Josh Voorhees Josh Voorhees

Josh Voorhees is a Slate senior writer. He lives in Iowa City. 

Oct. 20 2014 8:14 PMYou Should Be Optimistic About EbolaDon’t panic. Here are all the signs that the U.S. is containing the disease.
Oct. 14 2014 6:30 PMWhy Don’t We Have an Ebola Vaccine?Washington missed its chance to be prepared. Now, politicians are fighting over whom to blame.
Oct. 8 2014 2:42 PMHigher LearningWhat the next wave of pot-legalizing states can learn from Colorado and Washington.
Sept. 30 2014 9:33 PMPolitical Theater With a PurposeDarrell Issa’s public shaming of the head of the Secret Service was congressional grandstanding at its best.
Sept. 24 2014 3:57 PMA Fight Over Rooftop Solar Panels Could Decide America’s Energy Future
The Slatest
Sept. 18 2014 6:10 PMAgriculture Commissioner Who Called "Meatless Monday" an Evil Vegetarian Plot Calls It Quits
Sept. 11 2014 6:42 PMWhat’s the Beef?No, “Meatless Monday” is not an evil vegetarian plot to deprive our children of precious steak, pork, and chicken.
Sept. 3 2014 9:31 PMThe Dark Secret of Juvenile Detention CentersNine out of every 10 reporters of sexual abuse are males victimized by female staffers.
Aug. 27 2014 11:20 AMThe Problem With “Suicide by Cop”The dangerous term that stops us from asking hard questions about police shootings.
Aug. 19 2014 7:29 PMWhy the Media Is Siding With the ProtestersIt isn’t simply because of tear gas and rubber bullets.
The World
Aug. 15 2014 6:57 PMThings Are Going Our Way in Iraq. Will Its Next Leader Be the Savior the U.S. Is Looking For?
The World
Aug. 14 2014 4:49 PMMaliki Agrees to Step Aside, Taking Fears of Military Coup With Him
The World
Aug. 13 2014 2:13 PMWhen Are Boots on the Ground not “Boots on the Ground”? U.S. Considers Iraq Rescue Operation.
The World
Aug. 11 2014 4:34 PMThink Things Are Bad in Iraq Now? If There’s a Coup, They Will Get Much, Much Worse.
July 25 2014 11:14 AMA Budget Cut by Any Other NamePaul Ryan is promising his sweeping poverty reforms won’t mean less money for the poor. History says otherwise.
Medical Examiner
Oct. 16 2014 9:03 PMEverything That Went Wrong in DallasA timeline of the many missteps surrounding the first cases of Ebola diagnosed in the United States.
Oct. 9 2014 7:57 PMAre Quarantines Really Legal?The rules and regulations on confining people who’ve been exposed to Ebola.
Oct. 2 2014 11:01 AMIt Wasn’t a SecretA 2013 inspector general report detailed all of the Secret Service’s problems. Nobody cared.
Sept. 26 2014 10:44 AMThe Secret Service Did Almost Everything WrongBut they got the most important thing right: They didn’t shoot the White House intruder.
Sept. 18 2014 6:20 PMHow to Fix America’s Recidivism CrisisIt could be as simple as providing ex-cons with the medication they need.
Sept. 16 2014 2:11 PMSpare the RodWhat Charles Barkley gets wrong about corporal punishment and black culture.
Behind the Scenes
Sept. 10 2014 10:39 AMWhere’s My Pizza? Three far-flung Slate-sters dish on the pros and cons of working away from Slate’s main offices.
Aug. 29 2014 6:19 PMWhat Immigration Crisis?Why Congress and President Obama are so eager to forget this summer’s “humanitarian crisis at the border.”
Aug. 21 2014 8:56 PMEverything That Went Wrong in FergusonA timeline of the authorities’ many missteps in the aftermath of Michael Brown’s death.
Aug. 18 2014 11:04 PMCan Anyone Fix the Ferguson Police Department?It needs to be overhauled. It takes time, but it can be done. 
Slate Archives
Aug. 15 2014 12:12 PMWhat Happened at Slate This Week? A Lot.Senior writer Josh Voorhees shares the smartest and most insightful stories of the past week.
The World
Aug. 13 2014 9:54 PMThings Are Getting Much Better on Mount Sinjar Thanks to U.S. Efforts, Pentagon Says
The World
Aug. 12 2014 6:03 PMIraq’s Maliki Thinks He Can Ignore the Country’s Constitution. After All, He’s Done It Before.
July 28 2014 7:35 PMHeat or EatHouse Republicans looking to slash food stamps are determined to close a loophole that doesn’t exist.
July 20 2014 9:30 PMFire StarterThe West’s wildfires will likely get worse before they get better.



The World

How Canada’s Shooting Tragedies Have Shaped Its Gun Control Politics

Where Ebola Lives Between Outbreaks

Gunman Killed Inside Canadian Parliament; Soldier Shot at National Monument Dies

Sleater-Kinney Was Once America’s Best Rock Band

Can it be again?

Paul Farmer: Up to 90 Percent of Ebola Patients Should Survive

Is he right?


“I’m Not a Scientist” Is No Excuse

Politicians brag about their ignorance while making ignorant decisions.


Driving in Circles

The autonomous Google car may never actually happen.

In Praise of 13th Grade: Why a Fifth Year of High School Is a Great Idea 

PowerPoint Is the Worst, and Now It’s the Latest Way to Hack Into Your Computer

  News & Politics
Oct. 22 2014 9:42 PM Landslide Landrieu Can the Louisiana Democrat use the powers of incumbency to save herself one more time?
Continuously Operating
Oct. 22 2014 2:38 PM Crack Open an Old One A highly unscientific evaluation of Germany’s oldest breweries.
Gentleman Scholar
Oct. 22 2014 5:54 PM May I Offer to Sharpen My Friends’ Knives? Or would that be rude?
  Double X
The XX Factor
Oct. 22 2014 4:27 PM Three Ways Your Text Messages Change After You Get Married
  Slate Plus
Tv Club
Oct. 22 2014 5:27 PM The Slate Walking Dead Podcast A spoiler-filled discussion of Episodes 1 and 2.
Brow Beat
Oct. 22 2014 10:39 PM Avengers: Age of Ultron Looks Like a Fun, Sprawling, and Extremely Satisfying Sequel
Future Tense
Oct. 22 2014 5:33 PM One More Reason Not to Use PowerPoint: It’s The Gateway for a Serious Windows Vulnerability
  Health & Science
Wild Things
Oct. 22 2014 2:42 PM Orcas, Via Drone, for the First Time Ever
Sports Nut
Oct. 20 2014 5:09 PM Keepaway, on Three. Ready—Break! On his record-breaking touchdown pass, Peyton Manning couldn’t even leave the celebration to chance.