Starting Today, Some Texas Teachers Are Learning to Become Armed School Marshals

Patsy Lynch
Some Texas teachers will store guns in safes in case of an emergency.
When the Sandy Hook school shootings occurred in December 2012, Jason Villalba had one toddler and one child in kindergarten. Like all parents, Villalba felt an urgent need to offer better protection for his kids. Unlike most parents, Villalba had just been elected to his freshman term in the Texas House.

Villalba authored a controversial bill that would allow for certain school officials to act as undercover marshals on school grounds. He spent a good part of the 2013 session ensuring its passage, and now the young law is entering its first trial period.

The first training class for about 20 school marshals begins today in Fort Worth. Villalba spoke with Unfair Park and clarified that the initiative stipulates the marshals' confidentiality to all but school leadership and local police force -- so don't expect any information on who the marshals are or which school districts are employing the service.

"What happened for me was that I saw what happened at Sandy Hook," Villalba told us. "In Connecticut they have the highest level of gun control, every student was economically privileged, and they had security at the school including locked doors. But an individual seeking to perpetrate some crime against children will not be deterred."

Initially it was thought that the marshal plan would benefit schools that are in remote locations, far away from local police stations. But Villalba said the marshal service will also be utilized by elementary schools in larger districts. While most large city school districts employ a permanent armed police officer for campus security, there is typically no such service for elementary schools.

Villalba said that in authoring the bill, its proponents considered different tactics. "I wanted a way to protect my kids and all kids that go to school from that kind of crime. So we thought, 'How can we do this?' And we looked at different ideas. We looked at plans they have in Israel."

Israeli schoolhouse defense often allows for open-carry in the classroom. But Villalba said this possibility eventually dissipated, as seeing their child's sunny fourth-grade teacher with a pistol on her brightly patterned hip would likely to scare the crap out of some Texas parents.

Rather, marshal teachers can keep a firearm in a locked classroom safe or marshal administrators can carry a concealed weapon. Villalba noted that police officers already participate in open carry in several Texas high schools, and marshals will undergo similar police training. Marshals will also be subjected to a psychological examination and 80 hours of classroom instruction.

"In the three to five minutes it could take police to get there, you can do tremendous damage. So we wanted a line of defense that you could enact immediately," Villalba said. "Even if there is a risk, it's outweighed by the protection we're offering our kids."


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DonkeyHotay topcommenter

So will the Teachers who are prone to fondling and fucking their students have access to these metallic phallic persuaders?

bmarvel topcommenter

Just post a nun armed with an eraser in every classroom. They're pretty good hand-to-hand with rulers, too.

mavdog topcommenter

More guns in schools. What could possibly go wrong?


Yes, but how many teachers will be trained to rock the guitar? 


Hopefully the bill absolves the teachers, school officials, law enforcement,etc., of any and all potential liability resulting from errant wounding or killing of other teachers, students, and even a perp, who will all sue everyone within reach should  such an incident occur.  Just sayin.


By the way, Gavin, I want to thank you for the new banner ads that have no X. Can't be closed or suppressed. Gives us a defnite list to boycott.


So the gun is in a safe. What are the odds the safe is inaccessible when something happens? I bet pretty high. A shooter is gonna target someone running alone in a hall or against the general scatter.


the recent shooting at a Oregon school was stopped thanks to two armed officers on staff

"A student, who had smuggled a rifle and handgun into school in an instrument case, attempted to kill his fellow classmates. Starting in the locker room, the attacker quickly moved into the main hallway to continue murdering people as they ran.

Within moments, armed police officers had arrived on the scene and confronted the attacker in the hallway. After a brief exchange of gunfire, the attacker ducked into a side room and committed suicide.

When the dust settled one person had been murdered, one attacker was dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound, and one person was injured."

but why let facts get in the way

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Just like the passing of concealed carry, just like the OC demonstrations, this will result in yet another bloodbath.


Well, the general answer is "more violence" used to prevent evil people from harming kiddos.  Guns are just a means to make school employees more efficient at the application of such righteous violence.


The answer is more guns. Don't worry about the question. The correct answer is always more guns.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@mavdog If the 'more guns' are pointed at psychos intent on killing kids, I'd say not much can go wrong.  The police, when they show up 30 minutes too late, as usual, will have fewer bodies to clean up and more investigating to do.

