Tom Steyer Spent $57 Million to Get Voters to Care about Climate Change. It Didn’t Work.

Who's winning, who's losing, and why.
Nov. 3 2014 9:15 PM

How Green Was My Election

Tom Steyer spent $57 million to get voters to care about climate change. It didn’t work.

Tom Steyer introduces a panel during the National Clean Energy Summit.
Tom Steyer introduces a panel during the National Clean Energy Summit 6.0 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center on Aug. 13, 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Photo by Isaac Brekken/Getty Images for National Clean Energy Summit 6.0

This election cycle’s biggest spender—at least among those who operate through the fully disclosed part of the political system, a.k.a. not the Koch brothers—is liberal billionaire Tom Steyer, who doled out at least $57 million of his own cash to try to get voters to care about climate change. The League of Conservation Voters (LCV), an environmental group, dumped another $25 million this year into the 2014 races, about $5 million more than it spent in 2010 and 2012 combined. All told, environmentalist organizations say they’ll pour $85 million into the midterms. As LCV president Gene Karpinski declared proudly to the Washington Post late last month, “This is by far the biggest investment that the environmental community has ever made in politics.”

Josh Voorhees Josh Voorhees

Josh Voorhees is a Slate senior writer. He lives in Iowa City. 

What has all that green gotten these green groups? Not a whole heck of a lot.

Steyer and his like-minded allies opened their checkbooks with the hopes of making climate change a front-burner issue. But as the most expensive midterm election in American history wraps up, it’s clear that environmentalists will fall far short of that goal. A Pew Research Center poll from September found that the environment came in a distant eighth among a list of 11 campaign issues that matter most to voters.


Look past national polling to individual Senate races, and the picture isn’t much prettier. Steyer’s NextGen Climate Action super PAC has deployed the bulk of its resources to protect Democratic seats in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan, and Colorado. Those races—along with gubernatorial contests in Florida and Maine, where the group is also spending heavily—share a common theme: a Democratic candidate who is, to varying degrees, climate conscious, and a Republican opponent who is anything but. We don’t know yet how those races will shake out, but regardless of the outcomes it will be difficult for anyone to make the case that climate was the decisive issue in any of them.

As my colleague John Dickerson has already explained, the one issue that’s resonated on the campaign trail this year is President Obama’s raging unpopularity. Drill down a little deeper into the Pew numbers, meanwhile, and you find an electorate that’s much more likely to pick a candidate based on the economy, Obamacare, and terrorism than her views on the environment. That’s something even greens have come to accept. Environmental groups have increased the scope of their attack ads so much that some don’t even mention climate change at all.

Such decisions reflect the reality that climate has yet to prove itself as a decisive issue on the campaign trail. The biggest ideological gap on the topic is arguably in Iowa, where Rep. Bruce Braley voted for the House’s cap-and-trade bill, and his opponent, Joni Ernst, wants to abolish the EPA all together. Braley entered the race as a moderate favorite but saw his early lead evaporate in the face of a surprisingly strong challenge from Ernst, a folksy state senator with an extremely conservative track record. NextGen and other green groups have spent more than $2.3 million airing more than 11,000 ads in the Hawkeye State trying to push Braley back on track, but Ernst continues to edge ahead in the polls. According to FiveThirtyEight, she’s a 70 percent favorite to win heading into Election Day. Republican Cory Gardner holds a similar lead over Sen. Mark Udall, Colorado’s climate-friendly incumbent. Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen has the lead in New Hampshire over GOP challenger Scott Brown, and Democrat Gary Peters is a massive favorite in Michigan over Republican Terri Lynn Land.

“We want 2014 to be a pivot year for climate—the year we can demonstrate that you can use climate change as a wedge issue to win in political races,” Chris Lehane, the veteran Democratic strategist behind Steyer’s super PAC, told reporters in May. Five months later, Lehane is looking for symbolic victories rather than electoral ones.

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