You're Being Manipulated by Reality Television (Music)

Friday, August 22, 2014


We all know that Americans watch a lot of TV. On the Media producer Laura Mayer reports on the role music plays in one of the medium’s most popular genres - reality television. As reality TV music scholar Jon Burlingame tells Laura: "The fact that so many people, millions and millions of people, watch this drivel makes it important to really understand. What brings us back?" 


Jon Burlingame, Aaron Kaplan and Richard Lawson

Produced by:

Laura Mayer

Comments [9]


Can someone PLEASE tell me what the snippet of music is that is being used from a minute from the end of this show? I know OTM have used it in several shows and was hoping it would come to me if I did a marathon - it has not and it's driving me crazy!

Sep. 02 2014 04:08 PM
Sonya Parker from Colorado Springs

I've known Aaron since he was six years old. So proud of him. BTW I never really pay attention to the music in reality tv but will pay attention to it now.

Aug. 31 2014 01:22 PM

The reporter says "While there are academic journals devoted to obscure things such as packaging technology and experiments in fluids...".

The word obscure is misleading here. These journals and their content are accessible and of great interest to a sizeable percentage of the population, and their focus is of critical interest to our understanding of the world and the advancement of industry. Such statements contribute to the mystification of science and downplay its importance in modern life.

Aug. 25 2014 10:25 PM
I. Dunn-Haddonuff from TV Land, U.S.A.

Manipulated by the music on "reality" TV? Gosh, really OTM??!! Whoda thunk it?!

This just in: Water is wet.

Aug. 25 2014 06:00 PM
Leesa from Mitchell SD

My husband watches America's Got Talent. I find the music in that TV show so manipulative that I can hardly stand to be in the same room with it. It's despicable, in my opinion. They cut and paste snippets of pop music specifically designed to control the viewer's emotions. It stinks.

Aug. 25 2014 11:47 AM
RG Narasimhan from Princeton, NJ

Hey Laura,

Wonderful piece on the use of music for emotional manipulation and drivel!! lol...I never watch reality tv shows but always fascinated to get a look at the man behind the curtain...I liked your use of the reality tv show music to make your own piece so well-done. First time noticing you and will keep an eye out for more from you.


Aug. 25 2014 09:29 AM
Peter Nelson from Chelmsford MA USA

I had no idea Americans watched so much TV. I've been a football fan since I was in the third grade (I'm 61) so I watch football on TV. Just football. When the Superbowl ends the TV goes off until the preseason games begin the next August. I don't watch TV news, sitcoms or dramas and I have no idea what "reality TV" is. Honestly, I've heard the term but I don't know what it means. Oxford defines it as "Television programs in which real people are continuously filmed, designed to be entertaining rather than informative." That seems to describe football.

I like film and all kinds of music, and I like to paint, I do both studio and wildlife photography, and I'm learning documentary film making. I have quite a few videos on YouTube. Background music is certainly important in making good videos on YouTube and Vimeo but a huge portion of people who post videos to those two outlets use copyrighted music that they have no rights to.

Aug. 24 2014 07:34 PM
Mike Patterson

Loved this piece! Great work as always!

Aug. 24 2014 10:42 AM
Kinjo Meiwaku

The Mad Men theme wasn't created by David Carbonara, it is called "A Beautiful Mine" and was created by RJD2 (2006).

Aug. 23 2014 11:13 AM

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