What do you have against protecting children?


@bvckvs Improper only if you believe that the term "Marshall" is the sole property of the US Marshall Service. There are fire marshals, county marshals, etc.

You claim to be involved in the mental health field. So how often, in your experience, do unstable people 1) volunteer, 2) get approved by the school, and 3) get final approval by the TCLE before they can even start the 80 hours of training and get their psych screening? Because calling someone who actually works in a school, who has a more legitimate claim for security than anyone outside of the classroom, a wannabe vigilante is childish; is this how you want to treat teachers union members?

I bet if you asked them, none of them are looking forward to the day where they'd have to use this. So much for the wannabe claim, especially from a wannabe mental health professional.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Or their fellow teachers, especially the loons.


@ozonelarryb they have the option to keep it locked in a classroom or office. if you make the assumption that there's only 1 firearm and its in the opposite direction of the shooter, then that particular school had a poorly planned active shooter response. but, the deterrent that someone or multiple someones can provide an armed response generally deters a shooter.

so, scrap that plan of yours and see a mental health professional.


@TheRuddSki CHL = bloodbath?  Can you name a single incident where someone with a CHL here in Texas has been involved in major shootout? 


@roo_ster so how would you suggest they respond when the next medicated psychopath arrives at a school?


@JFPO Correct you are sir, the answer is always more, bigger, better guns. Unless, of course, the answer is 42.


@JFPO  You're right, those gun-free zones are working perfectly.

mavdog topcommenter


or, the police can show up and their response can stop the assailant, which is just what happened in Oregon.

My position is increasing the number of guns in any environment increases the probability of one of the guns being incorrectly used. the probability of an innocent person being struck by a bullet is proportional to the number of bullets shot.

I'm all for "protecting children", yet this approach does not guarantee that occurs

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TexMarine Bucky also makes claims to work for, or with DISD, so he may just be projecting here.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Isrealis will eventually invent the wearable Iron Dome.


Please give us an account if how well your plan worked at Ft Hood, TWICE.

Shooters at schools have been way overarmed compared to sidearm packing.

Go back on your meds; I understand the VA will fast track you for an appt.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


And a raise.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Well.. Not yet, but any day now, some permitted gun-nut is going to get in a wild shoot-out with the Open-Carry guys, and some innocent little Honduran border-baby will get caught in the crossfire without a bike helmet because teabaggers.


@TexMarine @roo_ster 

Assuming the psychopath is engaging in murderous behavior, the application of violence to his person until he stops is what I would suggest.

Unlike the pinheads of the world, I understand that violence _does_ solve many problems.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@mavdog @RTGolden1 Another possible mass shooting in Oregon, a mall to be precise, was stopped by a concealed carry permitted citizen.

The Oregon cops didn't 'show up', they were SRO's assigned to that school, as in those guns were already present, in order to deter violence, or put a stop to it once it starts.  Keep in mind DISD is choosing to not arm their teachers, as they have SRO's.  Small rural districts don't have an ISD police force, so who is going to provide that protection?

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away, is a proverb worth taking to heart.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


You would hope that Bucky would never be considered for hall marshall based on this comment alone.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Fuck asking them; the better gauge of their intent is their actions. They're spending time learning how to gun down children. That says all you need to know about what they intend to do.

So you're telling us that Dallas "educators" can, in fact be loons.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I think that loons are a protected species.

Protected by the Loonion.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@ozonelarryb Ft Hood, and Ft Bragg, and all CONUS military bases rely on military police response, just like schools and communities do.  We didn't carry issue weapons around base and we certainly weren't allowed to carry even licensed concealed weapons.  Which is too bad, or any of those incidents might have been handled with much lower loss of life.


@ozonelarryb FT Hood, as with ALL Federal facilities, is a gun free zone. Thank's for playing your part you ignorant fuck. The only persons permitted to carry at a federal facility are police. Those who continue to argue that this isn't the case reveal their total ignorance and unwillingness to accept fact over their wild fantasies. (18 U.S. Code § 930)

There are far more instances of armed responses at schools preventing mass shootings than full on gunfights between shooters and armed respondents.

