Behind The Curtain

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Friday, October 31, 2014

The corrosive influence of money in politics post Citizens United, and the dark task of online content moderation.

Elections After Citizens United

A look at the influence of money on elections following the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United ruling which unlocked unlimited political spending from outside interest groups.

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Rocky Mountain Heist

Bob talks with an unlikely star in Rocky Mountain Heist, Citizens United's latest "documentary."

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A Dreary Mythbuster

We often hear that mass shootings are not on the rise, despite our gut feelings to the contrary. But new research finds they are, in fact, happening more often.   

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Porn Monopoly

Brooke speaks to Slate writer David Auerbach, who explains how one company created a pornography monopoly.


The Unseen World of Content Moderation

Brooke speaks with WIRED contributor Adrien Chen about the unsung workers who keep horrible images out of your feed.

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The Other Ed Snowdens

Ed Snowden was not the only leaker to have defied the government’s secrecy programs. Ladar Levison and William Binney each paid the price for a moral stand against the U.S. government. 

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