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Young professionals amp up philanthropy scene at Dallas Autumn Ball

Adam Kraus, Kamilah Todd, Locke Jillson, Steph Bernardi, Dallas Autumn Ball
Adam Kraus, Kamilah Todd, Stephanie Bernardi, Locke Jillson Photo by Sylvia Elzafon
Leslie Smith, Ade Okunubi, Brittani Reddig
Leslie Smith, Ade Okunubi, Brittani Reddig Photo by Sylvia Elzafon
Joanne nabors Matthew decker,Dallas Autumn Ball
Joanne Nabors, Matthew Decker Photo by Sylvia Elzafon
Sean McCauley Jr., Courtney McCauley, Kyle McCauley
Sean McCauley Jr., Courtney McCauley, Kyle McCauley Photo by Sylvia Elzafon
Simri van Rooyen, Linda Dodd, Katharine Fife, Paige Wallace Little
Simri van Rooyen, Linda Dodd, Katharine Fife, Paige Wallace Little Photo by Sylvia Elzafon
Olivia moretto Alex Paine  Elizabeth Chlipala, Dallas Autumn Ball
Olivia Moretto, Alex Paine, Elizabeth Chlipala Photo by Sylvia Elzafon
Sean Davis, Jessica runewicz, Dallas Autumn Ball
Sean Davis, Jessica Runewicz Photo by Sylvia Elzafon
William Henderson, Brenna Flynn, Lauren Kennewell, Sarah Boehner, Josh Hampton, Dallas Autumn Ball
William Henderson, Brenna Flynn, Lauren Kennewell, Sarah Boehner, Josh Hampton Photo by Sylvia Elzafon
Chandra Byrd  Jolynn cavalier, Dallas Autumn Ball
Chandra Byrd, Jolynn Cavalier Photo by Sylvia Elzafon
Adam Kraus, Kamilah Todd, Locke Jillson, Steph Bernardi, Dallas Autumn Ball
Leslie Smith, Ade Okunubi, Brittani Reddig
Joanne nabors Matthew decker,Dallas Autumn Ball
Sean McCauley Jr., Courtney McCauley, Kyle McCauley
Simri van Rooyen, Linda Dodd, Katharine Fife, Paige Wallace Little
Olivia moretto Alex Paine  Elizabeth Chlipala, Dallas Autumn Ball
Sean Davis, Jessica runewicz, Dallas Autumn Ball
William Henderson, Brenna Flynn, Lauren Kennewell, Sarah Boehner, Josh Hampton, Dallas Autumn Ball
Chandra Byrd  Jolynn cavalier, Dallas Autumn Ball

Young professionals flooded Hotel ZaZa for the second annual Dallas Autumn Ball. This sold-out, black-tie event was the perfect opportunity for young Dallasites to party while raising awareness for educational causes in the city they love.

Guests arrived and immediately hit the open bar, which was overflowing with Don Julio cocktails and Sam Adams beer. After grabbing hors d’oeuvre, it was time to circle the decked-out venue and admire all of the handsome gentlemen in their tuxes and the women in their long, formal gowns. This crew really dressed to impress.

After hearing from the night’s speaker, Dallas Autumn Ball founder Adam Kraus, about the importance of young professionals in the Dallas philanthropic community, attendees — including Kamilah Todd, Locke Jillson, Stephanie Bernardi, Sean Davis and Jessica Runewicz — hit the dance floor and grooved the night away to the sounds of Emerald City Band, a favorite on the party circuit.

This year, the Dallas Autumn Ball raised more than $30,000, which goes directly to the Dallas Education Foundation’s in-school tutoring and mentoring programs, Project: Amplify and Impact: Dallas ISD.

“We are encouraged to see the desire of young people wanting to come together for a great cause and to have an interest in becoming active participants in making Dallas a better city to live in,” Kraus said.

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