The Biggest Media Errors of 2013, the Never Ending Debate about Benghazi, and More

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Friday, January 03, 2014

Annual roundup of the biggest media mistakes of the last year, why we won't stop arguing about Benghazi anytime soon, and confessions of a click-bait blogger.

Regret the Error 2013

Every year at this time, we invite Craig Silverman of Poynter's Regret the Error blog to fill us in on the media's biggest mistakes of the past 12 months. He tells Bob about some of the year's funniest corrections, and the big story that won "Error of the Year."

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No End In Sight

In a more than 7000-word piece last week, New York Times reporter David Kirkpatrick reviewed the September 11, 2012 attack at a US consulate building in Benghazi, Libya, to determine, once and for all, whether it was a local affair triggered by an anti-Muslim YouTube video, or al Qaeda elements participating in a planned assault on the anniversary of 9/11. Bob talks to Politico Magazine Deputy Editor Blake Hounshell who says that, despite the definitive nature of the article, Kirkpatrick’s report won’t put an end to Benghazi anytime soon.

Young Marble Giants - Final Day

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The Best Piece of Radio You’ll Hear In Your Life

In 2013, news-item virality advanced from art to science. Business models are constructed on the sharing of stories irresistible for the hilarity, or inspiration, or shock, or outrage they engender. Truth, though, turns out to be optional.

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“This Is a Great Time to Enter Journalism”

Recently, Columbia Journalism School sent an invitation to prospective students saying "this is a great time to enter journalism." But the decline of the old media business model means finding a steady job in journalism is getting harder and harder. Bob talks to Columbia Journalism School dean Steve Coll about his responsibility to students to manage expectations about the journalism job market.

William Tyler - Missionary Ridge

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Brooke Talks To Cyndi Lauper

For more than 30 years Cyndi Lauper has been a creative force, as a singer, songwriter, author and now composer of the music and lyrics for a hit Broadway play. In an interview that originally aired in May, Brooke talked to Cyndi Lauper before a live audience in NYC about her life, her art and where she draws her inspiration.

Watch Brooke's entire hour-long conversation with Cyndi Lauper below.

Cyndi Lauper - She Bop

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