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November 14, 2014
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The Bases of War in the Middle East
Scientist Acts Out Dramatic Effect of Climate Change
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Black Panthers: The Musical
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Lords of the Land

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The Bases of War in the Middle East

There is almost no way to overemphasize how thoroughly the U.S. military now covers the Greater Middle East. After 35 years of base-building there, it’s long past time to look carefully at how this garrisoning effects the region, the U.S., and the world.

Posted on Nov 14, 2014 READ MORE
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Scientist Acts Out Dramatic Effect of Climate Change

A spellbinding solo performance by veteran climate scientist Chris Rapley puts the climate debate centre stage—and earns the admiration of London theatre critics.

Posted on Nov 14, 2014 READ MORE

An Accord the Planet Needed

White House/Pete Souza

This week’s stunning announcement of a long-range agreement between the Obama administration and the Chinese government over carbon emissions is the best environmental news in years.

Posted on Nov 14, 2014 READ MORE

Wall Street Takes Over More Statehouses


No runoff will be needed to declare one unambiguous winner in this month’s gubernatorial elections: the financial services industry.

Posted on Nov 14, 2014 READ MORE

For the World’s Sake: Revolution in the United States

As a result of the United States’ disproportionate political, economic and military power, 121 million American voters hold the fate of billions in their hands every four years.

Posted on Nov 13, 2014 READ MORE

Shrinking the Empire: A Session on the Imperial Couch

What follows is a transcript of a therapy session between the American Empire and a psychiatrist whose name we at TomDispatch have agreed not to disclose. Normally we wouldn’t consider publishing such a private encounter, but the probative news value of the exchange is so obvious that we decided to make an exception.

Posted on Nov 13, 2014 READ MORE

China and U.S. Deliver Radical Climate Surprise

It’s been called a historic agreement—a game changer in the battle to combat climate change. But can China and the U.S. fulfill the promises in their announcement of plans to cut carbon emissions?

Posted on Nov 13, 2014 READ MORE

This Is What Will Happen If the GOP Senate Derails Iran Talks

The Republican Party is already conniving at ways to derail the U.S.-Iran negotiations over Tehran’s civilian nuclear enrichment program.

Posted on Nov 13, 2014 READ MORE

When Will the U.S. Admit to Boots on the Ground in Iraq?

In an age of weasel words and Orwellian diction, it would be refreshing to hear Mr. Obama call the recent escalation in Iraq what it is.

Posted on Nov 13, 2014 READ MORE

Obamacare vs. Scaliacare


It’s one thing for Congress, elected by the people, to undermine the Affordable Care Act. It’s quite another for the hyper-activist conservative justices on our Supreme Court to do it.

Posted on Nov 13, 2014 READ MORE

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