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Tim Scott's response to MSNBC on why he’s a Republican

By Becket Adams | 11/06/14 01:01 PM

The answer to address poverty, Scott said, is found in " a good education" and "a strong work ethic."

Democrats cancel ad buys for Landrieu runoff

By Rebecca Berg | 11/06/14 04:05 PM

Still, Democrats could spend that money on Landrieu later.

Support for legalizing pot has shrunk since last year

By Susan Ferrechio | 11/06/14 06:34 PM

Support for marijuana legalization has decreased since last year, when it reached its peak public approval.

WH: No large-scale staff reshuffle

By Susan Crabtree | 11/06/14 03:21 PM

Josh Earnest also suggested that any change in White House staff after the election will be voluntary.

Jihadis are booking tickets on cruise ships in attempts to reach Syria and Iraq

By Justin Green | 11/06/14 12:59 PM

Would-be jihadi fighters are finding new ways to reach Syria and Iraq after recent crackdowns.

VA secretary claims criminal probes stall firing of disgraced executives

By Mark Flatten | 11/06/14 04:45 PM

Justice Department denies blocking termination of the Phoenix VA hospital director.

U.S. again hits Khorasan group in Syria

By Charles Hoskinson | 11/06/14 03:16 PM

Wednesday's strikes reportedly killed a top bombmaker for the group.

Another big Election Day loser: The Democratic Party's Koch obsession

By Becket Adams | 11/06/14 04:08 PM

The strategy to bring down GOP candidates by tying them to the Kochs appears to have been a failure.

Tea Party is potential thorn in side of new Senate GOP majority

By Susan Ferrechio | 11/06/14 05:00 AM

The GOP's Tea Party faction are threatening swift and aggressive action to block Democratic initiatives.

Chris Christie celebrated big midterm wins with Four Seasons lunch

By Kelly Cohen | 11/06/14 12:16 PM

Christie lunched with billionaires Steve Wynn and Richard LeFrak in New York City on Wednesday.

McConnell: Bet on more IRS hearings

By Becket Adams | 11/05/14 06:13 PM

The GOP-controlled Congress is determined to pursue the IRS scandal.

Gillibrand won't run for DSCC chair

By Rebecca Berg | 11/06/14 01:26 PM

Gillibrand, a rising star in the party, was thought to be a top pick for the slot.

Voters give Obama no credit on economy

By Joseph Lawler | 11/06/14 05:00 AM

The unemployment rate has fallen and the economy has added 4.6 million jobs since President Obama's...

Mike Lee: Republicans need to 'deserve' their 'great victory'

By Kelly Cohen | 11/06/14 09:17 AM

Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee already has a plan to fix Congress.

Obama: Too early to say U.S. is winning Islamic State fight

By Susan Crabtree | 11/05/14 06:34 PM

With exit polls showing foreign policy was a motivating factor for midterm voters, Obama urges patience.

Circular firing squad --- dismiss!

By Washington Examiner | 11/06/14 05:00 AM

The Republican Party's civil war became nasty this year on the campaign battlefield.

Dan Sullivan defeats Begich in Alaska

By Rebecca Berg and Justin Green | 11/05/14 09:20 AM

Dan Sullivan defeats Mark Begich in the Alaska Senate race.

Tea Party lawyer hails GOP election victories as boon to IRS scandal probe

By Mark Tapscott | 11/06/14 11:35 AM

Tuesday's GOP sweep of the midterms should clear the way for getting the whole truth about the IRS scandal.

Tailor: Obama prefers soft Italian fabric for his handmade suits

By Paul Bedard | 11/06/14 04:00 AM

President Obama's tailor says Michelle Obama has no influence on her husband's fashion.

The 8 biggest losers of the war on women

By Ashe Schow | 11/05/14 03:39 PM

Democrats thought they could ride the "War on Women" narrative to victory in the midterms.

