisms of Dunham do not occur in a vacuum; they are part of an overarching dynamic of punishing juveniles that leaves children of color in particular peril.

A new report from Choices in Childbirth adds to a body of evidence that doula care should be included in health plans and made available to all women, particularly women of color, who face disproportionate rates of maternal and infant mortality in the United States.

A new report from Choices in Childbirth adds to a body of evidence that doula care should be included in health plans and made available to all women, particularly women of color, who face disproportionate rates of maternal and infant mortality in the United States.

The premise of the Taco or Beer Challenge was simple: Eat a taco and/or drink a beer, and donate to an abortion fund. And the fundraising numbers were, in some cases, surprising and staggering.

The premise of the Taco or Beer Challenge was simple: Eat a taco and/or drink a beer, and donate to an abortion fund. And the fundraising numbers were, in some cases, surprising and staggering.

GamerGate can and should act as the tipping point: a reminder for gamers that if they want their beloved pastime to survive, they have to work to embrace diversity rather than violently eschew it.

GamerGate can and should act as the tipping point: a reminder for gamers that if they want their beloved pastime to survive, they have to work to embrace diversity rather than violently eschew it.

The right to have children and keep them is especially in danger for disabled people, who may be prevented from parenting at all or risk confiscation of their children by welfare authorities after birth.

The right to have children and keep them is especially in danger for disabled people, who may be prevented from parenting at all or risk confiscation of their children by welfare authorities after birth.

The same culture that allows men to catcall, without restriction, on the street, allows men to stalk and invade the personal space of women and threaten us without penalty.

The same culture that allows men to catcall, without restriction, on the street, allows men to stalk and invade the personal space of women and threaten us without penalty.

Tennessee flag

Why did “personhood” fail in Colorado and North Dakota, but a ballot initiative allowing radical anti-choice legislation in Tennessee succeed? Because people are moved to vote anti-choice not by “life,” but by disapproval of others’ sexual experiences.

Thanks to stigma, a new study shows, people who have had abortions often hesitate to tell more than one or two trusted family members, partners, or friends about the experience. This, in turn, can lead to individual isolation and restrictive government policies.

Thanks to stigma, a new study shows, people who have had abortions often hesitate to tell more than one or two trusted family members, partners, or friends about the experience. This, in turn, can lead to individual isolation and restrictive government policies.

Bringing sexual and domestic violence to the forefront of public consciousness by speaking out and sharing our stories is critical, but it is only one part of enacting wide-ranging change.

Bringing sexual and domestic violence to the forefront of public consciousness by speaking out and sharing our stories is critical, but it is only one part of enacting wide-ranging change.

Some conservatives want to defend street harassers as a way to get digs in at feminists. But they might be running up against more traditional conservatives who think it's gross behavior to protect women from.

Some conservatives want to defend street harassers as a way to get in digs at feminists. But they might be running up against more traditional right-wingers who think harassment is evidence of the dangerous world women must be protected from.

Wendy Davis

In which I defend from absurd attacks Andrea Grimes’ article about the lack of empathy in the white community.

In order to get more attention for their woman-hating agenda, men's rights activists (MRAs) are willing to game, manipulate, and infiltrate social justice movements.

In which I criticize the denizens of the manosphere for impersonating an organization working to end violence against women.

Nayely and Sara Beltran

Thousands of women and children fleeing violence or abuse will soon be detained in American facilities run by profit-driven private prison companies—at the instruction of the Obama administration.

Cincinnati is a metropolitan area of more than two million residents, and if state Republicans get their way, it will become the nation’s largest urban area without a single abortion clinic.

Cincinnati is a metropolitan area of more than two million residents, and if state Republicans get their way, it will become the nation’s largest urban area without a single abortion clinic.

Conservatives offer up a series of false choices for the Supreme Court in their challenge to health insurance subsidies in federal exchanges, including wrongly comparing the ACA to Medicaid. It shouldn't work, but it might.

Conservatives offer up a series of false choices for the Supreme Court in their challenge to health insurance subsidies in federal exchanges, including wrongly comparing the Affordable Care Act to Medicaid. It shouldn’t work, but it might.

The issues might have changed, but the techniques now widely used by conservatives to distort science and, with it, public policy, remain the same.

The issues might have changed, but the techniques now widely used by conservatives to distort science and, with it, public policy, remain the same.

Once a legislature accepts bogus facts, a larger problem can arise: Courts will frequently defer to the factual findings of state legislatures, which provides a gaping loophole for junk science to wend its way into judicial decisions all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Once a legislature accepts bogus facts, a larger problem can arise: Courts will frequently defer to the factual findings of state legislatures, which provides a gaping loophole for junk science to wend its way into judicial decisions all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Since 2010, Sean Fieler, a New Jersey-based hedge fund manager and fervent Catholic, has personally contributed nearly $18 million to political candidates and causes that align with his anti-choice, anti-LGBT, and pro-theocracy views, according to an analysis of tax filings and campaign finance records by RH Reality Check.

Since 2010, Sean Fieler, a New Jersey-based hedge fund manager and fervent Catholic, has personally contributed nearly $18 million to political candidates and causes that align with his anti-choice, anti-LGBT, and pro-theocracy views, according to an analysis of tax filings and campaign finance records by RH Reality Check.

Q & A
Diane Rosenfeld, lecturer on law and director of the Gender Violence Program at Harvard Law School, first began focusing on Title IX and its applications when a group of Harvard students approached her about sexual violence on campus in 2001.

Pretending that sexual assault only happens on other campuses makes it harder to keep students safe, says Title IX expert Diane Rosenfeld.

The law provides an expansive host of benefits, including requirements that employers provide simple accommodations for pregnant workers. To get a better sense of this law and the strategy that made it win, RH Reality Check spoke with Debra Fitzpatrick of the University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs.

The law provides an expansive host of benefits, including requirements that employers provide basic accommodations for pregnant workers. To get a better sense of this law and the strategy that made it win, RH Reality Check spoke with Debra Fitzpatrick of the University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs.

Founders of Not Alone: (from left to right) Brett, Sherry, and Beth Matusoff Merfish

RH Reality Check recently spoke with Beth Matusoff Merfish, co-founder (with her sister, Brett, and mother, Sherry) of Not Alone about how her organization combats abortion stigma through storytelling. As Merfish explains, these stories have the potential to “open people’s minds” and hearts.