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New group in Prince George’s to push for election reform

New group in Prince George’s to push for election reform

Organizers say they want more openness and to challenge the Democratic Party establishment.

Gov.-elect Hogan visits Maryland’s speaker of the House

Gov.-elect Hogan visits Maryland’s speaker of the House

The meeting with Speaker Michael Busch is said to have touched on the state budget and health care.

Md. GOP senators tap Jennings, Shank to lead caucus

The new minority leader and whip are among the youngest of the 14 Republican senators.

Md. officials back away from controversial land deal

Md. officials back away from controversial land deal

Maryland drops plan to lease Kent County farmland to nonprofit organizer and Democratic donor.

Md. faces projected shortfall of nearly $600 million

Md. faces projected shortfall of nearly $600 million

Legislative analysts’ fiscal forecast poses an immediate challenge to Gov.-elect Larry Hogan.

Md. defends policy on taxing out-of-state income

Md. defends policy on taxing out-of-state income

Md. case debates whether residents were entitled to a tax credit for some income earned outside the state.

Hogan taps former Democratic lawmaker Robert Neall

Hogan taps former Democratic lawmaker Robert Neall

The new appointee to the Republican’s transition team will guide budget decisions.

Montgomery, Pr. George’s GOP aim to break Democrats’ stronghold

Montgomery, Pr. George’s GOP aim to break Democrats’ stronghold

Both county parties know it won’t be easy to leverage Larry Hogan’s statewide success into local gains.

Hogan: No policy announcements until he is sworn in

Hogan: No policy announcements until he is sworn in

Maryland’s Republican governor-elect said he plans a deliberative transition to power in January.

Hoyer and ‘Young Larry’ share a podium on Veteran’s Day

Hoyer and ‘Young Larry’ share a podium on Veteran’s Day

Governor-elect and longtime U.S. representative appear together to honor veterans in St. Mary’s County.

Mikulski calls a meeting of top Maryland Democrats

Mikulski calls a meeting of top Maryland Democrats

The gathering next week comes in the wake of an unexpected loss in the governor’s race.