28 senators who voted for Obamacare and won't be part of new Senate

By Philip Klein | 11/06/14 11:07 PM

That number will increase, though the exact number depends on the outcome of several Senate races taking...

GOP official goes off on NAACP for ignoring Mia Love and Tim Scott

By Becket Adams | 11/07/14 12:15 AM

GOP official Raffi Williams criticized the NAACP for failing to ignoring the wins of Mia Love and Tim Scott.

Hatch: GOP should keep nuclear option

By Kelly Cohen | 11/06/14 03:30 PM

A Utah Republican says the GOP needs to keep in place filibuster rules changes from 2013.

White House: Obama doesn't regret delay on immigration action

By Brian Hughes | 11/06/14 03:25 PM

Though the move didn't spare Democrats from getting trounced on Election Day

GOP takes a midterm victory lap, wonders why Obama didn't help Dems out more

By Becket Adams | 11/06/14 06:35 PM

The GOP is wondering why the Democratic Party did not rely more on Obama to sell its candidates' messages.

The shrinkage of the Obama majority

By Michael Barone | 11/06/14 05:00 AM

Under Obama, the Democratic base has shrunk numerically and demographically.

FBI shuts down Darknet drug ring

By Paul Gonzalez | 11/06/14 02:44 PM

The FBI shut down Silk Road 2.0, an online marketplace for illicit drugs that operates on private networks.

Education Department incentivizes colleges to punish, not find truth

By Ashe Schow | 11/06/14 05:52 PM

Schools are being incentivized to find students guilty, some lawyers say.

Energy-state Dems can't shed national brand, Obama

By Zack Colman | 11/06/14 05:00 AM

Republicans tied Democrats who lost Tuesday in energy-producing states to an unpopular Obama administration.

Big winner is --- Christie

By Rebecca Berg | 11/06/14 05:00 AM

On Tuesday, Christie's RGA rode a nationwide Republican wave to a better-than-expected outcome, expanding...

GOP scores guv wins in blue states

By Sean Lengell | 11/06/14 05:00 AM

Republicans have won at least 24 of 36 state governor's races up for grabs, with contests in Alaska and...

Davis campaign blames loss on Ebola

By Ashe Schow | 11/06/14 04:35 PM

Why did Wendy Davis lose? Ebola.

GOP needs to focus on jobs, economy for the next two years

By Ashe Schow | 11/06/14 09:59 AM

There's no excuse for not doing the job the American people have been asking for.

Obama: No deal on individual mandate

By Brian Hughes | 11/05/14 05:10 PM

"The individual mandate is a line I can't cross."

Environmental groups: 'We lost far too many races'

By Zack Colman | 11/05/14 04:50 PM

None of the environmental groups who boasted of their campaign spending saw a great return on investments.

Google, Europe and God

By Jimmy Soni | 11/06/14 05:00 AM

Only 17 percent of UK residents believe that Google has their best interests at heart.

Can Harry Reid survive in a red Nevada?

By Philip Klein | 11/05/14 04:54 PM

Two years from now, Reid could be out of a job as Senator altogether.

Everything Obama touched 'turned to crap'

By Brian Hughes | 11/05/14 09:57 AM

President Obama had a very rough night, with only two bright spots.

Obama won't wait on immigration

By Brian Hughes | 11/05/14 04:43 PM

"We're going to take whatever lawful actions I can," Obama pledged.

Teachers unions get schooled in 2014

By Sean Higgins | 11/06/14 02:39 PM

The American Federation of Teachers abruptly canceled a planned press call to discuss Tuesday's election...

Obama: I'll be spending 'a lot of time' with Republican leaders

By Susan Crabtree | 11/05/14 04:43 PM

The president said he would like to share a drink with newly minted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

What GOP energy agenda will look like

By Zack Colman | 11/05/14 05:00 AM

Speeding up construction of pipelines and the drilling of fossil fuels will be GOP priorities.