(Sullivan Central High Aug 30, 2010 SRO Carolyn Gudger / Reynolds High June 2014 Officers Nick Thompson and Kyle Harris, I can go on and on)

You, clearly, are the one who needs medication. You have no facts, only fear. Again, this is apparent by your truly shitty attitude and a life that reflects the same.

But we'll let your total lack of facts and irrational fears go unnoticed and play your game. Larry want's complete disarmament. Let me know how you think that'll work out for you and your lot.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@ozonelarryb Well considering soldiers are not allowed it carry firearms on base, we have no idea how that plan would have worked.  Try again


@TheRuddSki  if Miss Grundy had been armed, he would have been shot a long time ago.


I never said I wanted total disarmament. Nice with the ASSumption, jarhead.

Although I can understand the logic of keeping guns out of soldiers' hands. Just ask Pat Tillman.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Older women shouldn't make Alzheimer's jokes, karma can be a real bitch - It's not pretty.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


You'd think someone so high-profile would have at least one bodyguard, but that was typical Archie, always assuming the best in his fellow man, magnanimous 'till the end.


RTGolden1 topcommenter

@mavdog @RTGolden1 From your own link:  "8:28 a.m.: Gresham School Resource Officer Travis Garrison tells emergency dispatchers that "the suspect was down and contained in the bathroom," 

Says as much about which officers had firearms and which didn't.  The story you linked didn't say a damn thing about SRO's being armed or unarmed.  According to other stories on this site and other local sources, the school has 'Police officers' assigned to it.  I am assuming they mean commissioned law enforcement officers and not hall monitors.

That being said, from all accounts now coming out, it seems the shooter wasn't corralled or herded by LEO's at all.  Most timelines read he shot the victim, ran into the bathroom, where at some point he shot himself.  Another Nut Job, with a whacked agenda only he could grasp.  But it will be the gun's fault when the Pres speaks about it.

Did you really think I wouldn't bother to read the link you posted?  Or are you getting as lazy as Rudd and Myrna and hoping, like they, that nobody will take the time to follow up?


@ozonelarryb more base responses from you. next time, try just grunting and clicking; it'll be easier for you to type.

mavdog topcommenter


Did you see any reference to the SRO having a gun? Did you see any mention of the SRO confronting the shooter? None.

The link was provided so you would READ it. The link supports my point, there were no other guns inside the school. Would an armed SRO have stopped the shooter? Any reply is conjecture.

The shooting could have been prevented by the mentally unstable kid not getting the guns. The guns were secured in his home, but he was able to get them in spite of the security.

It is not the guns themselves that produced this tragedy. It was the combination of the unstable person having guns and the failure to prevent him bringing those firearms into the building.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@mavdog "Did you see any mention of the SRO confronting the shooter?"

  "8:28 a.m.: Gresham School Resource Officer Travis Garrison tells emergency dispatchers that "the suspect was down and contained in the bathroom,"  --That 'School Resource Officer' would be the SRO.  And that is the first indication in your linked article of any law enforcement officer of any type confirming contact with the shooter.

Like I said, it appears law enforcement, as is so often the case, was only able to help with the aftermath.  The shooter had killed his victim, and then himself.  So your initial claim, that
"the police can show up and their response can stop the assailant, which is just what happened in Oregon.", is also patently false.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@mavdog The link does not support your point.  Nothing in the link states that the school assigned Police Officers were armed or unarmed, just that they were there.

You are taking the absence of a statement confirming armed SRO's to be confirmation that SRO's were unarmed.  You are assuming as much as I am, just in the other direction.

You're right the shooting could have been prevented by the shooter not having access to a firearm.  That lack of access would not have curbed his violent intent, nor apparently been much of a hindrance in carrying it out:

RTGolden1 topcommenter


If you want to stop or curb school violence, you need to address why these kids or young adults are resorting to violence.  Not the tools being used to carry it out.

By FBI stats, nearly twice as many people are killed by fists and feet (665 in 2012) as with rifles (all rifles, not just the scary black ones, 322 in 2012).  So focusing on guns, and in particular so called assault rifles, would seem to be a lot of wasted effort.  I could understand if the focus was on handguns, but it isn't, it is on rifles, rifles, rifles.  And the statistics just don't support the full court press on it.

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