"F Gwenifill" Was Not a Hack. Here's What Really Happened.

It was the surreal result of user error, lax social-media security practices by media companies, and a gaping loophole in Tweetdeck's security features. Here's the full story.

  1. At about 2 p.m. eastern today, a bunch of prominent Twitter accounts tweeted the same weird thing all at once.
  2. People were confused. 
  3. Some made jokes. 
  4. Affected outlets apologized for the "hack." 

  5. Clues trickled in.
  6. Kate Gardiner, a digital media strategist who has worked with PBS Newshour and Newsweek, among others, stepped forward to say it was her Tweetdeck that had been hacked. 
  7. Mystery solved, right?
  8. But wait, how did she have access to so many different prominent accounts?
  9. Well that is alarming. 

    One question still unanswered: Who hacked Kate Gardiner's account in the first place, and what did they have against Gwen Ifill? 
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